Bridges and canals of Venice

Ponticelli e canali di Venezia

Bridges and canals of Venice
Walking through the beautiful city of Venice this is just one of the many views you can see: a couple of small bridges that allow you to cross the small canal.

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Ponticelli e canali di Venezia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in Venice here:
foto gallery

The city was the capital of the Serenissima Republic of Venice for 1100 years and is known in this regard as the Serenissima, the Dominant and the Queen of the Adriatic: for its urban peculiarities and its artistic heritage, it is universally considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, declared, together with its lagoon, a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, which has contributed to making it the second Italian city after Rome with the highest tourist flow.
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Bridges and canals of Venice – Ponts et canaux de Venise – Puentes y canales de Venecia. – Pontes e canais de Veneza – Brücken und Kanäle von Venedig – Cầu và kênh của Venice – 威尼斯的桥梁和运河 – ヴェネツィアの橋と運河

A canal and some padlocks in Venice

Un canale e qualche lucchetto a Venezia

A canal and some padlocks in Venice.
In Venice, canals are an integral part of the city and are crossed by numerous waterways and smaller canals. The city is famous for its picturesque bridges, gondolas and fascinating views of the water. It may be that you are looking for information about a specific canal or a particular area of ​​Venice.
As for padlocks, the most famous image of padlocks in Venice is linked to the Bridge of Sighs. However, the phenomenon of padlocks is more common in other cities, such as Paris (on the Pont des Arts) or Rome (on the Ponte Milvio).

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Un canale e qualche lucchetto a Venezia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in Venice here:
foto gallery

The city was the capital of the Serenissima Republic of Venice for 1100 years and is known in this regard as the Serenissima, the Dominant and the Queen of the Adriatic: for its urban peculiarities and its artistic heritage, it is universally considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, declared, together with its lagoon, a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, which has contributed to making it the second Italian city after Rome with the highest tourist flow.
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A canal and some padlocks in Venice – Un canal et quelques cadenas à Venise – Un canal y unos candados en Venecia – Um canal e alguns cadeados em Veneza – Ein Kanal und einige Vorhängeschlösser in Venedig – Một con kênh và một số ổ khóa ở Venice – 威尼斯的一条运河和一些挂锁 – ヴェネツィアの運河といくつかの南京錠

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A typical canal in the city of Venice

Un tipico canale della città di Venezia

A typical canal in the city of Venice.
Walking around the lagoon city, every corner is a perfect subject for photos.
Like in this photo, taken I don't know where, with a nice little bridge in the background.

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Un tipico canale della città di Venezia

Photo taken with Honor 20.

To see all the photos I took in Venice here:
foto gallery

The city was the capital of the Serenissima Republic of Venice for 1,100 years and is known in this regard as the Serenissima, the Dominant and the Queen of the Adriatic: for its urban peculiarities and its artistic heritage, it is universally considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, declared, together with its lagoon, a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, which has contributed to making it the second Italian city after Rome with the highest tourist flow.
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A typical view of a canal in the city of Venice – Une vue typique d’un canal dans la ville de Venise – Una vista típica de un canal en la ciudad de Venecia. – Uma vista típica de um canal na cidade de Veneza – Eine typische Ansicht eines Kanals in der Stadt Venedig – Một góc nhìn điển hình của một con kênh ở thành phố Venice – 威尼斯市运河的典型景观 – ヴェネチア市の運河の典型的な眺め

Le case che si affacciano sui canali di Venezia

Le case che si affacciano sui canali di Venezia

Le case che si affacciano sui canali di Venezia.
Percorrendo a bordo di uno dei molti battelli il centro di Venezia, lo sguardo (e l’obiettivo della mia macchina) si posa sulle belle casette che si affacciano sul canale.
Case antiche, alcune rimodernizzate, ma tutte curate.
Che meraviglia Venezia!

Sei mai stato a Venezia? Aggiungi un tuo comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in Venice here:
foto gallery

The city was the capital of the Serenissima Republic of Venice for 1,100 years and is known in this regard as the Serenissima, the Dominant and the Queen of the Adriatic: for its urban peculiarities and its artistic heritage, it is universally considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, declared, together with its lagoon, a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, which has contributed to making it the second Italian city after Rome with the highest tourist flow.
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The houses overlooking the canals of Venice – Les maisons avec vue sur les canaux de Venise – Las casas con vistas a los canales de Venecia – As casas com vista para os canais de Veneza – Die Häuser mit Blick auf die Kanäle von Venedig – Những ngôi nhà nhìn ra kênh đào ở Venice – 俯瞰威尼斯运河的房屋 – ヴェネツィアの運河を望む家々

A calle, the characteristic alley of the city of Venice

Una calle, il vicolo caratteristico della citta' di Venezia

A calle, the characteristic alley of the city of Venice.
Strolling, a few months ago, through the historic center of the Serenissima (this is the nickname of the Venetian lagoon city).
Every corner is a spectacular setting for street photos.

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Una calle, il vicolo caratteristico della citta' di Venezia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in Venice here:
foto gallery

The city was the capital of the Serenissima Republic of Venice for 1,100 years and is known in this regard as the Serenissima, the Dominant and the Queen of the Adriatic: for its urban peculiarities and its artistic heritage, it is universally considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, declared, together with its lagoon, a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, which has contributed to making it the second Italian city after Rome with the highest tourist flow.
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A calle, the characteristic alley of the city of Venice – A calle, la ruelle caractéristique de la ville de Venise – A calle, el callejón característico de la ciudad de Venecia – A calle, o beco característico da cidade de Veneza – Eine Calle, die charakteristische Gasse der Stadt Venedig – A calle, con hẻm đặc trưng của thành phố Venice – A calle,威尼斯城的特色小巷 – ヴェネツィアの街の特徴的な路地「ア・カジェ」

Doge's Palace in St. Mark's Square in Venice

Lo splendido Palazzo Ducale in piazza San Marco a Venezia

The splendid Doge's Palace in St. Mark's Square in Venice.
When walking around Venice, you cannot help but come to St. Mark's Square and, consequently, also see the palace that was once that of the Doge.
With its unmistakable style, it is one of the symbols of the lagoon city.

Have you ever been to the island of Venice? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Lo splendido Palazzo Ducale in piazza San Marco a Venezia

Photo taken with Honor 20.

There is also the official website of the palace:

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

The Doge's Palace is built on three wings around the sides of a large central porticoed courtyard, the fourth side of which is made up of the lateral body of the Basilica Marciana, an ancient palatine chapel. The entire building rests, as in the case of any other Venetian building, on a raft made of larch trunks, which in turn supports an important base in Istrian stone.
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The splendid Palazzo Ducale in Piazza San Marco in Venice – Le splendide Palazzo Ducale sur la Piazza San Marco à Venise – El espléndido Palazzo Ducale en Piazza San Marco en Venecia – O esplêndido Palazzo Ducale na Piazza San Marco em Veneza – Der prächtige Palazzo Ducale auf dem Markusplatz in Venedig – Cung điện Ducale lộng lẫy ở Piazza San Marco ở Venice – 威尼斯圣马可广场华丽的公爵宫 – ヴェネツィアのサン・マルコ広場にある豪華なドゥカーレ宮殿

Il celebre Ponte dei Sospiri a Venezia

Il celebre Ponte dei Sospiri a Venezia

Il celebre Ponte dei Sospiri a Venezia.
Una delle attrazioni (ma quante sono) della bella città di Venezia è il famigerato Ponte dei Sospiri.
Lo si vede camminando sul molo di piazza San Marco essendo sul retro del Palazzo Ducale.
Ovviamente tutte le gondole vi passano sotto nonostante i sospiri degli amanti siano molto diversi da quelli esalati da che vi transitava in passato.

Sei mai stato sulla laguna di Venezia? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Il celebre Ponte dei Sospiri a Venezia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Questo il sito ufficiale del Palazzo Ducale da cui si può accedere al ponte:

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

Conosciuto a livello globale, è fotografato dai turisti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo. Gli è stato attribuito questo nome perché la tradizione vuole che, ai tempi della Serenissima, i prigionieri, attraversandolo, sospirassero davanti alla prospettiva di vedere per l’ultima volta il mondo esterno.
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The famous Bridge of Sighs in Venice – Le célèbre Pont des Soupirs à Venise – El famoso Puente de los Suspiros en Venecia – A famosa Ponte dos Suspiros em Veneza – Die berühmte Seufzerbrücke in Venedig – Cầu Than Thở nổi tiếng ở Venice – 威尼斯著名的叹息桥 – ベネチアで有名なため息橋

The canal called Rio dei Vetrai in Murano

Il canale chiamato Rio dei Vetrai a Murano

The canal called Rio dei Vetrai in Murano.
A trip to Venice cannot be truly such if you do not also have time to visit the beautiful and famous islands that surround it.
One is Murano, famous throughout the world for its glass and glassworks, and one of the canals that cross this island could not be called Rio dei Vetrai?

Have you ever visited the beautiful island of Murano? Want to see some glass objects that can be purchased online? Click here!

Do you know or have you ever been to Murano? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il canale chiamato Rio dei Vetrai a Murano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took on the Venetian island click here:

Here's where I took the photo from:

The islands on which Murano stands are located along the Marani canal and are divided by canals and streams and connected to each other by bridges; their territory is totally urbanized, excluding Sacca San Mattia, still being reclaimed. Two islands are of artificial origin: Sacca Serenella and Sacca San Mattia. The center is known throughout the world for the centuries-old artisan activity that produces Murano glass.
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The channel called Rio dei Vetrai in Murano – Le canal appelé Rio dei Vetrai à Murano – El canal llamado Rio dei Vetrai en Murano – O canal chamado Rio dei Vetrai em Murano – Der Kanal namens Rio dei Vetrai in Murano – Con kênh có tên Rio dei Vetrai ở Murano – 穆拉诺的 Rio dei Vetrai 运河 – ムラーノのリオ・デイ・ヴェトライと呼ばれる運河

Uno scorcio di Burano la piccola e famosa isola veneta

Uno scorcio di Burano la piccola e famosa isola veneta

Uno scorcio di Burano la piccola e famosa isola veneta.
Una delle tante piazzette del borgo di Burano la famosa isola della laguna veneta che assieme a Murano, Venezia e Torcello sono una delle cartoline piu’ famose della nostra bella Italia.
Le case colorate pastello, in questo scorcio, hanno tutti i colori dell’arcobaleno, fantastico!

Sei mai stato sull’isola di Burano? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Uno scorcio di Burano la piccola e famosa isola veneta

Photo taken with Honor 20.

There is also the official website of the island:

To see all the photos I took on the island click here:

Burano is a town of 2,270 inhabitants that stands on four islands in the northern Venetian lagoon. It is part of the municipality of Venice and in particular of the municipality of Venice-Murano-Burano. It is connected by a bridge to the island of Mazzorbo, which has become a sort of appendix. The town is known for its typical brightly colored houses and for the centuries-old artisan needlework of Burano lace.
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A glimpse of Burano, the small and famous Venetian island – Un aperçu de Burano, la petite et célèbre île vénitienne – Un vistazo a Burano, la pequeña y famosa isla veneciana – Um vislumbre de Burano, a pequena e famosa ilha veneziana – Ein Blick auf Burano, die kleine und berühmte venezianische Insel – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về Burano, hòn đảo nhỏ và nổi tiếng của Venice – 布拉诺岛,著名的威尼斯小岛一瞥 – 小さくて有名なベネチアの島、ブラーノ島を垣間見る

The colonnades of the Doge's Palace in Venice

I colonnati del Palazzo Ducale di Venezia

The colonnades of the Doge's Palace in Venice.
Beautiful Venice surprises me every time I visit it and always gives me many ideas for photos.
Like the two beautiful colonnades of the Doge's Palace (also called the Doge's Palace) which is one of the monuments of the very famous Piazza San Marco.

Have you ever been to the island of Venice?
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I colonnati del Palazzo Ducale di Venezia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

There is also the official website of the palace:

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

The Doge's Palace is built on three wings around the sides of a large central porticoed courtyard, the fourth side of which is made up of the lateral body of the Basilica Marciana, an ancient palatine chapel. The entire building rests, as in the case of any other Venetian building, on a raft made of larch trunks, which in turn supports an important base in Istrian stone.
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The colonnades of the Doge’s Palace in Venice – Les colonnades du Palais des Doges à Venise – Las columnatas del Palacio Ducal de Venecia – As colunatas do Palácio do Doge em Veneza – Die Kolonnaden des Dogenpalastes in Venedig – Hàng cột của Cung điện Doge ở Venice – 威尼斯总督宫的柱廊 – ヴェネツィアのドゥカーレ宮殿の列柱