Fresh Potato Gnocchi with Genovese Pesto

Gnocchi al pesto

Fresh potato gnocchi topped with Genoese pesto.
Making fresh potato gnocchi is not very difficult, but usually, even we Genoese, buy them already made at the pasta factory. This time, however, we had some excellent fresh potatoes at home and my dad rightly decided to prepare everything himself.
Gnocchi and Genoese pesto.

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gnocchi di patate

Gnocchi al pesto

Gnocchi al pesto

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40.

Since it is one of my favorite dishes, you will find many other related posts. In one of these, my dad has already talked about pesto and so, even though I have already asked him, I don't know if he will write you the recipe to prepare them.

The first example was, in Roman times, the Moretum, described by Virgil. The first recipe for pesto dates back to the nineteenth century, although it certainly owes its origins to older pounded sauces such as the agliata (a Ligurian version of the classic agliata), made with garlic and walnuts, popular in Liguria during the maritime republic of Genoa, and the French pistou.
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