An excellent Angus fillet enjoyed on board the ex Costa Firenze. When I manage to eat at the steakhouse on board one of our ships I always order the fillet because it is the cut of meat that I love the most. Don't these photos make your mouth water?
And it's just one of the many culinary offerings of Costa Crociere (here to see some).
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An excellent Angus fillet enjoyed on board the former Costa Firenze – Un excellent filet d’Angus dégusté à bord de l’ancien Costa Firenze – Un excelente filete de Angus disfrutado a bordo del antiguo Costa Firenze – Um excelente filé Angus degustado a bordo do antigo Costa Firenze – Ein ausgezeichnetes Angusfilet, genossen an Bord der ehemaligen Costa Firenze – Món phi lê Angus hảo hạng được thưởng thức trên tàu Costa Firenze trước đây – 在前 Costa Firenze 船上享用美味的安格斯鱼片 – 旧コスタ フィレンツェ船上で味わう絶品アンガスフィレ
A nice grilled fillet cooked at home. Although in restaurants they almost always have the possibility of cooking at higher and optimal temperatures to brown the surface of the meat, even at home the result can be very good. This is a nice "filettazzo" very demanding and succulent. As you can see I took the photos after tasting it... it was too mouth-watering!
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A nice grilled fillet cooked at home – Un bon filet grillé cuisiné maison – Un rico filete a la plancha cocinado en casa – Um belo filete grelhado feito em casa – Ein schönes gegrilltes Filet, zu Hause zubereitet – Món phi lê nướng thơm ngon được chế biến tại nhà
Uruguayan grilled meat in Montevideo. Another beautiful photo of a nice piece of grilled meat enjoyed, some time ago, in Montevideo. At the famous Mercado del Puerto, a structure not far from where the cruise ships dock. It must have been five hundred grams of meat… my mouth is watering again just looking at the photo.
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The grill was used for the first time by the Achaeans in Ancient Greece, around the 9th century BC, but some finds were found in the kingdom of Egypt. From the Achaeans onwards, the grill found a rapid expansion and development, transforming itself to make cooking food faster and more effective. Its first appearance in Italy is documented around the 10th century at Arminum (today's Rimini). Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Uruguayan Grilled Meat in Montevideo – Viande uruguayenne grillée à Montevideo – Carne uruguaya a la parrilla en Montevideo – Carne uruguaia grelhada em Montevideu – Gegrilltes uruguayisches Fleisch in Montevideo – Thịt nướng Uruguay ở Montevideo
Mercado del Puerto a Montevideo. Tappa obbligata quando con la nave sei nella capitale uruguaiana e’ questo mercato coperto. A dire la verita’ ormai non e’ piu’ un vero mercato ma si e’ trasformato in un luogo pieno di ristoranti dove fanno la carne asada (alla griglia o parilla). A me, che piace tantissimo la carne, sembra di entrare in paradiso… Questa era la seconda volta che ci sono andato in vita mia. I prezzi sono giusti e la qualita’ molto alta! E si trova proprio a duecento metri dal porto, cosa volere di piu’?
Grilled Uruguayan fillet steak in Montevideo. A few weeks ago, I was on the Costa Fascinosa with cruises that left from Brazil and, every now and then, arrived in Montevideo, Uruguay. In the capital, really close to the port, there is the Mercado: a former covered market that today hosts about ten grilled meat restaurants. This is very close to what I consider paradise! I had already been there a few years ago and I couldn't miss it. As you can see from the photo, this was my lunch: a nice grilled fillet steak with chips. In the next few days, and months, I will post more photos of other dishes ordered by my colleagues; all absolutely delicious and reasonably priced!
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Grilled Uruguayan Filet in Montevideo – Filet uruguayen grillé à Montevideo – Filete uruguayo a la parrilla en Montevideo – Filete Uruguaio Grelhado em Montevideu – Gegrilltes uruguayisches Filet in Montevideo – Phi lê Uruguay nướng ở Montevideo
Filetto e patatine. Un bel filetto e patatine. Uno dei miei piatti di carne preferiti. Cotto alla griglia (alla brace sarebbe il massimo) e well done, ben cotto, come piace a me.