A nice plate of fusilli with Genovese sauce

Un bel piatto di fusilli con il sugo alla genovese

A nice plate of fusilli with Genoese sauce.
A plate taken from a large pot of pasta seasoned with a really good mixed meat ragù.
The pasta was fusilli (which I love to eat with rich sauces) because they collect a lot of sauce between the coils while the sauce was a Genoese sauce (or similar since there was also pork).

Do you know the recipe for this sauce or do you want to explain to me how you prepare it? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Genovese sauce is a white sauce made with onions and beef, typical of Neapolitan cuisine. It is typically used to season pasta, traditionally maccheroni della zita (hand-broken ziti, tradition dictates that from one candle of pasta you get four ziti) or mezzane.
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A nice plate of fusilli with Genoese sauce – Une belle assiette de fusilli sauce génoise – Un buen plato de fusilli con salsa genovesa – Um bom prato de fusilli com molho genovês – Ein schöner Teller Fusilli mit Genueser Sauce – Một đĩa fusilli ngon với nước sốt Genova – 一盘美味的意大利螺丝粉配热那亚酱 – フジッリのジェノバソース添え

A nice plate of fusilli with meat sauce

Fusilli al ragù di carne

A nice plate of fusilli with meat sauce.
A nice plate of pasta with homemade meat sauce.
As you can see this sauce is very rich and creamy just how we like it in our family.

Do you know the recipe for meat sauce or do you want to explain to me how you prepare it?
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Fusilli al ragù di carne

Fusilli al ragù di carne

Fusilli al ragù di carne

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Ragù is a condiment made from chopped or minced meat, cooked for many hours over low heat, with varying aromas depending on the local variant, and usually with the addition of tomato. The most popular ragùs in Italy are Bolognese and Neapolitan ragù.
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The pasta called “fusilli” with meat sauce – Les pâtes dites “fusilli” à la sauce à la viande – La pasta llamada “fusilli” con salsa de carne – A massa chamada “fusilli” com molho de carne – Die Pasta namens “Fusilli” mit Fleischsauce – Mì ống gọi là “fusilli” với nước sốt thịt – 名为“fusilli”的意大利面配肉酱 – ミートソースのパスタ「フジッリ」

Un bel piatto di fusilli al pesto alla genovese

Fusilli al pesto alla genovese

Un bel piatto di fusilli al pesto alla genovese.
Non proprio la mia pasta classica da condire con il pesto genovese ma comunque ottimi perché la salsa si ferma abbondantemente tra le sue spire.
Il pesto purtroppo era un pochino troppo liquido e ho dovuto aggiungere un po’ troppo formaggio grattugiato.
La foto e il piatto era comunque buona.

Do you want to have fresh Basilico Genovese Dop directly to your home throughout Italy? Check out this offer for you.

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Fusilli al pesto alla genovese

Fusilli al pesto alla genovese

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Ci sono talmente tanti post su questo sito che riguardano il pesto genovese ma non credo si averne con questo tipo di pasta. Vi linko un altro bell’article, scritto da Loris, su come si prepara questa salsa. Per quali tipi di pasta utilizzare non dovete fare altro che scorrere la pagina più in basso e consultare gli articoli collegati e vedrete che ve ne suggerisco almeno una decina.

A nice plate of pasta, fusilli, with Genoese pesto – Une belle assiette de pâtes, fusilli, au pesto génois – Un buen plato de pasta, fusilli, con pesto genovés – Um bom prato de massa, fusilli, com pesto genovês – Ein schöner Teller mit Nudeln, Fusilli, mit genuesischem Pesto – Một đĩa mì ống ngon, fusilli, với sốt xì dầu Genoese – 一盘美味的意大利面、螺丝粉和热那亚香蒜沙司 – パスタ、フジッリ、ジェノバ ペストの素敵なプレート

A nice plate of pasta, fusilli, with meat sauce

Pasta al ragùv

A nice plate of pasta, fusilli, with meat sauce.
Another specialty of my house: my mother's meat sauce.
This time it's the sauce for the fusilli... fantastic.
I know that some of my visitors don't appreciate these images that much but I like them a lot and then, if I know I can make some passerby's mouth water, I'm fine with that!!!

Do you know the recipe for this sauce or do you want to explain to me how you prepare it? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Pasta al ragùv

Ragù is a condiment made from chopped or minced meat, cooked for many hours over low heat, with varying aromas depending on the local variant, and usually with the addition of tomato. The most popular ragùs in Italy are Bolognese and Neapolitan ragù.
Continua ed approfondisci su Wikipedia

The pasta called “fusilli” with meat sauce – Les pâtes dites “fusilli” à la sauce à la viande – La pasta llamada “fusilli” con salsa de carne – A massa chamada “fusilli” com molho de carne – Die Pasta namens “Fusilli” mit Fleischsauce – Mì ống gọi là “fusilli” với nước sốt thịt – 名为“fusilli”的意大利面配肉酱 – ミートソースのパスタ「フジッリ」