The Glòries Tower, former Agbar Tower, in Barcelona

La Torre Glòries, ex Torre Agbar, a Barcellona

Torre Glòries, formerly Torre Agbar, in Barcelona.
At the heart of Barcelona’s enchanting skyline stands the majestic Torre Glòries, an iconic structure that embodies the city’s architectural boldness and innovation. Originally known as Torre Agbar, this modern and futuristic structure quickly captured the world’s imagination with its unique silhouette and bold vision.
The story of Torre Glòries begins in 1999, when Barcelona’s water and wastewater company, Agbar, decided to build a new headquarters to symbolize its commitment to innovation and sustainable development. The task of designing this iconic structure was entrusted to French architect Jean Nouvel, renowned for his creativity and ability to challenge architectural conventions.
Torre Glòries is not just a skyscraper, but an architectural work of art that reflects the culture and spirit of Barcelona. Its distinctive shape, inspired by the play of light and color, is composed of more than 4,500 glass panels in the shape of a lens, which give the tower a dynamic and changing appearance depending on the daylight and the angle of observation.
At 144 meters high and with 38 floors, the Torre Glòries dominates the Barcelona skyline with grace and power. Majestically illuminated at night by a sophisticated LED lighting system, the tower becomes a luminous beacon that reflects in the city's night sky.
In addition to its extraordinary aesthetics, the Torre Glòries is also a model of sustainability and energy efficiency. Its glass façade is designed to maximise the use of natural light and reduce energy consumption, while a rainwater recovery system is used to irrigate the surrounding gardens.
In addition, the tower is equipped with cutting-edge energy-saving technologies, including efficient heating and cooling systems and the use of recycled and low-impact materials in its construction.
In addition to being an architectural icon, Torre Glòries has also become an important centre of cultural, commercial and social activity in Barcelona. It houses offices, shops, restaurants and event spaces, providing a lively meeting point for residents and visitors to the city.
In addition, the tower has been the subject of numerous events and art installations that celebrate its beauty and cultural importance to the city of Barcelona.
Torre Glòries, with its fusion of bold design, sustainability and functionality, truly represents the dynamic and innovative soul of Barcelona. As a shining beacon in the heart of the city, it continues to inspire and fascinate those who see it, remaining an eternal symbol of human progress and creativity.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos I took in Barcelona click here:
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Where is the tower located:

Torre Glòries, formerly known as Torre Agbar (an acronym for Aguas de Barcelona), is a skyscraper located near the Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, in the Sant Martí district of Barcelona. According to Jean Nouvel, the shape of the tower was inspired by the characteristic pinnacles of Montserrat that surround Barcelona and the shape of a geyser of water rising towards the sky.
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The Glòries tower, ex Agbar tower, in Barcellona – La tour Glòries, ex tour Agbar, à Barcelone – La torre Glòries, ex torre Agbar, en Barcellona – A torre das Glòries, ex-torre Agbar, em Barcelona – Der Glòries-Turm, ehemaliger Agbar-Turm, in Barcelona – Tháp Glòries, cựu tháp Agbar, ở Barcellona

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The skyscraper in Piazza Cordeviola in Lavagna

Il grattacielo di piazza Cordeviola a Lavagna

The skyscraper in Piazza Cordeviola in Lavagna.
This beautiful skyscraper stands out in the centre of the Tigullian city (which I read was built in 1961, 42 metres high and 12 floors, here), the first of the two skyscrapers, the more famous one.

Do you know this building in Lavagna?
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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Where is the skyscraper located:

The skyscraper in the square called Cordeviola in Lavagna – Le gratte-ciel de la place Cordeviola à Lavagna – El rascacielos de la plaza Cordeviola de Lavagna – O arranha-céu na praça chamada Cordeviola em Lavagna – O arranha-céu na Piazza Cordeviola em Lavagna – Der Wolkenkratzer auf der Piazza Cordeviola in Lavagna – Tòa nhà chọc trời ở Quảng trường Cordeviola ở Lavagna – 拉瓦尼亚科尔德维奥拉广场的摩天大楼 – ラヴァーニャのコルデヴィオラ広場にある超高層ビル

The beautiful golden beach of Da Nang in Vietnam

La bella spiaggia dorata di Da Nang in Vietnam

The beautiful golden beach of Da Nang in Vietnam.
No trip to Vietnam is complete without a visit to Da Nang Beach. Or at least for all Vietnamese, this is one of the most beautiful beaches in the country. With its vast expanses of powdery white sand, the endless horizon of the ocean and the gently swaying palm trees, this destination will leave you speechless.
Prepare to experience breathtaking sunrises that paint the sky with shades of pink, orange and purple. Da Nang Beach is famous for putting on a chromatic show every morning, creating an atmosphere of serenity and contemplation. A lively boulevard stretches along the beach, the perfect place for a romantic stroll or to immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture. You will find stalls offering Vietnamese food delicacies and local handicrafts.
Water lovers will find their paradise in Da Nang. Activities such as surfing, snorkeling and boat trips are available for those seeking excitement in the open sea.
Just a short walk from the beach, Marble Mountain offers a spiritually-charged hike. Ancient temples, mystical caves and spectacular views await you at the top, making this mountain a must-see.
In the evening, choose from one of the many restaurants along the beach to savor local delicacies as the sun sets over the horizon. A culinary experience with an unparalleled view.
Da Nang is much more than a beach destination; it is a symphony of colors, flavors and sensations that will stay with you forever. Explore the beach, immerse yourself in the culture and be enchanted by the authentic beauty of Da Nang.

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La bella spiaggia dorata di Da Nang in Vietnam

La bella spiaggia dorata di Da Nang in Vietnam

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black.

The beautiful golden beach of Da Nang in Vietnam – La belle plage dorée de Da Nang au Vietnam – La hermosa playa dorada de Da Nang en Vietnam – A bela praia dourada de Da Nang, no Vietnã – Der wunderschöne goldene Strand von Da Nang in Vietnam – Bãi biển vàng tuyệt đẹp của Đà Nẵng ở Việt Nam – 越南岘港美丽的金色海滩 – ベトナムのダナンの美しい黄金のビーチ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Modern buildings in the center of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Palazzi moderni del centro di Santa Cruz di Tenerife

Modern buildings in the center of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
The center of the city of Santa Cruz, on the island of Tenerife, is the classic place where cruise passengers and sailors flock to do their shopping (or simply to take a walk).
In this uphill street there are many shops of famous brands but also these two very modern but also very colorful buildings.

Have you ever seen them? Do you know Santa Cruz?
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Palazzi moderni del centro di Santa Cruz di Tenerife

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos I took over time in Tenerife click here:

Here's where these buildings are located:

Modern buildings in the center of Santa Cruz in Tenerife – Bâtiments modernes au centre de Santa Cruz à Tenerife – Edificios modernos en el centro de Santa Cruz en Tenerife – Edifícios modernos no centro de Santa Cruz em Tenerife – Moderne Gebäude im Zentrum von Santa Cruz auf Teneriffa – Các tòa nhà hiện đại ở trung tâm Santa Cruz ở Tenerife – 特内里费岛圣克鲁斯市中心的现代建筑 – テネリフェ島サンタクルスの中心部にある近代的な建物

Il moderno fronte mare di Malaga in Spagna

Il moderno fronte mare di Malaga in Spagna

Il moderno fronte mare di Malaga in Spagna.
Pur non essendo mai uscito una volta in questa bella città spagnola, eppure mi ci sono fermato decine di volte, qualche tempo fa mi sono armato ti macchina fotografica e, come ogni tanto faccio, ho scattato alcune foto dai ponti più alti della nave.
Ho trovato un fronte mare moderno e pieno di grattacieli!

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Il moderno fronte mare di Malaga in Spagna

Il moderno fronte mare di Malaga in Spagna

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Malaga è un comune della Spagna di 579076 abitanti, situato nella comunità autonoma dell’Andalusia, nel sud della Spagna. Capoluogo dell’omonima provincia, la città costituisce la capitale culturale ed economica della Costa del Sol. Nonostante nella regione siano state trovate tracce di presenza umana fin dalla preistoria (dolmen a Peña de los Enamorados nel comune di Antequera, pitture rupestri a Benaoján, ceramiche a Nerja), Malaga deve le sue origini al fatto di essere stata una delle colonie fondate dai fenici di Tiro intorno al VII secolo a.C. lungo il Mediterraneo occidentale.
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The modern sea front of Malaga in Spain – Le front de mer moderne de Malaga en Espagne – El moderno paseo marítimo de Málaga en España – A moderna frente marítima de Málaga, na Espanha – Die moderne Küste von Malaga in Spanien – Mặt trận biển hiện đại của Malaga ở Tây Ban Nha – 西班牙马拉加的现代海滨 – スペインのマラガの近代的な海岸沿い

The UnipolSai Tower in Piazza Gae Aulenti in Milan

La UnipolSai Tower in piazza Gae Aulenti a Milano

The UnipolSai Tower in Piazza Gae Aulenti in Milan.
One of the most modern areas of Milan is the neighborhood that hosts Piazza Gae Aulenti.
Very modern buildings and open spaces can be admired in this area.
Like the splendid skyscraper built by the UnipolSai company, obviously called Torre UnipolSai.

Have you ever visited the Porta Nuova area of ​​Milan? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La UnipolSai Tower in piazza Gae Aulenti a Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the Milanese city click here:

Here's where the tower is located:

The UnipolSai Tower, the group’s Milanese headquarters, is a skyscraper under construction in the Porta Nuova district at the intersection of Via Melchiorre Gioia and Via Fratelli Castiglioni, where the Hotel Gilli was once supposed to be built.
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The UnipolSai Tower in Piazza Gae Aulenti in Milan – La tour UnipolSai sur la Piazza Gae Aulenti à Milan – La Torre UnipolSai en Piazza Gae Aulenti en Milán – A Torre UnipolSai na Piazza Gae Aulenti em Milão – Der UnipolSai Tower auf der Piazza Gae Aulenti in Mailand – Tháp UnipolSai ở Quảng trường Gae Aulenti ở Milan – 米兰 Gae Aulenti 广场的 UnipolSai 塔 – ミラノのガエ アウレンティ広場にあるウニポルサイ タワー

Una delle torri del Bosco Verticale di Milano

Una delle torri del Bosco Verticale di Milano

Una delle torri del Bosco Verticale di Milano.
Non si può andare a Milano e non fare una passeggiata nella zona a Nord della città per vedere questo complesso architettonico moderno i cui grattacieli, le torri, sono diventate uno dei simboli più iconici della città meneghina.

Conosci Milano? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Una delle torri del Bosco Verticale di Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the Milanese city click here:

Il Bosco Verticale è un complesso di due palazzi residenziali a torre progettato da Boeri Studio (Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea Barreca e Giovanni La Varra) e situato nel Centro direzionale di Milano, ai margini del quartiere Isola. Peculiarità di queste costruzioni, ambedue inaugurate nel 2014, è la presenza di più di duemila specie arboree, tra arbusti e alberi ad alto fusto, distribuite sui prospetti. Si tratta di un ambizioso progetto di riforestazione metropolitana che attraverso la densificazione verticale del verde si propone di incrementare la biodiversità vegetale e animale del capoluogo lombardo, riducendone l’espansione urbana e contribuendo anche alla mitigazione del microclima.
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One of the towers of the Vertical Forest of Milan – Une des tours de la Forêt Verticale de Milan – Una de las torres del Bosque Vertical de Milán – Uma das torres da Floresta Vertical de Milão – Einer der Türme des Vertical Forest von Mailand – Một trong những tòa tháp của Khu rừng thẳng đứng Milan – 米兰垂直森林的塔之一 – ミラノの垂直の森の塔の1つ

The second skyscraper in Lavagna

Il secondo grattacielo di Lavagna

The second skyscraper in Lavagna.
This in the photo is the second skyscraper in the city of Lavagna (I photographed the first one here).
This one is not in the center and is a little more bare aesthetically; still very tall though.
In the photo you can also notice the monumental cemetery of Lavagna and, in the distance, the grandstand of the Entella stadium in Chiavari.

Do you know more about this building? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il secondo grattacielo di Lavagna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

The second skyscraper of Lavagna – Le deuxième gratte-ciel de Lavagna – El segundo rascacielos de Lavagna – O segundo arranha-céu de Lavagna – Der zweite Wolkenkratzer von Lavagna – Tòa nhà chọc trời thứ hai của Lavagna – 拉瓦尼亚第二座摩天大楼 – ラヴァーニャの 2 番目の超高層ビル

The Lavagna Skyscraper

Il grattacielo di Lavagna

The skyscraper of Lavagna.
Going down the path that from Sestri Levante reaches Santa Giulia and then descends towards Lavagna, there are several very panoramic points from which you can see the two towns (Lavagna and Chiavari) divided by the Entella.
In this one, in particular, you can see the large skyscraper that rises in the (modern) center of Lavagna, in Piazza Cordeviola.

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Il grattacielo di Lavagna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

One of the skyscrapers of Lavagna in Liguria – L’un des gratte-ciel de Lavagna en Ligurie – Uno de los rascacielos de Lavagna en Liguria – Um dos arranha-céus de Lavagna na Ligúria – Einer der Wolkenkratzer von Lavagna in Ligurien – Một trong những tòa nhà chọc trời của Lavagna ở Liguria – 利古里亚拉瓦尼亚摩天大楼之一 – リグーリア州ラヴァーニャの高層ビルの 1 つ

Un palazzo moderno in centro a Chiavari

Palazzi moderni a Chiavari

Un palazzo moderno in centro a Chiavari.
Nella splendida cittadina di Chiavari, da fotografare, non ci sono solamente i carruggi e i portici signorili ma anche dei palazzi alti e moderni.
Come questo bel palazzine in Via Jacopo Rocca che mi era piaciuto da fotografare soprattutto per quell’arco in cemento sopra alla colonna dei balconi.

Hai mai notato questo palazzo? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Palazzi moderni a Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

A modern building in the center of Chiavari – Un bâtiment moderne au centre de Chiavari – Un edificio moderno en el centro de Chiavari. – Um edifício moderno no centro de Chiavari – Ein modernes Gebäude im Zentrum von Chiavari – Một tòa nhà hiện đại ở trung tâm Chiavari