Swiss Spätzli or Knöpfli, the recipe

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli or Swiss knöpfli.
Every now and then my mother likes to make this Swiss dish, a type of egg pasta, which is normally used as a side dish for meat dishes or savoury dishes.
We instead, taking note of the similarity to our palate with Ligurian trofie or gnocchi (which are made with potatoes), season them with Genoese pesto and they are truly delicious.
The leftovers are put in the freezer to be enjoyed another day, always with pesto or (this time yes) as a side dish for a nice grill of meat and sausages.

– 500 g of 00 flour
– 2 eggs
– salt
– half a glass of sparkling water
– half a glass of milk

Attention: to make this pasta you need a special tool Spätzle sieve to ensure that the pasta drips into the water at the right size.

you can knead everything by hand but we normally use a mechanical mixer.
Put the flour, the two eggs and a pinch of salt in the mixer and slowly add the liquid ingredients so as to obtain an elastic and dry dough.
At this point let everything rest for at least an hour.
After an hour, boil some salted water (as if you were cooking normal pasta) and, using the sieve I told you about before (and which you can see in the first photo below) drop the pasta into the water.

The pasta should cook for about five minutes until it reaches a firm consistency.

Drain and season to taste with your favorite sauce!

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Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Spätzli o knöpfli svizzeri

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

In addition to the attached photos I have several posts on the site, here, in which I show you this seasoned pasta.

Spätzle (a Swabian dialect term meaning little sparrows) are irregularly shaped dumplings (in Swabia the shape is elongated) made from soft wheat flour, eggs and water, originally from southern Germany (those from Stuttgart are particularly famous), also very popular in Tyrol, Alsace and Switzerland, Trentino-Alto Adige, despite their homeland par excellence being Swabia and Bavaria (south-western Germany).
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

Spätzli or Swiss knöpfli, the recipe – Spätzli ou knöpfli suisse, la recette – Spätzli o Swiss knöpfli, la receta – Spätzli ou knöpfli suíço, a receita – Spätzli oder Schweizer Knöpfli, das Rezept – Spätzli hoặc Swiss knöpfli, công thức – Spätzli 或 Swiss knöpfli,食谱 – シュペッツリまたはスイスのクネプフリ、レシピ

Carbonara my way, the recipe

La carbonara a modo mio, la ricetta

Carbonara my way, the recipe.
Since it is one of my favorite condiments today I decided to write you my recipe for making this dish.
The whole thing is really very simple to make.

First the ingredients (for a generous person):
– two egg yolks
– a small piece of bacon (since you can't always have it on hand in time, I've tried a bit of everything from bacon to salami; the best is bacon though!)
– grated cheese (pecorino if possible but you don't always have it, I almost always use grana) You can buy some excellent pecorino here.
– salt and pepper
– durum wheat pasta (spaghetti and rigatoni are a must; in the photos I'm attaching the pasta is a special kind of moccolotti)

You can find kits with everything you need, fresh and of excellent quality, to prepare carbonara here!

Boil some water with a little salt. In the meantime, in a pan, brown the guanciale in strips or pieces.
While the guanciale is browning, be careful not to burn it (a trick to know when it is ready is to wait until the fat is transparent) take the two egg yolks and beat them with plenty of grated cheese to obtain a very thick and dense cream.
We are practically at the end: throw in the pasta and when it is ready, drain it and put it on a plate.
Pour the egg and cheese cream over it and add the guanciale.

The dish is ready!

This is the result:

La carbonara a modo mio, la ricetta

La carbonara a modo mio, la ricetta

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

I hope you enjoyed the recipe.
For the moccolotti, which were given to me by a colleague, I leave you the pasta factory's website

Carbonara my way, the recipe – Carbonara à ma façon, la recette – Carbonara a mi manera, la receta – Carbonara do meu jeito, a receita – Carbonara mein Weg, das Rezept – Carbonara theo cách của tôi, công thức – Carbonara我的方式,食谱 – カルボナーラ私のやり方、レシピ

Genoese focaccia, the recipe

Focaccia alla genovese

Genoese focaccia, the recipe
I have been making focaccia genovese all’olio at home for some time now. More or less once a week I make a nice pan of it and then cut it into little pieces and put it in the freezer for breakfast every day.
The preparation is very simple and the result, without being professionals, is discreet.

The ingredients

– 500 g of flour (I use half 00 and half 0)
– 30 g of extra virgin olive oil
– 1.5 teaspoons of salt
– 15 g of brewer's yeast
– 1/2 teaspoon sugar
– 250 ml of hot water
For the brine:
– 150 ml of water;
– 50 ml of olive oil;
– 1 teaspoon of salt


– prepare the dough by combining the flour, oil, yeast (previously soaked in a drop of water and sugar) and water.
– we begin to mix (by hand or with a mixer) until the mixture becomes smooth.
– add the salt and continue kneading until the dough takes on a rubbery consistency and no longer sticks to your hands.


– I tried several times to do the leavening in 3 steps (45 min per step as described in almost all the recipes online) but I was never satisfied; then I tried to do the leavening in the refrigerator and the result was better.
– leave the dough in a container at room temperature covered with a sheet of cling film for about 45 minutes (this will make the volume increase by about three times)
– now put the container with the dough in the refrigerator; from 19 to 24 hours; I have never tried more
– take out the dough and spread it evenly in the previously well-oiled baking pan
– oil the dough on the open side too
– place in the oven with the light on (oven off) for 45 minutes or an hour.
– take it out and energetically make holes in the dough, and pour the brine onto the focaccia.
– leave it in the oven again with it turned off for 45 minutes or an hour.
– take it out, turn on the oven and once hot, bake the focaccia at 220 degrees for 15/20 minutes.


– when the focaccia takes on the classic golden color, take it out of the oven, remove it from the pan and place it possibly on a rack (I use the one in the oven) so that fresh air can circulate under the focaccia too.
– another trick I read is to try to spread the oil and water that have not evaporated on the still hot surface so that the focaccia remains a nice shiny color.

Done! Now, after a few minutes, you can eat it.

Focaccia alla genovese

Focaccia alla genovese

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

The typical Genoese focaccia, the recipe – La focaccia génoise typique, la recette – La típica focaccia genovesa, la receta – A típica focaccia genovesa, a receita – Die typisch genuesische Focaccia, das Rezept – Món focaccia đặc trưng của người Genova, công thức – 典型的热那亚佛卡夏,食谱 – 典型的なジェノバの焦点、レシピ

Pinoli sgusciati

pinoli sgusciati

Pinoli sgusciati.
I pinoli sono uno degli elementi costitutivi della dieta mediterranea. Qui in Liguria li usiamo in moltissime ricette tra cui, ovviamente, il pesto alla genovese.
I pinoli non sono altro che i semi di alcuni tipi di pino nelle cui pigne vengono custoditi i pinoli (a loro volta racchiusi da una durissima buccia legnosa). Se volete inoltrarvi in informazioni più specifiche c’è Wikipedia, come sempre.

pinoli sgusciati

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40 and backdrop Portatile Studio.

Carbonara leggera di carciofi, profumata con curcuma, la ricetta

carbonara di carciofi

Carbonara leggera di carciofi, profumata con curcuma.
Questa mattina mi è venuta voglia di mangiare una carbonara… ma sono a dieta e così ne ho preparato una dietetica che volendo puó diventare un piatto unico per tutta la famiglia.

Ingredienti per 4 persone:
– 3 bei carciofi teneri, sbollentati e saltati in padella con 30 grammi d’olio extra vergine con 1 spicchio d’aglio;
– per la salsa: 3 uova (due intere ed un rosso), due cucchiai di latte, due cucchiai di grana grattugiato, curcuma, sale e pepe.

Ho pulito 3 bei carciofi, gambi compresi e li ho lasciati a bagno per qualche minuto in acqua fredda con limone. Poi li ho messi a cuocere in acqua bollente, salata e sempre con aggiunta di succo di limone. Una volta cotti li ho lasciati a raffreddare.
Ho poi preparato la base della carbonara sbattendo due uova intere ed un rosso, poco latte, un paio di cucchiai di formaggio grana grattugiato ed ho aggiunto una bella spolverata di curcuma macinata.

Ho messo a bollire 300 grammi di penne integrali in acqua salata e a parte ho fatto saltare a fuoco vivo i carciofi, affettati abbastanza fini, con poco olio extra vergine, uno spicchio d’aglio schiacciato e poco sale grosso, facendoli insaporire per bene e aggiungendo acqua se necessario.
Una volta cotta la pasta la ho saltata con i carciofi facendola insaporire per bene. Alla fine, spento il fuoco, ho messo nella padella la base fatta con le uova e gli altri ingredienti che avevo preparato in precedenza, mescolando bene e servendo la carbonara con una leggera macinata di pepe nero.

Here is the finished dish:

carbonara di carciofi

Seppie con piselli a modo mio, la ricetta

Seppie con piselli

Seppie con piselli a modo mio, la ricetta.
Visto che ormai i piselli freschi nostrani si trovano a prezzo abbordabile, questa mattina volevo preparare un piatto ligure tipico di questa stagione: acciughe in umido con piselli. Purtroppo non ho trovato acciughe di mio gradimento ma, in compenso, ho visto sul banco della pescheria alcune seppie, piccole e freschissime ed ho pensato di prepararle in umido al posto delle acciughe. Sinceramente non so se questa ricetta abbia attinenza con la cucina ligure o con quella meridionale che io amo altrettanto ma vi descriverò’  come la ho preparata.
Dopo aver pulito le seppie e conservato un sacchetto di nero, ho fatto un soffritto di cipolla a cui ho aggiunto uno spicchio d’aglio intero ed un pezzetto del mio peperoncino piccante. Ho poi aggiunto le seppie tagliate a listelle e le ho fatte soffriggere a fuoco vivace. Ho bagnato con poco vino bianco e, una volta evaporato, ho aggiunto il pomodoro passato e il sacchetto con il nero. Ho poi aggiunto i piselli che avevo precedentemente fatto cuocere per qualche minuto in acqua bollente ed ho lasciato cuocere aggiungendo, quando necessario, un po’ dell’acqua dei piselli.

Ingredienti per quattro persone

  • Un kilo di seppie fresche con un sacchetto del loro nero
  • 750 grammi di pomodori maturi, che ho fatto cuocere in una pentola senza acqua per farne uscire l’acqua che poi ho passato oppure due scatolette di passata di pomodoro
  • Trecento grammi di piselli freschi sgusciati
  • Un bicchiere piccolo di olio extra vergine
  • Un cipolla grande, uno spicchio di aglio e peperoncino secondo i gusti
  • Poco vino bianco
  • Vi aspetto presto per le acciughe, questa volta preparate con i piselli come le faceva mia nonna…

    Seppie con piselli

    Cuttlefish with peas my way, the recipe – Seiche aux petits pois à ma façon, la recette – Sepia con guisantes a mi manera, la receta – Choco com ervilhas do meu jeito, a receita – Tintenfisch mit Erbsen auf meine Art, das Rezept – Mực nang với đậu Hà Lan theo cách của tôi, công thức – 乌贼配豌豆我的方式,食谱 – エンドウ豆とカトルフィッシュ、レシピ