The frescoes of the Cathedral of Acireale

Affreschi volta della Cattedrale di Acireale

The frescoes of the vault of the Cathedral of Acireale.
The Cathedral of Maria Santissima Annunziata, from the 15th century, and its beautiful vault.

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Affreschi volta della Cattedrale di Acireale

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

There is also the official website of the Diocesi di Acireale.

If you want to see all the shots in the Sicilian city click here:

The vault of the central nave, decorated by Giuseppe Sciuti in 1907 with the help of his disciple Primo Panciroli, is punctuated by scenes of a vague Pre-Raphaelite style.
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The frescoes of the vault of the Cathedral of Acireale – Les fresques de la voûte de la cathédrale d’Acireale – Los frescos de la bóveda de la Catedral de Acireale – Os afrescos da abóbada da Catedral de Acireale – Die Fresken des Gewölbes der Kathedrale von Acireale – Những bức bích họa trên mái vòm của Nhà thờ Acireale – 阿奇雷亚莱大教堂拱顶的壁画 – アーチレアーレ大聖堂の金庫室のフレスコ画