The central via Galata in Genoa

La centrale via Galata a Genova

The central Via Galata in Genoa.
This road crosses almost the entire modern center of Genoa. It goes from Via XX Settembre to Piazza Brignole and is interrupted only by the Fontana del Genio Marino in Piazza Colombo.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Where is the street located:

Galata (or Galatae or Pera) is the historical core of Beyoğlu, a district of Istanbul, and is located in the northern part of the Golden Horn, the inlet that separates it from the historic city center. There are various theories on the origin of the name "Galata": it could be a contamination of the Italian term calata, archaism for scalo (arch. scala), or derive from gala, milk in Greek; the most probable derivation is however from the Celtic tribe of the Galatians who are believed to have settled in that place in the Hellenistic period: more precisely, a prince of Galatia would have settled there.
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The central via Galata in Genoa – La Via Galata centrale à Gênes – La céntrica Via Galata en Génova – A Via Gálata central em Génova – Die zentrale Via Galata in Genua – Trung tâm Via Galata ở Genoa

The Fountain of the Marine Genius in Piazza Colombo

La fontana del Genio Marino in piazza Colombo a Genova

The fountain of the Marine Genius in Piazza Colombo in Genoa.
In the very central Piazza Colombo there is this beautiful fountain (which was previously in front of the Royal Palace) restored quite recently.
The photo was taken coming from Via XX Settembre along Via Galata.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here's where the fountain is located:

The fountain was moved from Ponte Reale to Piazza Colombo in 1861 to embellish the new nineteenth-century square commissioned by the architect Resasco. Not only beauty but also utility since the barchile served as a watering place for horses and mules coming from the countryside that passed through loaded with vegetables towards the eastern market.
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The fountain of the Marine Engineer in the square dedicated to Columbus in Genoa – La fontaine de l’Ingénieur de la Marine sur la place dédiée à Colomb à Gênes – La fuente del Ingeniero Marino en la plaza dedicada a Colón en Génova – Der Brunnen des Marineingenieurs auf dem Kolumbus gewidmeten Platz in Genua – Đài phun nước của Kỹ sư Hàng hải tại quảng trường dành riêng cho Columbus ở Genoa