The village of Camogli one of the pearls of Liguria. Some time ago now I was in San Rocco di Camogli from where I took these beautiful photos of the village.
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To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
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Camogli is an Italian town of 5019 inhabitants in the metropolitan city of Genoa in Liguria. A typical seaside village, a tourist center known for its small port and colorful buildings on the seafront. It is also historically called the "city of a thousand white sailing ships". Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The village of Camogli is one of the pearls of Liguria – Le village de Camogli est l’une des perles de la Ligurie – El pueblo de Camogli es una de las perlas de Liguria – A aldeia de Camogli é uma das pérolas da Ligúria – Das Dorf Camogli ist eine der Perlen Liguriens – Ngôi làng Camogli là một trong những viên ngọc của Liguria
The beautiful village of Camogli seen from afar. Camogli, nestled along the coast of the Ligurian Riviera, is a hidden treasure that reveals its splendor as soon as you see it on the horizon. Seen from afar, this picturesque seaside village captures the imagination with its bright colors and unique profile that stands out against the sky. The painted facades of the characteristic buildings overlooking the sea create a spectacle of pastel shades that blend harmoniously with the blue of the sea and the green of the lush hill behind. From a distant perspective, Camogli seems like a living painting, an artistic masterpiece that evolves with the light of day. The Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta, with its majestic dome, emerges as a cultural beacon that stands out in the skyline of Camogli. Seen from afar, this sacred building adds a touch of elegance and spirituality to the panorama, combining natural beauty with the thousand-year history of the village. The colorful boats in the marina, even seen from afar, create a lively palette of colors that tells the story of a community tied to the sea. The reflections of the sun on the calm waters of the Golfo Paradiso accentuate the magic of this place, creating an enchanting setting that changes with the seasons. Camogli, seen from afar, offers a unique spectacle at any time of the day. At dawn, when the sun rises behind the village, painting the sky with warm, golden tones. At sunset, when the lights of the village come on, transforming it into a magical and romantic place.
This charming Ligurian village, even when admired from afar, transmits a sense of authenticity and tranquility that conquers the heart of anyone who contemplates it. Camogli, with its timeless beauty, presents itself as a destination to explore, a dream come true seen from afar and even more so from up close.
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To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here's where I took the photo from:
Camogli is an Italian town of 5019 inhabitants in the metropolitan city of Genoa in Liguria. A typical seaside village, a tourist center known for its small port and colorful buildings on the seafront. It is also historically called the "city of a thousand white sailing ships". Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The beautiful village of Camogli, pearl of Liguria, seen from afar – Le beau village de Camogli, perle de la Ligurie, vu de loin – El bonito pueblo de Camogli, perla de Liguria, visto desde lejos – A bela vila de Camogli, pérola da Ligúria, vista de longe – Das wunderschöne Dorf Camogli, die Perle Liguriens, schon von weitem sichtbar – Ngôi làng xinh đẹp Camogli, hòn ngọc của Liguria, nhìn từ xa – 从远处看美丽的卡莫利村庄,利古里亚的明珠 – 遠くから見たリグーリア州の真珠、カモーリの美しい村
The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.
Lo scoglio chiamato Punta Chiappa in Liguria. Qualche tempo fa, percorrendo l’Aurelia in motorino, mi sono fermato a San Rocco di Camogli e, percorrendo brevemente il sentiero che arriva fino a San Fruttuoso, ho scattato questo paio di foto al famoso scoglio che delimita a Levante il Golfo Paradiso.
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Punta Chiappa è una propaggine di roccia, formazione di puddinga protesa verso il mare aperto per una cinquantina di metri, delimitando dal lato di ponente la riserva marina di Portofino e chiudendo ad est il Golfo Paradiso. Il Sentiero che da San Rocco scende a Punta Chiappa fa parte dell’area tutelata del Parco di regionale di Portofino. Continue and learn more on FAI
The rock called Punta Chiappa in Liguria – Le rocher appelé Punta Chiappa en Ligurie – La roca llamada Punta Chiappa en Liguria – A rocha chamada Punta Chiappa na Ligúria – Der Felsen namens Punta Chiappa in Ligurien – Tảng đá có tên Punta Chiappa ở Liguria
Il borgo di Camogli fotografato da San Rocco. Lo scorso anno, percorrendo la via Aurelia nei pressi di Camogli, ho deciso di fare un salto nella frazione di San Rocco per godermi la vista sul Golfo Paradiso e ammirare la bellezza del borgo di Camogli. Ovviamente ho scattato diverse foto che condivido con voi.
Do you know the village of Camogli? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here's where I took the photo from:
Camogli is an Italian town of 5019 inhabitants in the metropolitan city of Genoa in Liguria. A typical seaside village, a tourist center known for its small port and colorful buildings on the seafront. It is also historically called the "city of a thousand white sailing ships". Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The village of Camogli photographed from San Rocco – Le village de Camogli photographié depuis San Rocco – El pueblo de Camogli fotografiado desde San Rocco – A vila de Camogli fotografada de San Rocco – Das Dorf Camogli, fotografiert von San Rocco aus – Ngôi làng Camogli chụp từ San Rocco – 从圣罗科拍摄的卡莫利村 – サンロッコから撮影したカモーリ村
Una vista sul Golfo Paradiso in Liguria. Il Golfo Paradiso è una pittoresca insenatura situata sulla costa della Liguria, nel nord-ovest dell’Italia. Questo incantevole golfo è parte della Riviera Ligure di Levante e si estende tra le città di Genova e Portofino. Alcune delle località più conosciute all’interno del Golfo Paradiso includono Camogli, Recco, Bogliasco, Pieve Ligure e Sori. Paesaggi pittoreschi: il Golfo Paradiso è famoso per i suoi paesaggi mozzafiato. Le colline verdi si ergono sulle acque cristalline del Mar Ligure, creando uno sfondo idilliaco per le pittoresche cittadine costiere. La zosta è punteggiata da numerose spiagge e calette nascoste, ideali per chi cerca relax e tranquillità. Le scogliere che si affacciano sul mare offrono panorami spettacolari. Camogli: Questa affascinante località costiera è uno dei gioielli del Golfo Paradiso. Con le sue case colorate, il porto pittoresco e la chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta, Camogli attira turisti da tutto il mondo. Recco: Famosa per la sua cucina, in particolare la focaccia al formaggio, Recco è un’altra destinazione imperdibile nel Golfo Paradiso. Il suo lungomare e il centro storico aggiungono un tocco di charme alla zona. Attività outdoor: La regione offre diverse opportunità per attività all’aperto, come escursioni lungo i sentieri panoramici che collegano le diverse località, sport acquatici e immersioni subacquee. Accessibilità: Il Golfo Paradiso è facilmente raggiungibile da Genova e altre città circostanti, rendendolo una meta ideale per brevi viaggi o gite giornaliere.
Il Golfo Paradiso è un luogo incantevole che combina la bellezza naturale con la cultura e la storia delle sue città costiere. La sua atmosfera rilassante e le numerose attrazioni lo rendono una destinazione amata sia dai turisti che dai residenti locali. Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
Il Golfo Paradiso è un piccolo golfo situato sulla riviera di levante della città metropolitana di Genova, nella parte orientale del golfo di Genova, nel mar Ligure. Il comprensorio, appartenente all’area metropolitana di Genova, stretto tra il grande comune del capoluogo ligure e il promontorio di Portofino, confina a nord con la val Fontanabuona, ed è costituito da sette comuni, di cui cinque sul mare (Bogliasco, Pieve Ligure, Sori, Recco, Camogli) e due senza sbocco sul golfo (Avegno e Uscio). Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
A view of the Paradiso gulf in Liguria – Une vue sur le golfe Paradiso en Ligurie – Una vista del golfo de Paradiso en Liguria – Uma vista do golfo Paradiso na Ligúria – Ein Blick auf den Golf von Paradiso in Ligurien – Quang cảnh vịnh Paradiso ở Liguria – 利古里亚天堂湾的景色 – リグーリア州のパラディーゾ湾の眺め
The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.
The beach of Sori, the village in the province of Genoa. Lately, several times a week, I go to Genoa and since it's summer I love to travel the entire Via Aurelia by scooter to enjoy my Liguria. When I can I stop to take some photos of the various villages you pass through. This is the beautiful Sori seen from the large bridge that overlooks it. The beach and the swimming pool are very visible.
Do you know the village of Sori? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
The village of Sori overlooks the sea of the Golfo Paradiso, east of Genoa, on the Riviera di Levante, and the municipal territory extends inland along the valley of the torrent of the same name until it reaches the watershed with the upper Fontanabuona valley, reaching the hamlet of Pannesi in the municipality of Lumarzo. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The beach of Sori, the village in the province of Genoa – La plage de Sori, le village de la province de Gênes – La playa de Sori, el pueblo de la provincia de Génova – A praia de Sori, a vila na província de Gênova – Der Strand von Sori, dem Dorf in der Provinz Genua – Bãi biển Sori, ngôi làng ở tỉnh Genoa – 索里海滩,热那亚省的村庄 – ジェノヴァ県の村ソーリのビーチ
The village and the small port of Camogli seen from Ruta. In the last few weeks I have gone back and forth between Sestri Levante and Genoa several times; on many occasions, being in the summer season, I went by scooter and was able to enjoy all the beauty of our Riviera di Levante. When the Aurelia then passes by Ruta (of Camogli) the view of the beautiful seaside village is unparalleled, don't you think so too?
Do you know the village of Camogli? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
The most significant architectural aspect of the town is the presence of colored buildings overlooking the beach. The colors and the lighter horizontal lines (called string courses) served the sailors of Camogli to more easily recognize their home among the various floors of the buildings in the village and return there after fishing. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The village and the small port of Camogli seen from Ruta – Le village et le petit port de Camogli vus de Ruta – El pueblo y el pequeño puerto de Camogli vistos desde Ruta – A vila e o pequeno porto de Camogli vistos da Ruta – Das Dorf und der kleine Hafen von Camogli von Ruta aus gesehen – Ngôi làng và cảng nhỏ Camogli nhìn từ Ruta – 从鲁塔看到的村庄和卡莫利小港口 – ルタから見たカモーリの村と小さな港
The beautiful village of Bogliasco seen from inside the sea water. My wanderings with the dome and the Gopro continue around the edges of Eastern Liguria. Unfortunately there are still too many drops of water but in any case among all the photos I took two are still decent enough to publish (I hope). Here is the beautiful village of the Golfo Paradiso seen from the sea. I promise to return when I have more practice.
Do you know or have you ever been to Bogliasco? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
It is the first municipality you come across when travelling from Genoa towards the Riviera di Levante, in a small inlet at the mouth of the river of the same name. Among the reliefs of the territory there is Mount Cordona (803 m) along the ancient path to the hamlet of Sessarego and Mount Rotondo (789 m). The beaches alternate with deep and characteristic cliffs. It is possible to practice surfing there. The hinterland is typical of eastern Liguria, partly with strips of olive groves, with the possibility of excursions. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The beautiful village of Bogliasco seen from inside the sea water – Le beau village de Bogliasco vu de l’intérieur de l’eau de mer – El hermoso pueblo de Bogliasco visto desde el interior del agua de mar – A bela vila de Bogliasco vista de dentro da água do mar – Das schöne Dorf Bogliasco aus dem Meerwasser gesehen – Ngôi làng Bogliasco xinh đẹp nhìn từ trong làn nước biển – 从海水中看到美丽的博格利亚斯科村庄 – 海水の中から見たボリアスコの美しい村
The seaside village of Camogli in Liguria on January 7, 2022. Last winter, when my girlfriend was on vacation in Italy, I went to visit the beautiful village of Camogli and, thanks to the splendid sunny winter day, I took several photos and recorded several videos. This is the classic photograph that everyone takes and includes the beautiful beach that ends the bay with the beautiful Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta and the Dragonara Castle.
Do you know the village of Camogli? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
The most significant architectural aspect of the town is the presence of colored buildings overlooking the beach. The colors and the lighter horizontal lines (called string courses) served the sailors of Camogli to more easily recognize their home among the various floors of the buildings in the village and return there after fishing. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The seaside village of Camogli in Liguria on 7 January 2022 – Le village balnéaire de Camogli en Ligurie le 7 janvier 2022 – El pueblo costero de Camogli en Liguria el 7 de enero de 2022 – A vila costeira de Camogli na Ligúria em 7 de janeiro de 2022 – Das Küstendorf Camogli in Ligurien am 7. Januar 2022 – Ngôi làng bên bờ biển Camogli ở Liguria vào ngày 7 tháng 1 năm 2022 – 2022 年 1 月 7 日,利古里亚的卡莫利海滨村庄 – 2022年1月7日、リグリアの海辺の村カモグリ
Casa sul mare del Golfo Paradiso. La Liguria e’ una terra, in particolare sue coste, difficile. Questa difficolta’ pero’ alle volte e’ anche il suo pregio. Osservate, per esempio, questa casa (forse casa e’ riduttivo – e’ proprio una villa o quasi un castello) a pochi metri dal mare sulla costa che da San Fruttuoso va a Camogli.
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Il Golfo Paradiso è un piccolo golfo situato sulla riviera di levante della città metropolitana di Genova, nella parte orientale del golfo di Genova, nel mar Ligure. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
A house by the sea along the Ligurian coast of Levante of the Golfo Paradiso – Une maison en bord de mer le long de la côte ligurienne de Levante du Golfo Paradiso – Una casa junto al mar a lo largo de la costa de Liguria de Levante del Golfo Paradiso – Uma casa à beira-mar ao longo da costa da Ligúria de Levante do Golfo Paradiso – Ein Haus am Meer entlang der ligurischen Küste von Levante des Golfo Paradiso – Ngôi nhà bên biển dọc theo bờ biển Levante thuộc vùng Liguria của Golfo Paradiso – Golfo Paradiso 莱万特利古里亚海岸沿岸的一所房子 – ゴルフォパラディソのレバンテのリグリアン海岸沿いの海沿いの家