Recco IGP cheese focaccia from Da Lino. One of the excellences of Liguria and specifically of the Riviera di Levante is certainly the cheese focaccia. You can taste it throughout the Riviera but the best (and the IGP one) is only in Recco. Some time ago I went to taste the one from the Da Lino restaurant which was obviously excellent!
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It is said that thanks to the availability of oil, cheese and flour, by cooking the cheese-filled pasta on a covered slate stone, the gastronomic product that we know today as “Focaccia di Recco col Formaggio” was “invented”. Continue and learn more on
Recco PGI cheese focaccia Da Lino – Focaccia au fromage Recco IGP de Da Lino – Focaccia con queso Recco IGP de Da Lino – Focaccia com queijo Recco IGP de Da Lino – Focaccia mit Recco g.g.A.-Käse von Da Lino – Focaccia với phô mai Recco PGI của Da Lino
Cheese focaccia from the Due Forni pizzeria in Sestri Levante. As I have already written to you other times, although the real cheese focaccia is the one from Recco, you can find excellent ones throughout the province of Genoa di Levante. This one, for example, is the one from the pizzeria I Due Forni in my Sestri Levante. As you can imagine from the photos, it was truly excellent!
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It is said that thanks to the availability of oil, cheese and flour, by cooking the cheese-filled pasta on a covered slate stone, the gastronomic product that we know today as “Focaccia di Recco col Formaggio” was “invented”. Continue and learn more on
Cheese focaccia from Due Forni pizza restaurant in Sestri Levante – La focaccia au fromage de la pizzeria Due Forni à Sestri Levante – La focaccia de queso de la pizzería Due Forni en Sestri Levante – A focaccia de queijo da pizzaria Due Forni em Sestri Levante – Die Käse-Focaccia aus der Pizzaria Due Forni in Sestri Levante – Phô mai focaccia từ quán pizza Due Forni ở Sestri Levante
A beautiful plate with lots of fresh burrata. Burrata is a fresh Italian cheese that embodies the richness and creaminess of our country's dairy tradition. Originally from the Puglia region, burrata has become a symbol of gastronomic excellence, appreciated throughout the world for its unique texture and delicate flavor. Burrata was created in the early 20th century in the province of Apulia. This cheese was born as a way to use mozzarella scraps and cream, combining them into a new and delicious product. The name "burrata" comes from the Italian word "burro", which means butter, indicating its rich and buttery texture. Burrata looks like a sphere of mozzarella with a creamy center. The outside is made of fresh mozzarella, while the inside is composed of stracciatella and cream. This contrast between the solid shell and the soft, creamy filling makes burrata a unique sensory experience. The process of making burrata begins with the preparation of the mozzarella. Once the mozzarella is obtained, a bag is formed which is then filled with stracciatella (mozzarella filaments) and fresh cream. The bag is closed and sealed, creating the characteristic ball shape. Burrata is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in many ways. Here are some ideas to best appreciate this cheese: Natural: burrata can be served simply with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper. Served with crusty bread, it makes a perfect appetizer. Salads: Add burrata to a salad of fresh tomatoes, basil and a little balsamic vinegar for a refreshing summer dish. Pizza and Pasta: Burrata can be used as a pizza topping or added to pasta dishes for an extra touch of creaminess. Fruit and Vegetables: Try it with fruit such as figs or peaches, or with grilled vegetables for a contrast of sweet and savory flavors. Storage Burrata is a fresh cheese and should be consumed within a few days of purchase to best appreciate its freshness and creaminess. It is important to store it in the refrigerator and take it out about 30 minutes before serving, so that it reaches room temperature and releases all its flavor.
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Burrata is a fresh, stretched-curd cheese made from cow's milk, typical of the Murge area in Puglia. It is shaped like a rounded bag with a characteristic apical closure and an external appearance similar to mozzarella. The inside, similar to manteca, is soft and stringy. Burrata is the result of the Apulian dairy art, in particular that of Andria. It is said that the burrata of Andria was invented in an old farmhouse in the first decades of the 20th century by the brothers Vincenzo and Lorenzo Bianchino. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
A nice dish with lots of fresh burrata – Un bon plat avec beaucoup de burrata fraîche – Un buen plato con mucha burrata fresca. – Um belo prato com muita burrata fresca – Ein schönes Gericht mit viel frischem Burrata – Một món ăn ngon với nhiều burrata tươi
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A succulent Casatiello cooked on board. Casatiello is a typical dish of the Italian culinary tradition, particularly of the Campania region. It is a bread enriched with cheese, cured meats and eggs, often prepared during the Easter holidays. Some time ago, the Chef on board had a couple prepared for some special occasions. The main ingredients of casatiello include flour, yeast, cheese (typically pecorino or parmesan), cured meats such as salami or bacon, and eggs. The preparation involves the creation of a dough for the bread which is then enriched with grated cheese and cubes of cured meats. The dough is wrapped around whole eggs, symbolizing rebirth and spring, and is then baked in the oven. Casatiello can have different shapes and sizes depending on local traditions. In some cases, it is prepared as a sort of braid around the eggs, while in other regions it can take a more round shape. The outer crust is usually golden and crunchy, while the inside is soft thanks to the presence of cheese and eggs. This dish is very popular during the Easter holidays, when traditional Italian cuisine is often characterized by symbolic dishes rich in religious meaning. Casatiello is often shared between family and friends during Easter celebrations, helping to create a festive and convivial atmosphere.
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Casatiello, unlike similar products such as tòrtano, is typical of Easter, from which it borrows its symbolism: the strips of bread arranged to enclose the eggs half-submerged in the dough represent the cross on which Jesus died while the ring-shaped appearance is a reference to the cyclical nature of the Easter resurrection. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
A succulent Casatiello of Neapolitan tradition cooked on board – Un suculento Casatiello de tradición napolitana cocinado a bordo – Um suculento Casatiello de tradição napolitana cozinhado a bordo – Ein saftiges Casatiello nach neapolitanischer Tradition, an Bord zubereitet – Món Casatiello mọng nước theo truyền thống của người Neapolitan được nấu trên tàu – 船上烹制的那不勒斯传统多汁卡萨蒂罗 – 船上で調理されるナポリ伝統のジューシーなカサティエッロ
The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.
Tortellini with parmesan cream from 051 Osteria Quadrilatero in Bologna. A few weeks ago I posted a photo of the excellent tortellini in broth I tasted in Bologna (too long ago now). These are the same ones, but topped with a splendid parmesan cream. Truly a delight!
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The first traces of tortellino date back to a parchment from 1112, as well as to a papal bull from 1169. Tortellini in broth are often served on the Christmas menu. The Bolognese historian Alessandro Cervellati reports that this tradition in Bologna dates back to the 12th century. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Tortellini with Parmesan cream from 051 Osteria Quadrilatero in Bologna – Tortellini à la crème de parmesan du 051 Osteria Quadrilatero à Bologne – Tortellini con crema de parmesano de 051 Osteria Quadrilatero en Bolonia – Tortellini com creme de parmesão de 051 Osteria Quadrilatero em Bolonha – Tortellini mit Parmesancreme von 051 Osteria Quadrilatero in Bologna – Tortellini với kem Parmesan từ 051 Osteria Quadrilatero ở Bologna – 来自博洛尼亚 051 Osteria Quadrilatero 的帕尔马奶油意大利饺子 – ボローニャの051オステリアクアドリラテロのパルメザンクリームを添えたトルテリーニ
The real Focaccia al Formaggio dop from Recco. In Liguria, at least the one in the Levante area, in almost every pizzeria or bakery you can find and taste focaccia with cheese. The one from Recco, however, is something else entirely (no offence to anyone) and has a completely different flavour! In fact, I had tasted this one in Recco at the Pizzeria del Ponte which is part of the Consorzio Focaccia di Recco.
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And here is also the video of how to prepare the real cheese focaccia in Recco in the same pizzeria:
It is said that thanks to the availability of oil, cheese and flour, by cooking the cheese-filled pasta on a covered slate stone, the gastronomic product that we know today as “Focaccia di Recco col Formaggio” was “invented”. Continue and learn more on
The real Focaccia with DOP cheese from Recco – La vraie Focaccia au fromage DOP de Recco – La auténtica focaccia con queso DOP de Recco – A verdadeira Focaccia com queijo DOP da Recco – Die echte Focaccia mit DOP-Käse von Recco – Focaccia đích thực với phô mai DOP từ Recco – 来自 Recco 的正宗佛卡夏 DOP 奶酪 – ReccoのDOPチーズを使用した本格フォカッチャ
La focaccia al formaggio a Recco. Uno dei piatti liguri più famosi in Italia e nel mondo è sicuramente la focaccia al formaggio (persino sulla nave si prepara per occasioni speciali). Anche se in quasi tutta la Riviera di Levante ed il golfo del Tigullio la potete trovare e gustare, quella originale è preparata nella cittadina di Recco. Quella da disciplinare D.O.P. del consorzio la si trova poi solo in alcuni panifici e pizzerie. Questa, infatti, l’avevo gustata a Recco nella Pizzeria del Ponte che fa parte del Consorzio Focaccia di Recco.
And here is also the video of how to prepare the real cheese focaccia in Recco in the same pizzeria:
It is said that thanks to the availability of oil, cheese and flour, by cooking the cheese-filled pasta on a covered slate stone, the gastronomic product that we know today as “Focaccia di Recco col Formaggio” was “invented”. Continue and learn more on
Focaccia al formaggio fatta in casa. Tante piatti che si possono gustare nei ristoranti forse sono più buoni fatti a casa. Si è sicuri della bontà dei prodotti che si usano, il processo di produzione è seguito passo a passo. Ma poi alla fine, per quanto il risultato sia eccellente non si riesce a raggiungere il livello desiderato. Questo è il caso della focaccia al formaggio che facciamo a casa nostra: buonissima, lo dico subito, ma non come quella della pizzeria. Comunque me la sogno quando sono in nave!
E voi la preparate mai a casa? Lascia un commento cliccando here.
It is a DOP and there is even a consortium that defends its name: The one in the photo, very good for me (even if I don't think it is DOP) is the one from the pizzeria in Sestri Levante.
Una fettina di ottima focaccia al formaggio. La focaccia con il formaggio è uno dei classici cibi liguri che mi piacciono di più quando sono a casa. Se è preparata e cucinata bene è veramente impareggiabile. Sfoglia sottile e stracchino locale. Dalle nostre parti, nella Liguria di Levante, quasi in tutte le pizzerie e panifici la preparano ma, come forse tutti già saprete, quella originale è quella di Recco.
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It is a DOP and there is even a consortium that defends its name: The one in the photo, very good for me (even if I don't think it is DOP) is the one from the pizzeria in Sestri Levante.
Focaccia with cheese (sometimes but improperly focaccia al formaggio), in Genoese a fugassa cö formaggio, is a type of stuffed focaccia typical of Liguria and Oltregiogo. Focaccia with cheese exists in numerous versions, with surface fillings that include either just cheese (of various types, sometimes mixed together), or other ingredients (cheese and cooked ham, cheese and würstel, speck and fontina, etc.). The ingredients include flour, extra virgin olive oil, and obviously the chosen cheese, which is placed on top of the dough before putting it in the oven. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
A slice of excellent focaccia with Ligurian cheese – Une tranche d’excellente focaccia au fromage ligure – Un trozo de excelente focaccia con queso de Liguria – Uma fatia de excelente focaccia com queijo da Ligúria – Ein Stück ausgezeichnete Focaccia mit ligurischem Käse – Một lát focaccia hảo hạng với phô mai Ligurian – 一片优质佛卡夏配利古里亚奶酪 – リグーリア産チーズを添えた絶品フォカッチャのスライス
Chorizo e formaggio a Montevideo. Uno dei cibi piu’ gustosi della cucina spagnola e sudamericana e’ sicuramente questo. Molto simile alla nostra salsiccia ma forse un poco piu’ gustosa in questo piatto mangiato al Mercado di Montevideo accompagnato da del formaggio cotto anch’esso sulla brace.