Madonna on the facade, a typical Ligurian custom

Madonnina su facciata

A Madonna on a facade.
It often happens, here in Liguria, to see statuettes of Madonnas or Saints on the facades of houses.
They are there to protect the houses (and their inhabitants) but also to wish luck to fishermen.
There are truly so many Madonnas that adorn the buildings in our towns and I think I have already proposed several on this site. This one, in particular, is on a facade that overlooks the sea.

Madonnina su facciata

Madonna on the facade, a typical Ligurian custom – Madonnina sur la façade, une coutume typique de la Ligurie – Madonnina en la fachada, una costumbre típica de Liguria – Madonnina na fachada, um costume típico da Ligúria – Madonnina an der Fassade, ein typisch ligurischer Brauch – Madonna trên mặt tiền, một phong tục Ligurian điển hình