The seafront promenade of Sestri Levante

La passeggiata a mare di Sestri Levante

The seafront promenade of Sestri Levante.
One of my favorite photographs of the seafront promenade is the one that also portrays the monumental trees (I think maritime pine) in the stretch between the Nettuno and the Dani kiosk.
In this case I slightly colored the photo in HDR.

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La passeggiata a mare di Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 28.

Here is the spot where I took this photo:

The seafront promenade of Sestri Levante – La promenade du bord de mer de Sestri Levante – El paseo marítimo de Sestri Levante – O passeio marítimo de Sestri Levante – Die Strandpromenade von Sestri Levante – Đường đi dạo bên bờ biển Sestri Levante

The seafront promenade of Sestri Levante

La passeggiata a mare di Sestri Levante

La passeggiata a mare di Sestri Levante.
Mi rilassa sempre percorrere Lungomare Descalzo, la passeggiata, della mia cittadina.
Poi di mattina, magari in un bella giornata soleggiata di inverno, fa ancora più piacere.

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La passeggiata a mare di Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here's where I took the photo from:

Sailor, fisherman, farmer, worker at the Fabbrica Italiana Tubi and finally municipal employee, he is the author of novels (Esclusi, 1937 and Tutti i giorni, 1950), lyrical prose (Interpretazioni, 1933) and, for newspapers and magazines, hundreds of stories (many of them for children), articles and travel reports sometimes collected in volumes (Sotto copertina, 1933; La terra dei fossili vivere, 1938; Scogliere, 1940; Santuari, vallate e calanche della Liguria orientale, 1941; Le cinque terre, 1943 and Ai quattro venti, 1943). From 1930 until the last days of his life he kept a diary of which the initial part relating to the years 1930 and 1932 has been published, at the initiative of the Municipality of his city.
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The seafront promenade of Sestri Levante – La promenade du bord de mer de Sestri Levante – El paseo marítimo de Sestri Levante – O passeio marítimo de Sestri Levante – Die Strandpromenade von Sestri Levante – Đường đi dạo bên bờ biển Sestri Levante

The Music Kiosk on the Rapallo seafront

L'iconico Chiosco della Musica sul lungomare di Rapallo in Liguria

The iconic Music Kiosk on the Rapallo seafront in Liguria.
One of the modern symbols of the city of Rapallo located on the seafront between the promenade and the historic center.
I like to photograph it when I pass by.

Have you ever been to Rapallo and have you ever seen this kiosk? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

L'iconico Chiosco della Musica sul lungomare di Rapallo in Liguria

L'iconico Chiosco della Musica sul lungomare di Rapallo in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here's exactly where the kiosk is located:

Located in gardens or parks, the bandstand is part of a style of festive architecture developed in Europe, between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, in tourist resorts, where, when still preserved, it evokes the pleasure of a seaside holiday.
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The iconic Music Kiosk on the seafront of Rapallo in Liguria – Le kiosque musical emblématique sur le front de mer de Rapallo en Ligurie – El icónico quiosco de música en el paseo marítimo de Rapallo en Liguria – O icônico quiosque de música à beira-mar de Rapallo, na Ligúria – Der ikonische Musikkiosk an der Küste von Rapallo in Ligurien – Kiosk âm nhạc mang tính biểu tượng trên bờ biển Rapallo ở Liguria – 利古里亚拉帕洛海滨的标志性音乐亭 – リグーリア州ラパッロの海岸沿いにある象徴的なミュージック キオスク

Giovanni Descalzo Promenade in Sestri Levante

Lungomare Giovanni Descalzo, la passeggiata a mare, a Sestri Levante

Giovanni Descalzo Promenade in Sestri Levante.
The beautiful seaside promenade of my town in the western part (the eastern one is called Viale Rimembranza).
Dedicated to the poet from Sestri Descalzo, it allows you to walk while enjoying the beach and the sea at any time of the year and, with the following stretch up to the Sant'Anna galleries, it is almost a kilometer of walking.

Do you know the Sestri Levante promenade? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Sailor, fisherman, farmer, worker at the Fabbrica Italiana Tubi and finally municipal employee, he is the author of novels (Esclusi, 1937 and Tutti i giorni, 1950), lyrical prose (Interpretazioni, 1933) and, for newspapers and magazines, hundreds of stories (many of them for children), articles and travel reports sometimes collected in volumes (Sotto copertina, 1933; La terra dei fossili vivere, 1938; Scogliere, 1940; Santuari, vallate e calanche della Liguria orientale, 1941; Le cinque terre, 1943 and Ai quattro venti, 1943). From 1930 until the last days of his life he kept a diary of which the initial part relating to the years 1930 and 1932 has been published, at the initiative of the Municipality of his city.
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Lungomare Giovanni Descalzo, the sea promenade, in Sestri Levante – Lungomare Giovanni Descalzo, la promenade maritime, à Sestri Levante – Lungomare Giovanni Descalzo, el paseo marítimo, en Sestri Levante – Lungomare Giovanni Descalzo, o passeio marítimo, em Sestri Levante – Lungomare Giovanni Descalzo, die Strandpromenade, in Sestri Levante – Lungomare Giovanni Descalzo, lối đi dạo trên biển, ở Sestri Levante – Lungomare Giovanni Descalzo,海滨长廊,位于塞斯特里莱万特 – セストリ・レバンテの海の遊歩道、ルンゴマーレ・ジョヴァンニ・デスカルツォ

Spiaggette, moli e Bagni di Rapallo

Spiaggette, moli e Bagni di Rapallo

Spiaggette, moli e Bagni di Rapallo.
Nella parte di lungomare orientale di Rapallo, quella parte per intenderci che parte dal Castello e arriva fino all’Hotel Bristol, ci sono una serie di piccole spiaggette e stabilimenti balneari privati e piccoli moli che da sempre accolgono i bagnanti in estate.
Pur essendo andato per tutto il liceo a scuola nella città’ rivierasca ammetto che solo di recente ho percorso questa parte del lungomare e ne sono stato sorpreso dalla piacevolezza nel passeggiarvi.

Conosci questa parte di Rapallo? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Spiaggette, moli e Bagni di Rapallo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Le Nagge (Via Avenaggi) è una delle zone che ha subito meno cambiamenti dal secolo scorso, con le dimore residenziali ottocentesche e novecentesche che si affacciano sul mare e a spiaggia e che ospita da sempre la maggior I giardini delle Raneparte degli stabilimenti balneari rapallesi.
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Dove si trova questa zona:

Rapallo beaches, piers and baths – Plages, jetées et bains de Rapallo – Rapallo playas, muelles y baños – Praias, cais e banhos de Rapallo – Strände, Piers und Bäder von Rapallo – Bãi biển Rapallo, cầu tàu và bồn tắm – 拉帕洛海滩、码头和浴场 – ラパロのビーチ、桟橋、お風呂

The little houses of the Marina Giulia district in Chiavari

Le casette del quartiere di Marina Giulia a Chiavari

The little houses of the Marina Giulia neighborhood in Chiavari.
An area of ​​Chiavari, which I must admit I didn't know well (and which I had never photographed before), is the one called Marina Giulia.
It is a small street that is almost a seaside promenade at the mouth of the Rupinaro stream.
Built (if I'm not mistaken) at the beginning of the 1900s, with its colorful little houses with entrances raised above street level (and a mezzanine level below street level), it looks like a typical London street.

And do you know this street of Chiavari? If you know something more or want to read the information added by visitors? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Le casette del quartiere di Marina Giulia a Chiavari

Le casette del quartiere di Marina Giulia a Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

And this is a nice video made while walking in the area:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Here's where this neighborhood is located:

The houses in the Marina Giulia district in Chiavari – Les maisons du quartier de Marina Giulia à Chiavari – Las casas en el distrito de Marina Giulia en Chiavari – As casas no distrito de Marina Giulia em Chiavari – Die Häuser im Stadtteil Marina Giulia in Chiavari – Les maisons du quartier de Marina Giulia à Chiavari – 基亚瓦里滨海朱利亚区的房屋 – キアヴァリのマリーナジュリア地区の家々

Latin writing on the door of a villa in Rapallo

Scritta in latino sul portone di una villa a Rapallo

Latin writing on the door of a villa in Rapallo
Above the entrance to Villa Robilant, in Rapallo, there is this Latin phrase by Horace which says:

Non incedo per ignes suppositos cineri doloso (which means: You walk on burning coals hidden by deceptive ashes).

I don't quite understand the meaning but I think it's: be careful because under the deceptive ash, burning embers are hidden.

Do you know this Latin writing and do you know its correct meaning? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Scritta in latino sul portone di una villa a Rapallo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Considered one of the greatest poets of the ancient age, as well as a master of stylistic elegance and gifted with an unusual irony, he was able to face the political and civil vicissitudes of his time as a placid Epicurean lover of the pleasures of life, dictating what for many are still the canons of the ars vivendi.
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Written in Latin on the door of a villa in Rapallo – Écrit en latin sur la porte d’une villa à Rapallo – Escrito en latín en la puerta de una villa en Rapallo – Escrito em latim na porta de uma vila em Rapallo – Geschrieben in Latein an der Tür einer Villa in Rapallo – Viết bằng tiếng Latinh trên cửa một biệt thự ở Rapallo – 用拉丁文写在拉帕洛一栋别墅的门上 – ラパロの別荘のドアにラテン語で書かれた

La passeggiata in via Brin a Riva Trigoso

La passeggiata in via Brin a Riva Trigoso

La passeggiata in via Brin a Riva Trigoso.
Lo splendore delle case che si affacciano sulla passeggiata e sul mare a Ponente di Riva Trigoso.
Se si ha la fortuna di passarvici in una mattinata primaverile, con poche persone che la percorrono, è proprio uno spettacolo.

Do you know Riva Trigoso? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La passeggiata in via Brin a Riva Trigoso

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Benedetto Brin (Turin, 17 May 1833 – Rome, 24 May 1898) was an Italian engineer, admiral and politician. Having entered service in the Sardinian Navy in 1853 as an officer of the Naval Engineering Corps, in 1864 he published an article in which he demonstrated the inevitability of the transition to armoured ships, thus finding himself on the same line as Simone Pacoret de Saint-Bon.
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The walk in via Brin in Riva Trigoso, a small Ligurian seaside village – La promenade via Brin à Riva Trigoso, un petit village balnéaire ligure – El paseo por via Brin en Riva Trigoso, un pequeño pueblo costero de Liguria – A caminhada pela via Brin em Riva Trigoso, uma pequena vila costeira da Ligúria – Der Spaziergang in der Via Brin in Riva Trigoso, einem kleinen ligurischen Küstendorf – Đi bộ qua Brin ở Riva Trigoso, một ngôi làng nhỏ ven biển Ligurian – 走进利古里亚海滨小村里瓦特里戈索的布林大道 – リグリアの小さな海辺の村、リヴァトリゴソのブリン経由での散歩

La pizzeria Riri a Sestri Levante

La pizzeria Riri a Sestri Levante

La pizzeria Riri a Sestri Levante.
Ovviamente ognuno ha i propri gusti gastronomici ma la pizzeria Riri (la pagina Facebook) è sicuramente una delle migliori di Sestri Levante.
Da quando io riesco a ricordarmi, vado a mangiare la pizza lì con la mia famiglia ed anzi, posso dirlo, è come mangiarla in famiglia.
Situata lungo la passeggiata sestrese all’altezza della spiaggia chiamata dei “barconi”.
La conoscete vero?

La pizzeria Riri a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

The colored houses of Liguria

Le case colorate della Liguria

The colored houses of Liguria.
If I didn't tell you where I took this photo, you probably wouldn't be able to tell me the village that hosts these facades.
In fact, throughout Liguria, especially in the villages overlooking the sea, the soft but different colors from house to house are one of the salient features of aesthetics.
It is said that they were colored this way to distinguish them from the owners, often sailors and fishermen, even from the open sea. Who knows if it's true or a legend.
I almost forgot: I took the photo in Riva Trigoso, exactly in via Benedetto Brin, on the western seafront.

Have you ever been to Riva Trigoso? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Le case colorate della Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Houses in via Brin in Riva Trigoso, a small Ligurian seaside village – Maisons de via Brin à Riva Trigoso, un petit village balnéaire ligure – Casas en via Brin en Riva Trigoso, un pequeño pueblo costero de Liguria – Casas na via Brin em Riva Trigoso, uma pequena vila costeira da Ligúria – Häuser in der Via Brin in Riva Trigoso, einem kleinen ligurischen Küstendorf – Những ngôi nhà ở qua Brin ở Riva Trigoso, một ngôi làng nhỏ ven biển Ligurian – 位于利古里亚海滨小村 Riva Trigoso 的 via Brin 的房屋 – 小さなリグリアの海辺の村、リヴァトリゴソのブリン通りの家