The ancient portal of the Admiral's Palace in the alleys of Cadiz. A beautiful portal, in the historic center of the Spanish city, not far from the cathedral. As I read on the internet: “The Admiral's House was built by the Admiral of the Fleet of the Indies, Diego de Barrios, in the 17th century. The facade is made of Genoa marble“.
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Here is where the palace is located:
It is probably the oldest city founded in the western Mediterranean area by the Phoenicians in the 11th century BC, although its birth is now officially dated back to the end of the 8th century BC. Founded with the original name of Gadir (in Phoenician: Gdr, fortress, with the same etymology as Agadir in Morocco) on what was once a small archipelago and now a single island, to exploit the rich trade routes with the Atlantic Ocean in the copper and tin trade. In ancient Greece it was known as Gadeira and in the times of the Roman Empire as Gades from which the current gentilic name of gaditano derives. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The ancient portal of the Admiral’s palace in the alleys of Cadiz – L’ancien portail du palais de l’amiral dans les ruelles de Cadix – El antiguo portal del palacio del Almirante en las callejuelas de Cádiz – O antigo portal do palácio do almirante nas vielas de Cádiz – Das alte Portal des Admiralspalastes in den Gassen von Cadiz – Cổng cổ của cung điện Đô đốc trong các con hẻm của Cadiz
Il portale d’ingresso di Palazzo Domenico Grillo nel centro storico di Genova. Come sempre, gironzolando tra i vicoli del centro storico di Zena, trovo sempre qualcosa di nuovo da fotografare e poi postare. Questo è l’ingresso del palazzo voluto da Domenico Grillo, in Vico alla Chiesa delle Vigne, ora diventato un hotel.
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Il palazzo Domenico Grillo è un edificio sito in piazza delle Vigne al civico 4 nel centro storico di Genova. L’edificio fu inserito nella lista dei palazzi iscritti ai Rolli di Genova. Nella piazza omonima è presente la basilica di Santa Maria delle Vigne. Fatto costruire e decorare per conto del marchese Domenico Grillo nel 1545, sopra la loggia degli “alberghi” Grillo, Negrone e Vivaldi, il palazzo fu ampliato e dotato di un nuovo prospetto, ricco di decorazioni marmoree e affreschi, da Giovan Battista Castello detto il Bergamasco in collaborazione con Bernardo Spazio nel 1560. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The entrance portal of Palazzo Domenico Grillo in the historic center of Genoa – Le portail d’entrée du Palazzo Domenico Grillo dans le centre historique de Gênes – El portal de entrada del Palazzo Domenico Grillo en el centro histórico de Génova – O portal de entrada do Palazzo Domenico Grillo, no centro histórico de Génova – Das Eingangsportal des Palazzo Domenico Grillo im historischen Zentrum von Genua – Cổng vào của Palazzo Domenico Grillo ở trung tâm lịch sử của Genoa
Il monumento a forma di vela di Giò Pomodoro a Sestri Levante. E’ una delle iconiche opere dell’artista italiano. Questo monumento, noto anche come “La Vela”, è situato vicino allla passeggiata a mare della città ligure in piazza Bo. Il monumento ha la forma di una vela stilizzata, un omaggio alla tradizione marittima e alla cultura nautica di Sestri Levante. Realizzato in bronzo e marmo, il monumento è caratterizzato da linee pulite e superfici levigate che riflettono la luce del mare e del sole. La scultura è imponente, con una struttura che si erge maestosamente verso il cielo, simboleggiando il movimento e la libertà del vento che gonfia una vela. La “Vela” di Giò Pomodoro rappresenta non solo un tributo al mare e alla navigazione, ma anche un simbolo di viaggio e scoperta. La forma della vela, infatti, evoca l’idea di avventura e di connessione tra l’uomo e la natura. Inoltre, la scultura è un esempio della maestria di Pomodoro nel creare opere che dialogano con l’ambiente circostante, integrandosi armoniosamente con il paesaggio marittimo di Sestri Levante.
Giò Pomodoro (1930-2002) è stato uno dei più importanti scultori italiani del XX secolo. La sua opera si caratterizza per l’uso di forme geometriche e simboliche, spesso ispirate dalla natura e dagli elementi. Le sue sculture sono presenti in numerose città italiane e all’estero, testimoniando il suo contributo significativo all’arte contemporanea. Il monumento a forma di vela a Sestri Levante è un esempio rappresentativo del suo lavoro, capace di evocare emozioni e di stimolare riflessioni attraverso la sua presenza imponente e la sua forma elegante.
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Giò Pomodoro, all’anagrafe Giorgio Pomodoro (Orciano di Pesaro, 17 novembre 1930 – Milano, 21 dicembre 2002), è stato uno scultore, orafo, incisore e scenografo italiano. Viene considerato uno fra i più importanti scultori astratti del panorama internazionale del XX secolo. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The sail-shaped monument of the artist Giò Pomodoro in Sestri Levante – Le monument en forme de voile de l’artiste Giò Pomodoro à Sestri Levante – El monumento en forma de vela del artista Giò Pomodoro en Sestri Levante – O monumento em forma de vela do artista Giò Pomodoro em Sestri Levante – Das segelförmige Denkmal des Künstlers Giò Pomodoro in Sestri Levante – Tượng đài hình cánh buồm của nghệ sĩ Giò Pomodoro ở Sestri Levante
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The two-tone arcades of Via Venti Settembre in Genoa. The two-tone arcades of Via Venti Settembre in Genoa are one of the most distinctive and fascinating architectural elements of the city. Via Venti Settembre is one of the main arteries of the center of Genoa and its arcades are known for their elegant two-tone decorations, a typical decorative style that uses two contrasting colors to create suggestive visual effects.
Typically, the two-tone effect is achieved using white marble and black slate, a local stone very common in Ligurian architecture. This contrast of colors creates a very strong and distinctive visual effect. The decorative motifs in the porticos often include geometric designs, such as stripes, diamonds, and zigzag patterns. These designs are designed to enhance the contrast between the two colors. Many of the buildings along Via Venti Settembre date back to the Italian Liberty (Art Nouveau) period, and the two-tone effect is used to emphasize the sinuous lines and floral details typical of this style. In addition to the aesthetic aspect, the two-tone effect also has a practical function, as dark stones, such as slate, are more resistant to wear and stains, so they are often used in areas subject to pedestrian traffic. The two-tone effect is not only an aesthetic choice, but also has a cultural and historical significance. It reflects the skill of the Genoese craftsmen and the historical richness of the city. It is an example of how architecture can incorporate artistic elements that tell a story and create a unique identity for a place.
Along Via Venti Settembre, some of the most iconic buildings with two-tone porticos include: Palazzo della Borsa: an example of Art Nouveau architecture with elaborate decorations. Chiesa della Consolazione: although not directly part of the porticos, it is a nearby landmark with a façade that incorporates two-tone elements. Palazzi dei Rolli: some of the historic buildings along the street display this type of decoration, although the Rolli themselves are better known for other architectural features.
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Via XX Settembre is one of the main roads in the centre of Genoa within the Genoese district of San Vincenzo, just under a kilometre long. It runs in an east-west direction and, together with Corso Italia – the promenade that runs along the seafront – is one of the favourite places for strolls by the Genoese. It crosses the two central districts of Portoria (first section, portico, from Piazza De Ferrari to the Monumental Bridge) and San Vincenzo (from the Monumental Bridge to the outlet on Via Cadorna near Piazza della Vittoria. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The two-tone arcades of Via Venti Settembre in Genoa – Les arcades bicolores de la Via Venti Settembre à Gênes – Las arcadas bicolores de Via Venti Settembre en Génova – As arcadas bicolores da Via Venti Settembre em Gênova – Die zweifarbigen Arkaden der Via Venti Settembre in Genua – Mái vòm hai tông màu của Via Venti Settembre ở Genoa
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The Chapel of Saint Anthony in the Basilica in Padua. The Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua, located in northern Italy, is one of the most important and visited places of worship in the country. The Chapel of Saint Anthony is a significant part of this basilica. The Chapel of Saint Anthony, also known as the Chapel of the Ark, is located inside the basilica and houses the sanctuary of the Saint. This chapel is famous for its altar, which houses the remains of Saint Anthony of Padua. Saint Anthony, born in Portugal in 1195 and died in Padua in 1231, was a Franciscan highly venerated for his teachings and miracles. The altar, built in the 13th century, is decorated with sculptures and reliefs depicting stories from the life of Saint Anthony. The relics of the Saint are kept in a red marble tomb located behind the altar. The chapel is an important place of pilgrimage and attracts believers from all over the world. In addition to the works of art and relics, the chapel is adorned with magnificent frescoes and decorations that testify to the devotion and respect for Saint Anthony. The Basilica of Saint Anthony is a sacred and historical place that attracts tourists, believers and art lovers from all over the world.
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This is the official website of the basilica:
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The altar stands on a platform placed above seven steps. It is the work of Tiziano Aspetti (1607), and is crowned by three statues made in 1593-94: that of Saint Anthony in the center, flanked by that of Saint Bonaventure and Saint Louis of Toulouse, who were Franciscan bishops. On the parapet you can see two pairs of candle-bearing angels. The tabernacle dates back to 1742, as do the two embossed silver plate altar cards, the work of the Venetian goldsmith Andrea Fulici, which depict in bas-relief, starting from the left, the Miracle of the Severed Foot, the Apparition of Baby Jesus, the Miracle of the Mule, the Dressing of Saint Anthony and the Miracle of the Fish. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The chapel of Sant’Antonio in the basilica of the same name in Padua – La chapelle Saint-Antoine de la basilique du même nom à Padoue – La capilla de Sant’Antonio en la basílica del mismo nombre en Padua – A capela de Sant’Antonio na basílica homônima em Pádua – Die Kapelle Sant’Antonio in der gleichnamigen Basilika in Padua – Nhà nguyện Sant’Antonio trong vương cung thánh đường cùng tên ở Padua – 帕多瓦同名大教堂中的圣安东尼奥教堂 – パドヴァの同名大聖堂にあるサンタントーニオ礼拝堂
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The majestic Columns of Hadrian's Palace in Rome. Welcome to the heart of Rome, where history comes to life among the majestic columns of Hadrian's Palace. This ancient building, once the residence of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, continues to amaze and fascinate visitors from all over the world. The elegance of Roman architecture: The columns of Hadrian's Palace represent an extraordinary example of Roman art and architecture. Their symmetry, geometric precision and grandeur evoke the golden age of the Roman Empire. World Heritage Site: This historic site has been recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, a tribute to its inestimable cultural and historical value. The perfect subject for photos: If you are a photography enthusiast, the Columns of Hadrian's Palace will give you spectacular shots. Every corner offers an opportunity to capture the beauty and grandeur of ancient Rome. Don't miss the chance to visit this extraordinary historical site in the heart of Rome, which connects the past to the present in one of the most fascinating cities in the world. An experience not to be forgotten!
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The Temple of Hadrian was an ancient Roman temple located in the Campus Martius in Rome. The temple was erected in honor of the emperor Hadrian, who was deified after his death. It is probable that construction of the building had already begun under Hadrian himself to dedicate it to his wife Vibia Sabina, who died and was deified in 136. Perhaps with the work having just begun, Hadrian died (138) and the actual construction of the temple was due to his successor, Antoninus Pius: the building was completed around 145. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Here is where the monument is located:
The majestic Columns of Hadrian’s Palace in Rome – Les majestueuses colonnes du palais d’Hadrien à Rome – Las majestuosas columnas del Palacio de Adriano en Roma – As majestosas colunas do Palácio de Adriano em Roma – Die majestätischen Säulen des Hadrianspalastes in Rom – Những cột hùng vĩ của Cung điện Hadrian ở Rome – 罗马哈德良宫雄伟的圆柱 – ローマのハドリアヌス宮殿の壮大な柱
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The area of Milan with the Columns of San Lorenzo. Walking around Milan I came across this area, famous above all for the Milanese nightlife, where these splendid marble columns welcome passers-by. One of the many monuments of Milan.
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These are sixteen columns, about 7 and a half meters high, in Musso marble, with Corinthian capitals that support the trabeation. In reality, looking closely, there are 17 columns, in fact on the top of the arch that is in the center of the columns, which differentiates 8 on one side and 8 on the other, there is a miniature column with a cross on top. They come from Roman buildings dating back to the 2nd or 3rd century, probably a pagan temple located in the area of the current Piazza Santa Maria Beltrade. Continue and learn more on milanofree
The area of Milan with the Columns of San Lorenzo – Le quartier de Milan avec les Colonnes de San Lorenzo – La zona de Milán con las Columnas de San Lorenzo – A área de Milão com as Colunas de San Lorenzo – Das Gebiet von Mailand mit den Säulen von San Lorenzo – Khu vực Milan với Cột San Lorenzo – 米兰地区与圣洛伦索柱 – サン・ロレンツォの柱があるミラノのエリア
I portici di via XX Settembre in centro a Genova. Tutte le volte che percorro i portici di via Venti Settembre (XX Settembre) non mi posso esimere dal fotografarli e questo tratto, con le colonne e gli archi decorati in pietra bianca e nera, è secondo me il più bello.
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What is September 20, the date of the XX Settembre streets? On that day, in 1870, the Italian army took Rome after the breach of Porta Pia: it was the end of the Papal State. Continua ed approfondisci su Il Post
The wonderful arcades of via XX Settembre in the center of Genoa – Les magnifiques arcades de la via XX Settembre au centre de Gênes – Las maravillosas arcadas de via XX Settembre en el centro de Génova – As maravilhosas arcadas da via XX Settembre no centro de Gênova – Die wunderschönen Arkaden der Via XX Settembre im Zentrum von Genua – Những mái vòm tuyệt vời của via XX Settembre ở trung tâm Genoa – 位于热那亚市中心的 Via XX Settembre 美妙的拱廊 – ジェノヴァの中心にある XX Settembre 通りの素晴らしいアーケード
The colonnades of the Doge's Palace in Venice. Beautiful Venice surprises me every time I visit it and always gives me many ideas for photos. Like the two beautiful colonnades of the Doge's Palace (also called the Doge's Palace) which is one of the monuments of the very famous Piazza San Marco.
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The Doge's Palace is built on three wings around the sides of a large central porticoed courtyard, the fourth side of which is made up of the lateral body of the Basilica Marciana, an ancient palatine chapel. The entire building rests, as in the case of any other Venetian building, on a raft made of larch trunks, which in turn supports an important base in Istrian stone. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
The colonnades of the Doge’s Palace in Venice – Les colonnades du Palais des Doges à Venise – Las columnatas del Palacio Ducal de Venecia – As colunatas do Palácio do Doge em Veneza – Die Kolonnaden des Dogenpalastes in Venedig – Hàng cột của Cung điện Doge ở Venice – 威尼斯总督宫的柱廊 – ヴェネツィアのドゥカーレ宮殿の列柱
Il portale d’ingresso del Palazzo Basadonne a Genova. Passeggiando per i vicoli del centro storico di Genova ho trovato questo bel portale, in una altrettanto bella piazzetta nei vicoli (piazza San Giorgio). Ovviamente era uno dei palazzi inscritti nel registro dei Rolli.
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Ubicato nella piazza del mercato di San Giorgio, è proprietà delle famiglie Vento e Cattaneo Della Volta (1414); inserito nei rolli dal 1599, cambia nome quando Elianetta Baxadonne lo lascia in eredità al figlio Gio Andrea De Franchi Toso (1616), già senatore della Repubblica di Genova. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Ecco dove si trova il portone:
The entrance portal of the Basadonne Palace in Genoa – Le portail d’entrée du Palais Basadonne à Gênes – El portal de entrada del Palacio Basadonne en Génova – O portal de entrada do Palácio Basadonne em Génova – Das Eingangsportal des Basadonne-Palastes in Genua – Cổng vào của Cung điện Basadonne ở Genoa – 热那亚巴萨多讷宫的入口 – ジェノヴァのバサドンヌ宮殿の入り口