Glimpses of Fort São Tiago in Funchal

Scorci del Forte São Tiago a Funchal nell'isola di Madera

Glimpses of the São Tiago Fort in Funchal on the island of Madeira.
Some time ago, I took these photos while visiting the famous yellow fort that dominates the bay in which the city of Funchal is located.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos of Funchal click here:
foto gallery

Where is the fort located:

The archipelago is made up of two major islands, Madeira and Porto Santo, three smaller uninhabited islands, known as the Desertas, and two smaller islands, also uninhabited, called the Savage Islands. The largest island is Madeira. The archipelago, together with Cape Verde, the Azores and the Canaries, forms Macaronesia; the Azores and Madeira are part of Portugal, the Canaries are part of Spain and Cape Verde, once Portuguese, is now an independent republic.
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The Fort of São Tiago in Funchal on the island of Madeira – Le Fort de São Tiago à Funchal sur l’île de Madère – El Fuerte de São Tiago en Funchal en la isla de Madeira – O Forte de São Tiago no Funchal, na ilha da Madeira – O Forte de São Tiago no Funchal, na ilha da Madeira – Pháo đài São Tiago ở Funchal trên đảo Madeira – 马德拉岛丰沙尔的圣蒂亚戈堡 – マデイラ島フンシャルのサンティアゴ要塞

The former Costa Firenze in port in Funchal

La ex Costa Firenze in porto a Funchal

The former Costa Firenze in port in Funchal.
When I was working on the former Costa Firenze last year I took lots of photos of the ship from the various ports I went out to.
For a sailor, especially a Costa Crociere one like me, the yellow funnel is a point of reference when you go out for a walk.
I took these photos from the Fort of St. James (Fortaleza de São Tiago) in Funchal on the Portuguese island of Madeira.

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La ex Costa Firenze in porto a Funchal

La ex Costa Firenze in porto a Funchal

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here is the spot where I took this photo:

The former Costa Firenze in port in Funchal – L’ancien Costa Firenze au port de Funchal – La antigua Costa Firenze en el puerto de Funchal – O antigo Costa Firenze no porto do Funchal – Die ehemalige Costa Firenze im Hafen von Funchal – Costa Firenze trước đây ở cảng ở Funchal – 前科斯塔佛罗伦萨号停泊在丰沙尔港口 – フンシャルの港にある旧コスタ フィレンツェ

The Fort of São Thiago in Funchal on the island of Madeira

Il Forte di São Tiago a Funchal nell'isola di Madeira

The Fort of São Thiago in Funchal on the island of Madeira
Photographing from the ship docked in the port of Funchal I captured the beautiful yellow fort that “closes” the city.

Have you ever been to the island of Madeira? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il Forte di São Tiago a Funchal nell'isola di Madeira

Il Forte di São Tiago a Funchal nell'isola di Madeira

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of Funchal click here:
foto gallery

Where is the fort located:

The archipelago is made up of two major islands, Madeira and Porto Santo, three smaller uninhabited islands, known as the Desertas, and two smaller islands, also uninhabited, called the Savage Islands. The largest island is Madeira. The archipelago, together with Cape Verde, the Azores and the Canaries, forms Macaronesia; the Azores and Madeira are part of Portugal, the Canaries are part of Spain and Cape Verde, once Portuguese, is now an independent republic.
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The Fort of São Tiago in Funchal on the island of Madeira – Le Fort de São Tiago à Funchal sur l’île de Madère – El Fuerte de São Tiago en Funchal en la isla de Madeira – O Forte de São Tiago no Funchal, na ilha da Madeira – O Forte de São Tiago no Funchal, na ilha da Madeira – Pháo đài São Tiago ở Funchal trên đảo Madeira – 马德拉岛丰沙尔的圣蒂亚戈堡 – マデイラ島フンシャルのサンティアゴ要塞

Il fascino del massiccio Castello di Rapallo

Il fascino del massiccio Castello di Rapallo

Il fascino del massiccio Castello di Rapallo.
Tutte le volte che faccio una visita a Rapallo non posso esimermi dallo scattare un paio di foto al castello che domina tutta la passeggiata della città rivierasca.
E tutte le volte mi viene in mente quando in estate, per le feste patronali, viene “bruciato” il castello!

Do you know the beautiful city of Rapallo? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il fascino del massiccio Castello di Rapallo

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

The castle on the sea is a defensive position in Rapallo, in the metropolitan city of Genoa, built to defend the body of water near the Vittorio Veneto seafront. It is also called a medieval castle with an incorrect definition since the construction dates back only to the second half of the 16th century.
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The castle of Rapallo, in Liguria – Le château de Rapallo, en Ligurie – El castillo de Rapallo, en Liguria – O castelo de Rapallo, na Ligúria – Das Schloss von Rapallo, in Ligurien – Lâu đài Rapallo, ở Liguria – 拉帕洛城堡,在利古里亚 – リグーリア州のラパッロ城

The main entrance of the Castle of Brescia

L'ingresso principale del Castello di Brescia detto il Falcone d'Italia

The main entrance to the Castle of Brescia known as the Falcon of Italy.
If you are lucky enough to visit the beautiful city of Brescia, you cannot miss a short visit to the castle that dominates it.
This is the entrance to the first walls within which the actual fortification develops.

Have you ever visited Brescia? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

L'ingresso principale del Castello di Brescia detto il Falcone d'Italia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took at Brescia Castle click here:

The castle of Brescia (known as the Falcon of Italy) is a fortress built in the medieval era and perched on the Cidneo hill, close to the historic centre of the city of Brescia.
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The main entrance of the Brescia Castle known as the Falcon of Italy – L’entrée principale du château de Brescia connu sous le nom de Faucon d’Italie – La entrada principal del Castillo de Brescia conocida como el Halcón de Italia – A entrada principal do Castelo de Brescia conhecido como Falcão da Itália – Der Haupteingang des Brescia-Schloss, bekannt als der Falke von Italien – Lối vào chính của Lâu đài Brescia được mệnh danh là Chim ưng của Ý – 布雷西亚城堡的主入口被称为“Falcone d’Italia” – イタリアの鷹として知られるブレシア城の正面玄関

The Colleoni Chapel in the Cathedral Square in Bergamo Alta

La Cappella Colleoni in piazza Duomo a Bergamo Alta

The Colleoni Chapel in Piazza Duomo in Bergamo Alta.
For the first time in my life I visited the upper part of the city of Bergamo.
Honestly, even though it was almost evening, I was amazed by the beauty of the village; I say village because the upper part, perched on a hill and surrounded by walls, seems more like a village than a city.
This is one of the main squares of the city: Piazza del Duomo.

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La Cappella Colleoni in piazza Duomo a Bergamo Alta

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

If you want to see some more photos of the square click here:
foto gallery

The Colleoni Chapel is a Renaissance church built by order of Bartolomeo Colleoni as his mausoleum, designed by Giovanni Antonio Amadeo and dedicated to Saint John the Baptist. It is located in the Piazza del Duomo in Bergamo Alta, adjacent to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.
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The Colleoni Chapel in the cathedral square in Bergamo Alta – La chapelle Colleoni sur la place de la cathédrale de Bergame Alta – La Capilla Colleoni en la plaza de la catedral de Bérgamo Alta – A Capela Colleoni na praça da catedral em Bergamo Alta – Die Colleoni-Kapelle auf dem Domplatz in Bergamo Alta – Nhà nguyện Colleoni ở quảng trường nhà thờ lớn ở Bergamo Alta – 贝加莫阿尔塔大教堂广场的科莱奥尼礼拜堂 – ベルガモ アルタの大聖堂広場にあるコレオーニ礼拝堂

The drawbridge at the entrance to Brescia Castle

Il ponte levatoio all'ingresso del Castello di Brescia

The drawbridge at the entrance to the Castle of Brescia.
One of the most famous monuments of the city of Brescia is the mighty castle that dominates and defends it.
This is the main entrance with the ancient wooden drawbridge.

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Il ponte levatoio all'ingresso del Castello di Brescia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took at Brescia Castle click here:

The castle of Brescia (known as the Falcon of Italy) is a fortress built in the medieval era and perched on the Cidneo hill, close to the historic centre of the city of Brescia.
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The drawbridge at the entrance to the Castle of Brescia – Le pont-levis à l’entrée du Château de Brescia – El puente levadizo a la entrada del Castillo de Brescia – A ponte levadiça na entrada do Castelo de Brescia – Die Zugbrücke am Eingang zum Schloss von Brescia – Cây cầu rút ở lối vào Lâu đài Brescia – 布雷西亚城堡入口处的吊桥 – ブレシア城の入り口にある跳ね橋

Barrakka Gardens a La Valletta

Barrakka Gardens a La Valletta

Barrakka Gardens a La Valletta.
Una vista della citta’ della Valletta, capitale di Malta, dalla nave ormeggiata. Nelle due foto si vedono bene i cannoni di saluto della terrazza dei giardini.
Non sono ancora mai riuscito a farmi un giro in questa bella citta’ piena di storia e cultura.

Barrakka Gardens a La Valletta

Barrakka Gardens a La Valletta

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

La Valletta (in maltese Il-Belt Valletta, in inglese Valletta) è una città di 6.444 abitanti dello stato insulare di Malta, nonché sua capitale.
Fu fondata nel 1566 dai Cavalieri Ospitalieri, che le diedero il nome del loro gran maestro Jean de la Valette: precisamente essa venne chiamata, in latino, Humilissima Civitas Valettae (“L’umilissima città di Valletta”) e si fregia tutt’oggi del titolo Città Umilissima. In maltese è colloquialmente detta Il-Belt e La città.
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