The interior of the Cathedral of Parma

L'interno del Duomo di Parma e la magnificenza degli affreschi

The interior of the Parma Cathedral and the magnificence of Correggio's frescoes.
The magnificence of the interior of the Parma Cathedral (whose official name is the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta) leaves the visitor literally speechless.
The large central nave, whose vault is decorated with frescoes by Girolamo Bedoli-Mazzola, and above all the dome with the exceptional fresco of the Assumption of the Virgin by Correggio.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

There is also the official website of the Duomo:

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

The internal surface of the dome was entirely frescoed with the Assumption of the Virgin by Antonio Allegri, known as Correggio, between 1524 and 1530 approximately.
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The interior of the Cathedral of Parma and the magnificence of the frescoes – L’intérieur de la cathédrale de Parme et la magnificence des fresques – El interior de la Catedral de Parma y la magnificencia de los frescos – O interior da Catedral de Parma e a magnificência dos afrescos – Das Innere der Kathedrale von Parma und die Pracht der Fresken – Nội thất của Nhà thờ lớn Parma và vẻ tráng lệ của những bức bích họa – 帕尔马大教堂的内部和华丽的壁画 – パルマ大聖堂の内部とフレスコ画の素晴らしさ

The column-bearing lion guarding the entrance to Parma Cathedral

Il leone stiloforo a guardia dell'ingresso del Duomo di Parma

The stylophorus lion guarding the entrance to the Parma Cathedral.
The Parma Cathedral has its main entrance guarded by these two lions (stylophores).
I recently took several photos of this type of statue, almost always lions, at the entrance to historic (and less so) buildings.

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Il leone stiloforo a guardia dell'ingresso del Duomo di Parma

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

There is also the official website of the Duomo:

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

The stylophoros is an architectural term derived from Greek and meaning “style bearer”, that is, column bearer. It is used to indicate those sculptures of animals or fantastic monsters placed at the base of the supporting columns of the porches or even pulpits usually in Romanesque churches. Unlike the caryatid, a sculpture that replaces the entire column by acting as a support for the trabeation, the stylophoros constitutes only the base of the column.
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The column-bearing lion guarding the entrance to the Cathedral of Parma – Le lion à colonne qui garde l’entrée de la cathédrale de Parme – El león con columna que custodia la entrada a la Catedral de Parma – O leão com coluna guardando a entrada da Catedral de Parma – Der säulentragende Löwe bewacht den Eingang zur Kathedrale von Parma – Con sư tử gác cột canh giữ lối vào Nhà thờ lớn Parma – 守卫帕尔马大教堂入口的立柱狮子 – パルマ大聖堂の入り口を守る柱を持つライオン

The beautiful facade of the Parma Cathedral and its bell tower

La bella facciata del Duomo di Parma ed il suo campanile

The beautiful facade of the Cathedral of Parma and its bell tower.
The most important church of the ducal city of Parma.
It replaces the even older church destroyed by a fire around the year 1000.

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La bella facciata del Duomo di Parma ed il suo campanile

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

There is also the official website of the Duomo:

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

The facade of the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta overlooks Piazza Duomo, on the opposite side to the Bishop's Palace. It is gabled, with a wall facing in squared stone blocks. The lower part is smooth, without decorations; here the three portals open: the two smaller lateral ones, the larger central one, each of which is slightly splayed and is surmounted by a lunette closed with glass windows.
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The beautiful facade of the Cathedral of Parma and its bell tower – La belle façade de la cathédrale de Parme et son clocher – La hermosa fachada de la Catedral de Parma y su campanario – A bela fachada da Catedral de Parma e sua torre sineira – Die schöne Fassade der Kathedrale von Parma und ihr Glockenturm – Mặt tiền tuyệt đẹp của Nhà thờ Parma và tháp chuông của nó – 帕尔马大教堂的美丽立面及其钟楼 – パルマ大聖堂とその鐘楼の美しいファサード

The splendid dome and apse of the Parma Cathedral

La splendida cupola e l'abside del Duomo di Parma

The splendid dome and apse of the Parma Cathedral.
The splendid frescoes of the Parma Cathedral painted by Correggio that I visited some time ago now but had not yet had time to publish.

Do you know the Cathedral and Baptistery of Parma?
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La splendida cupola e l'abside del Duomo di Parma

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

The transept is covered by an octagonal dome, with a lantern only on the outside; in the drum, externally enlivened by a loggia with triple lancet windows, there are eight circular rose windows, one on each side, the result of the sixteenth-century expansion of the previous ones, of Romanesque origin.
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The splendid dome and apse of the Parma Cathedral – Le splendide dôme et l’abside de la cathédrale de Parme – La espléndida cúpula y el ábside de la Catedral de Parma – A esplêndida cúpula e abside da Catedral de Parma – Die prächtige Kuppel und Apsis der Kathedrale von Parma – Mái vòm và đỉnh lộng lẫy của Nhà thờ Parma – 帕尔马大教堂的壮丽圆顶和后殿 – パルマ大聖堂の見事なドームと後陣

The Baptistery and the Bell Tower of the Cathedral of Parma

Uno scorcio del Battistero e del campanile del Duomo di Parma

A glimpse of the Baptistery and the bell tower of the Cathedral of Parma.
A beautiful town Parma, a couple of hours from Sestri Levante. I was there last winter for a little trip to take some photos and above all to taste some local dishes.
This is a glimpse of the Piazza del Duomo with the Baptistery and the bell tower of the main church in the foreground.

Do you know the Cathedral and Baptistery of Parma? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Uno scorcio del Battistero e del campanile del Duomo di Parma

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

There is also the official website of the Duomo:

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

The Baptistery of Parma is a Catholic place of worship intended for the baptismal rite, located in Piazza Duomo, next to the cathedral, in Parma, in the province and diocese of Parma; it is considered the point of junction between Romanesque architecture and Gothic architecture.
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A glimpse of the Baptistery and the bell tower of the Parma Cathedral – Un aperçu du baptistère et du clocher de la cathédrale de Parme – Un vistazo al baptisterio y al campanario de la catedral de Parma – Um vislumbre do Batistério e da torre do sino da Catedral de Parma – Ein Blick auf das Baptisterium und den Glockenturm der Kathedrale von Parma – Nhìn thoáng qua Bí tích Rửa tội và tháp chuông của Nhà thờ Parma – 一瞥洗礼堂和帕尔马大教堂的钟楼 – パルマ大聖堂の洗礼堂と鐘楼を垣間見る