The yellow Calendula: a flower of sun and health

La gialla Calendula: un fiore di sole e di salute

Yellow Calendula: a flower of sunshine and health.
Calendula, known scientifically as Calendula officinalis, is an annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, loved for its bright yellow-orange flowers. Native to the Mediterranean area, calendula is cultivated throughout the world not only for its ornamental beauty, but also for its extraordinary medicinal and cosmetic properties.
Calendula grows up to 70 cm in height and has lanceolate and slightly hairy leaves. Its flowers, which bloom from spring to autumn, are composed of bright and radiant petals arranged around a central disk. The plant prefers sunny locations and well-drained soil, and is relatively easy to grow, making it a popular choice in gardens and vegetable patches.

Calendula has been used in traditional medicine for centuries for its healing properties. Some of its medicinal applications include:
– Anti-inflammatory and healing action: Calendula extracts are known to promote wound healing and reduce inflammation. They are often used in ointments and creams to treat cuts, abrasions, minor burns and dermatitis.
– Antimicrobial properties: Calendula has been shown to have antibacterial and antifungal effects, helping to prevent skin infections.
– Skin health support: Calendula products are common in skin care due to their ability to moisturize and soothe irritation. It is especially useful for sensitive skin or skin with eczema.
– Herbal teas and infusions: Calendula can also be used in the form of herbal teas, which can help soothe digestive upset and aid digestion.

In addition to its medicinal properties, calendula is highly valued in the cosmetics industry. Calendula extracts are often included in skin and hair care formulations. Its emollient and soothing abilities make it an ideal ingredient in moisturizers, lotions, shampoos, and conditioners. Additionally, calendula is used in baby products due to its gentleness.
Growing calendula is easy, making it suitable for both experienced gardeners and beginners. Here are some growing tips:

– Exposure: Plant calendula in an area that receives full sun to obtain abundant blooms.
– Soil: prefers well-drained and fertile soil. Adding compost can improve growth.
– Watering: calendula requires regular watering, especially during periods of drought, but avoid waterlogging.
– Flower harvesting: calendula flowers can be harvested regularly to promote continuous flowering. They can be used fresh or dried to prepare herbal teas, extracts or ointments.

The marigold is often associated with the sun because of its bright color and its ability to follow the sun's path across the sky. In many cultures, it is a symbol of love, beauty, and fidelity. In the language of flowers, the marigold also represents grief and compassion, symbolizing the feelings of those who are grieving.

In conclusion, calendula is not only a decorative element of the garden, but also a plant with numerous benefits for health and beauty. Whether used in medicinal preparations, cosmetics or simply as part of a flower garden, the yellow calendula continues to shine like a little sun, bringing with it well-being and vitality.

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La gialla Calendula: un fiore di sole e di salute

La gialla Calendula: un fiore di sole e di salute

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

The nursery I went to is: Gaggero Nurseries in Carasco.

The name of the genus derives from the Latin Calendae, a word with which the Romans indicated the first day of the month, given that it flowers continuously more or less throughout the summer. The scientific name of the genus was defined by the botanist Carl Linnaeus (or Linnaeus) (1707-1778) in the publication "Species Plantarum" ( Sp. Pl. 2: 921 ) of 1753.
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The yellow marigold: a flower of sun and health – Le souci jaune : une fleur de soleil et de santé – La caléndula amarilla: una flor de sol y salud. – O calêndula amarelo: uma flor de sol e saúde – Die gelbe Ringelblume: eine Blume der Sonne und Gesundheit – Cúc vạn thọ màu vàng: loài hoa của mặt trời và sức khỏe

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Glimpses of Fort São Tiago in Funchal

Scorci del Forte São Tiago a Funchal nell'isola di Madera

Glimpses of the São Tiago Fort in Funchal on the island of Madeira.
Some time ago, I took these photos while visiting the famous yellow fort that dominates the bay in which the city of Funchal is located.

Have you ever been to the island of Madeira?
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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos of Funchal click here:
foto gallery

Where is the fort located:

The archipelago is made up of two major islands, Madeira and Porto Santo, three smaller uninhabited islands, known as the Desertas, and two smaller islands, also uninhabited, called the Savage Islands. The largest island is Madeira. The archipelago, together with Cape Verde, the Azores and the Canaries, forms Macaronesia; the Azores and Madeira are part of Portugal, the Canaries are part of Spain and Cape Verde, once Portuguese, is now an independent republic.
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The Fort of São Tiago in Funchal on the island of Madeira – Le Fort de São Tiago à Funchal sur l’île de Madère – El Fuerte de São Tiago en Funchal en la isla de Madeira – O Forte de São Tiago no Funchal, na ilha da Madeira – O Forte de São Tiago no Funchal, na ilha da Madeira – Pháo đài São Tiago ở Funchal trên đảo Madeira – 马德拉岛丰沙尔的圣蒂亚戈堡 – マデイラ島フンシャルのサンティアゴ要塞

The yellow funnel of the Costa Diadema in Bergen

Il fumaiolo giallo della Costa Diadema a Bergen

The yellow funnel of the Costa Diadema in Bergen.
A few months ago I was on board the splendid Costa Diadema (of Costa Crociere) in Northern Europe and, as I often do, I took a photo from the town of the iconic yellow funnel with the blue “C” symbol of the company I work for.

Have you ever been on a Costa cruise?
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Il fumaiolo giallo della Costa Diadema a Bergen

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos I took in Bergen click here

Costa Crociere is an Italian cruise company dedicated to cruise operations. Its headquarters are in Genoa. Costa Crociere belongs to the Carnival Corporation & plc group and controls the German AIDA Cruises. Until 2014, the Costa Crociere S.p.A. group also included the Spanish Ibero Cruceros, a brand that has since been discontinued.
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The yellow funnel of the Costa Diadema in Bergen – La cheminée jaune du Costa Diadema à Bergen – La chimenea amarilla del Costa Diadema en Bergen – A chaminé amarela do Costa Diadema em Bergen – Der gelbe Schornstein der Costa Diadema in Bergen – Ống khói màu vàng của Costa Diadema ở Bergen

Yellow or Peruvian Oleander Photographed in the Caribbean

L'oleandro giallo o del Perù fotografato ai Caraibi

The yellow or Peruvian oleander photographed in the Caribbean.
I don't remember exactly on which beach in the Caribbean I found this flower (I think in Antigua) but I liked it a lot and, in Europe, it's not so normal to find flowers on the beach.
Doing some research online I think I understood that it is the flower called thevetia peruviana but if someone more expert wants to correct me, they are welcome!

Have you ever seen this flower?
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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Thevetia peruviana (Peruvian Oleander), also known as Yellow Oleander, is a plant of South American origin. It belongs to the Apocynaceae family. It can be grown both as a bush and as a small tree.
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The yellow or Peru oleander flower photographed in the Caribbean – La fleur de laurier-rose jaune ou du Pérou photographiée dans les Caraïbes – La flor amarilla o adelfa peruana fotografiada en el Caribe – A flor amarela ou oleandro do Peru fotografada no Caribe – Die gelbe oder peruanische Oleanderblume, fotografiert in der Karibik – Hoa trúc đào màu vàng hoặc Peru chụp ảnh ở Caribe – 在加勒比海拍摄的黄色或秘鲁夹竹桃花 – カリブ海で撮影された黄色またはペルーキョウチクトウの花

The yellow chimney of the Costa Firenze in Cadiz

La ciminiera gialla della Costa Firenze a Cadice

The yellow chimney of the Costa Firenze in Cadiz.
Walking through the city of Cadiz, Spain, but always keeping an eye on the yellow chimney that has been my home for many years.
I took this photo while I was on board the Costa Firenze

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos of the Spanish city, click here:
foto gallery

The yellow smokestack of the Costa Firenze ship in Cadiz – La cheminée jaune du navire Costa Firenze à Cadix – La chimenea amarilla del barco Costa Firenze en Cádiz – A chaminé amarela do navio Costa Firenze em Cádiz – Der gelbe Schornstein des Schiffes Costa Firenze in Cadiz – Ống khói màu vàng của tàu Costa Firenze ở Cadiz – 科斯塔佛罗伦萨号船在加的斯的黄色烟囱 – カディスのコスタ・フィレンツェ号の黄色い煙突

Le belle ville sul mare a Bogliasco in Liguria

Le belle ville sul mare a Bogliasco in Liguria

Le belle ville sul mare a Bogliasco in Liguria.
Il bel borgo marinaro di Bogliasco offre splendidi scorci per fotografare.
Come questa bella villa gialla (che sembra quasi un castello) con il mare di fronte ed il porticciolo sullo sfondo.

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bogliasco? Sai per caso come si chiama questa bella villa sul mare? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Le belle ville sul mare a Bogliasco in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
foto gallery

And here are some videos I made:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Here is the spot where I took this photo:

It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions.
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The beautiful seaside villas in Bogliasco in Liguria – Les belles villas balnéaires de Bogliasco en Ligurie – Las hermosas villas junto al mar en Bogliasco en Liguria – As belas vilas à beira-mar em Bogliasco na Ligúria – Die wunderschönen Villen am Meer in Bogliasco in Ligurien – Những biệt thự tuyệt đẹp bên bờ biển ở Bogliasco ở Liguria – 利古里亚博利亚斯科美丽的海滨别墅 – リグリアのボリアスコにある美しい海辺の別荘

The yellow petals of the beautiful blooming broom

I fiori gialli della ginestra

The yellow petals of the beautiful broom in bloom.
One of the plants that are part of the Mediterranean scrub, perhaps most widespread along the Ligurian coast where I live, is the broom.
Then, towards May, when it blooms, it offers a wonderful view with its yellow and very fragrant flowers.

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I fiori gialli della ginestra

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Native species of the Mediterranean area, from southern Europe to North Africa to the Middle East.
It is endemic to much of the Mediterranean basin area. It grows in sunny areas from 0 to 1200 m above sea level.
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The yellow petals of the beautiful flowering broom – Les pétales jaunes du beau genêt fleuri – Los pétalos amarillos de la hermosa escoba floreciente – As pétalas amarelas da bela vassoura florida – Die gelben Blütenblätter des schönen blühenden Ginsters – Những cánh hoa màu vàng của cây chổi hoa xinh đẹp – 美丽开花的扫帚的黄色花瓣 – 美しい開花ほうきの黄色い花びら

Il risotto alla milanese

Il risotto alla milanese

Il risotto alla milanese.
Un piatto di risotto che è uno dei più famosi d’Italia, quello alla milanese.
Come tutti voi saprete il giallo è dovuto allo zafferano, l’ingrediente principale.
Mi piace molto ed ogni tanto me ne faccio un bel piattone!
La ricetta completa ve l’aveva scritta Loris here!
A voi piace questo risotto?

Il risotto alla milanese

Il risotto alla milanese

Il risotto alla milanese

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Il risotto alla milanese nacque nel 1574 alla tavola del vetraio belga Valerio di Fiandra, che all’epoca risiedeva a Milano poiché stava lavorando alle vetrate del Duomo di Milano. Per il matrimonio di sua figlia i suoi colleghi vetrai fecero aggiungere a un risotto bianco al burro dello zafferano: questa spezia era infatti utilizzata dai vetrai per ottenere una particolare colorazione gialla dei vetri.

The Milanese risotto / Das Mailänder Risotto / Gạo Milanese

Arches in the village of Moneglia

Archi nel borgo di Moneglia

Arches in the village of Moneglia.
I think that in the last 15 years I had not been to Moneglia, even though it is the municipality that borders mine to the east and the last in the province of Genoa.
I was surprised by the alleys and carruggi that I found.
Like in this shot in which you can see two arches that join some houses in an alley in the center.
The yellow color of the facades then makes the view even more photogenic.

Do you know the edge of Moneglia?
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Archi nel borgo di Moneglia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

I took several photos in the village and if you want to see them all click here:

This is a video of the alleyway of the village:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

The ancient toponym of Moneglia (ad Monilia) appears in the Tavola Peutingeriana, a copy of the military map of the Roman Empire (11th – 12th century) preserved in the Austrian National Library in Vienna, discovered by the antiquarian of Augsburg, Corrado Peutinger, in the sixteenth century.
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The arches in the village of Moneglia – Les arches du village de Moneglia – Los arcos en el pueblo de Moneglia – Os arcos da aldeia de Moneglia – Die Bögen im Dorf Moneglia – Những mái vòm ở làng Moneglia