A beautiful cottage in Flam, Norway

Una bella villetta a Flam, in Norvegia

A beautiful little house in Flam, Norway.
When I'm in port with the ship and unfortunately, for one reason or another, I have to stay on board, I love using the telephoto lens to immortalize what you see from the higher decks.
They are often unusual perspectives.
This, for example, was a beautiful little house with a few rows of fruit trees in front.

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Una bella villetta a Flam, in Norvegia

Una bella villetta a Flam, in Norvegia

Una bella villetta a Flam, in Norvegia

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of little Flam click here:

Here's where the villa is located more or less:

Flåm is a Norwegian village of about 500 inhabitants, at the end of the Aurlandsfjord, a branch of the Sognefjord. The village is located in the municipality of Aurland, in the county of Vestland, Norway. It is touched by the European route E16. The valley of Flåm was formed by the thick layer of ice that remained in this area for millions of years: the erosion of the glacier made the land sink, creating the deep and wide valleys that attract a large number of tourists every year.
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A beautiful cottage in Flam, Norway – Une belle maison à Flam, Norvège – Una hermosa casa en Flam, Noruega – Uma bela casa em Flam, Noruega – Ein wunderschönes Haus in Flam, Norwegen – Một ngôi nhà đẹp ở Flam, Na Uy

The wooden bridge of Flam in Norway

Il ponte in legno di Flam in Norvegia

The Flam Wooden Bridge in Norway.
Nestled in the majestic mountains of Norway, the picturesque village of Flam is famous not only for its breathtaking scenery but also for its charming wooden bridge. This bridge, which spans the Flam River, has become a local icon, a symbol of the connection between man and nature.
The Flam Wooden Bridge, with its elegant and rustic architecture, blends in perfectly with its surroundings. Its solid wooden beams rise towards the sky, while the interwoven railings create an artistic effect that captures the attention of anyone who passes over it. The choice of wood as the main material is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also a tribute to the Norwegian building tradition, which has made wise use of natural resources for centuries.
In addition to its visual beauty, the Flam Bridge plays a fundamental role in the life of the local community. By connecting the two banks of the river, it facilitates the daily transit of residents and visitors, creating a tangible connection between people and the surrounding nature. The feeling of walking on this bridge is a unique experience, allowing visitors to fully immerse themselves in the natural beauty of Norway.
During the warmer seasons, the bridge becomes a meeting point for locals and tourists, offering a scenic space to admire the surrounding landscape. During the winter, however, the bridge takes on a different charm, with snow gently settling on the wooden beams, creating an enchanting picture.
The construction of the Flam wooden bridge is also an example of ecological engineering, with the aim of minimising the impact on the surrounding environment. The architects have cleverly integrated the bridge into the natural topography, avoiding disturbances and preserving the beauty of the place.

In conclusion, the Flam wooden bridge is much more than a simple crossing structure. It is a symbol of connection, union and respect for the environment. Crossing this bridge, you can experience a moment of quiet and contemplation, surrounded by the pristine beauty of Norway and the warmth of a community that values ​​its history and its natural environment.

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Il ponte in legno di Flam in Norvegia

Il ponte in legno di Flam in Norvegia

Il ponte in legno di Flam in Norvegia

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of little Flam click here:

Here's where the bridge is located:

Flåm is a Norwegian village of about 500 inhabitants, at the end of the Aurlandsfjord, a branch of the Sognefjord. The village is located in the municipality of Aurland, in the county of Vestland, Norway. It is touched by the European route E16. The valley of Flåm was formed by the thick layer of ice that remained in this area for millions of years: the erosion of the glacier made the land sink, creating the deep and wide valleys that attract a large number of tourists every year.
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The Flam wooden bridge in Norway – Le pont en bois de Flam en Norvège – El puente de madera de Flam en Noruega – A ponte de madeira Flam na Noruega – Die Flam-Holzbrücke in Norwegen – Cây cầu gỗ Flam ở Na Uy – 挪威弗洛姆木桥 – ノルウェーのフロムの木の橋

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Il fumaiolo giallo della Firenze a Flam in Norvegia

La cimiera gialla della Costa Firenze a Flam in Norvegia

Il fumaiolo giallo della Firenze a Flam in Norvegia.
Una ciminira inconfondibile: la C blu sul giallo di Costa Crociere. Lo scorso anno mi trovavo a lavorare sulla Costa Firenze e, dopo tanti anni, sono stato nel Nord Europa.
Qui la nave si trovava nel piccolo porto di Flam situato al termine di uno dei fiordi più belli della regione.
Due passi fuori ed immancabile la foto della ciminiera!

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La cimiera gialla della Costa Firenze a Flam in Norvegia

La cimiera gialla della Costa Firenze a Flam in Norvegia

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of little Flam click here:

Here is where the small village is located:

Flåm is a Norwegian village of about 500 inhabitants, at the end of the Aurlandsfjord, a branch of the Sognefjord. The village is located in the municipality of Aurland, in the county of Vestland, Norway. It is touched by the European route E16. The valley of Flåm was formed by the thick layer of ice that remained in this area for millions of years: the erosion of the glacier made the land sink, creating the deep and wide valleys that attract a large number of tourists every year.
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The yellow funnel of the Costa Firenze ship in Flam, Norway – La cheminée jaune du navire Costa Firenze à Flam, Norvège – La chimenea amarilla del barco Costa Firenze en Flam, Noruega – A chaminé amarela do navio Costa Firenze em Flam, Noruega – Der gelbe Schornstein des Schiffes Costa Firenze in Flam, Norwegen – Ống khói màu vàng của tàu Costa Firenze ở Flam, Na Uy

Costa Firenze docked in Flam, Norway

La Costa Firenze ormeggiata a Flam in Norvegia

The Costa Firenze docked in Flam in Norway.
Last summer I was, after several years, in Northern Europe embarked on the Costa Firenze.
When we were in the town of Flam with the ship I got off to take a walk and a couple of photos of the famous "yellow chimney"!

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La Costa Firenze ormeggiata a Flam in Norvegia

La Costa Firenze ormeggiata a Flam in Norvegia

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of little Flam click here:

Here is where the small village is located:

Flåm is a Norwegian village of about 500 inhabitants, at the end of the Aurlandsfjord, a branch of the Sognefjord. The village is located in the municipality of Aurland, in the county of Vestland, Norway. It is touched by the European route E16. The valley of Flåm was formed by the thick layer of ice that remained in this area for millions of years: the erosion of the glacier made the land sink, creating the deep and wide valleys that attract a large number of tourists every year.
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The cruise ship Costa Firenze moored at Flam in Norway – Le bateau de croisière Costa Firenze amarré à Flam en Norvège – El crucero Costa Firenze atracó en Flam en Noruega – O navio de cruzeiro Costa Firenze atracou em Flam, na Noruega – Das Kreuzfahrtschiff Costa Firenze machte in Flam in Norwegen fest – Tàu du lịch Costa Firenze neo đậu tại Flam ở Na Uy – 停泊在挪威弗洛姆的“歌诗达佛罗伦萨”号游轮 – ノルウェーのフロム港に停泊するクルーズ船コスタ・フィレンツェ

Il globo in pietra nel porto di Flam in Norvegia

Il globo in pietra nel porto di Flam in Norvegia

Il globo in pietra nel porto di Flam in Norvegia.
Uno dei simboli di questo piccolo borgo di pescatori, sicuramente un simbolo moderno, è questo globo in pietra nera che, grazie ad un meccanismo e all’acqua, ruota continuamente.
E’ nella piazza principale della piccola cittadina norvegese.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of little Flam click here:

Here is where the small village is located:

Flåm is a Norwegian village of about 500 inhabitants, at the end of the Aurlandsfjord, a branch of the Sognefjord. The village is located in the municipality of Aurland, in the county of Vestland, Norway. It is touched by the European route E16. The valley of Flåm was formed by the thick layer of ice that remained in this area for millions of years: the erosion of the glacier made the land sink, creating the deep and wide valleys that attract a large number of tourists every year.
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The stone globe in the port of Flam in Norway – Le globe de pierre dans le port de Flam en Norvège – El globo de piedra en el puerto de Flam en Noruega – O globo de pedra no porto de Flam, na Noruega – Die Steinkugel im Hafen von Flam in Norwegen – Quả cầu đá ở cảng Flam ở Na Uy – 挪威弗洛姆港的石球 – ノルウェーのフロム港にある石の地球儀

Red houses in Flam bay in Norway

Casette rosse nella baia di Flam in Norvegia

Red houses in Flam Bay in Norway.
One of the small villages that you often come across on a cruise in Norway is Flam, which is at the end of the fjord called Aurlandsfjord.
There is not much to see, here nature is the master.
These four houses, perhaps once belonging to local fishermen, frame the very touristy port that welcomes the gigantic cruise ships.

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Casette rosse nella baia di Flam in Norvegia

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of little Flam click here:

Here is where the small village is located:

Flåm is a Norwegian village of about 500 inhabitants, at the end of the Aurlandsfjord, a branch of the Sognefjord. The village is located in the municipality of Aurland, in the county of Vestland, Norway. It is touched by the European route E16. The valley of Flåm was formed by the thick layer of ice that remained in this area for millions of years: the erosion of the glacier made the land sink, creating the deep and wide valleys that attract a large number of tourists every year.
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Red houses in Flam Bay in Norway – Maisons rouges à Flam Bay en Norvège – Casas rojas en Flam Bay en Noruega – Casas vermelhas em Flam Bay, na Noruega – Rote Häuser in Flam Bay in Norwegen – Những ngôi nhà màu đỏ ở Vịnh Flam ở Na Uy – 挪威弗洛姆湾的红房子 – ノルウェーのフロム湾の赤い家々

La stazione dei treni di Flam in Norvegia

Stazione dei treni di Flam

La stazione dei treni di Flam in Norvegia.
Uno dei punti più famosi di Flam è la sua antica stazione dei treni da cui partono molte escursioni.

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Stazione dei treni di Flam

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Flåm è un villaggio norvegese di circa 500 abitanti, nella parte finale dell’Aurlandsfjord, una diramazione del Sognefjord. Il villaggio è collocato nel comune di Aurland, nella contea di Vestland, in Norvegia. È toccato dalla strada europea E16. Il toponimo Flåm compare nel 1340 come Flaam. Esso deriva dal dativo plurale della parola flá che significa “piana, ampio pezzo di terra”, e si riferisce alle pianure alluvionali create dal fiume Flåm.
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The train station in Flam in Norway – Gare de Flam en Norvège – Estación de tren de Flam en Noruega – Estação de comboios Flam na Noruega – Bahnhof Flam in Norwegen – Nhà ga xe lửa Flam ở Na Uy