The facade of the church of San Giovanni Battista in Mattarana. A small village, in the province of La Spezia, with its simple but beautiful church dedicated to San Giovanni.
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Here is where the church is located:
The facade of the church of San Giovanni Battista in Mattarana – La façade de l’église de San Giovanni Battista à Mattarana – La fachada de la iglesia de San Giovanni Battista en Mattarana – A fachada da igreja de San Giovanni Battista em Mattarana – Die Fassade der Kirche San Giovanni Battista in Mattarana – Mặt tiền nhà thờ San Giovanni Battista ở Mattarana
The caruggio of Mattarana a small village in Liguria. Some time ago I went to eat ravioli in a famous trattoria in Mattarana, a small Ligurian village in the province of La Spezia. After lunch I took a stroll around the village to take some photos and this is the main caruggio, with the church at the end, around which the few houses were built.
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To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here is where the village is located:
The caruggio of Mattarana a small village in Liguria – Le caruggio de Mattarana est un petit village de Ligurie – El caruggio de Mattarana es un pequeño pueblo de Liguria – O caruggio de Mattarana é uma pequena aldeia da Ligúria – Das Caruggio von Mattarana ist ein kleines Dorf in Ligurien – Caruggio của Mattarana là một ngôi làng nhỏ ở Liguria
The pebbles in the churchyard of the church of Mattarana. I always really like risseu, that particular decorative art that consists of placing river or sea pebbles (almost always black and white) to create a design. In this case it is the decoration of the churchyard of the church of San Giovanni Battista in the small village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia.
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To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here is where the churchyard is located:
The brawls in the churchyard of Mattarana – Les bagarres dans le cimetière de Mattarana – Las peleas en el cementerio de Mattarana – As brigas no cemitério de Mattarana – Die Schlägereien auf dem Kirchhof von Mattarana – Những cuộc ẩu đả trong sân nhà thờ Mattarana – 马塔拉纳教堂墓地的斗殴事件 – マッタラナの教会の庭で乱闘
The Mattarana alley with the church in the background The small village of Materana, in the province of La Spezia, is crossed by the caruggio in its entirety and ends, as you can see in the photo, in the churchyard of the church of San Giovanni Battista.
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To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here is where the village is located:
The small village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia – Le petit village de Mattarana dans la province de La Spezia – El pequeño pueblo de Mattarana en la provincia de La Spezia – A pequena aldeia de Mattarana, na província de La Spezia – Das kleine Dorf Mattarana in der Provinz La Spezia – Ngôi làng nhỏ Mattarana ở tỉnh La Spezia – 拉斯佩齐亚省的马塔拉纳小村庄 – ラ・スペツィア県のマッタラナという小さな村
The small village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia. Built around the Via Aurelia, in the long stretch that connects La Spezia with Genoa, the small village of Mattarana contains a few houses, a beautiful internal alley and the church of San Giovanni Battista. In the photo, the village taken from the road.
Have you ever been to Mattarana? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here is where the village is located:
The small village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia – Le petit village de Mattarana dans la province de La Spezia – El pequeño pueblo de Mattarana en la provincia de La Spezia – A pequena aldeia de Mattarana, na província de La Spezia – Das kleine Dorf Mattarana in der Provinz La Spezia – Ngôi làng nhỏ Mattarana ở tỉnh La Spezia – 拉斯佩齐亚省的马塔拉纳小村庄 – ラ・スペツィア県のマッタラナという小さな村
Il caruggio nel piccolo borgo di Mattarana in provincia della Spezia. Un piccolo borgo sui monti che circondano la Val di Vara tutto da scoprire. Questo è il caruggio, via Aldo Moro, la stretta via che attraversa tutto il paese.
Have you ever been to Mattarana? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here is where the village is located:
The alley in the small village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia – La ruelle du petit village de Mattarana dans la province de La Spezia – El callejón en el pequeño pueblo de Mattarana en la provincia de La Spezia – O beco da pequena aldeia de Mattarana, na província de La Spezia – Die Gasse im kleinen Dorf Mattarana in der Provinz La Spezia – Con hẻm ở ngôi làng nhỏ Mattarana, tỉnh La Spezia – 拉斯佩齐亚省马塔拉纳小村庄的小巷 – ラ・スペツィア県マッタラナの小さな村の路地
I ravioli al ragù dell’Antica Locanda Luigina a Mattarana. Diversi mesi fa, ormai, sono stato a mangiare una domenica a pranzo alla Antica Locanda Luigina (trattoria, ristorante, albergo) consigliatami da qualche amico. Ovviamente il mio scopo era assaggiare i ravioli al ragù, il miopiatto preferito! Devo dire che i ravioli erano buoni (come del resto anche tutti gli altri piatti) e saporiti. Entrano nella mia classifica ma non sul podio.
Go see my article with my personal ranking of the restaurants where I ate the best ravioli al ragù in the Province of Genoa di Levante.
Have you ever eaten ravioli here? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
Ligurian cuisine is made up of dishes from the culinary tradition of Liguria, a region that uses ingredients linked both to local production (such as preboggion, a mixture of wild herbs) and to imports from areas with which Ligurians have had frequent contact over the centuries (such as Sardinian pecorino, one of the ingredients of pesto). A poor cuisine, typical of country people, mountaineers and sailors, made of simple, common and cheap foods, which has however become expensive, refined and full of ancient glories. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Ecco dove si trova la locanda:
The ravioli with ragù from the Antica Locanda Luigina in Mattarana – Les raviolis au ragù de l’Antica Locanda Luigina à Mattarana – Los ravioles con ragú de la Antica Locanda Luigina de Mattarana – O ravióli com ragù da Antica Locanda Luigina em Mattarana – Die Ravioli mit Ragù von der Antica Locanda Luigina in Mattarana – Món ravioli với ragù từ Antica Locanda Luigina ở Mattarana – 马塔拉纳 Antica Locanda Luigina 的馄饨配肉酱 – マッタラナのアンティカ ロカンダ ルイジーナのラグー入りラビオリ
Il centro del piccolo borgo di Mattarana in Liguria. Il piccolo borgo di Mattarana, in provincia della Spezia, che ho visitato per la prima volta lo scorso anno ha uno splendido caruggio dritto (via Aldo Moro) attorno al quale si sviluppa tutto il borgo.
Conosci Mattarana? Aggiungi un tuo comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here is where the village is located:
The center of the small village of Mattarana in Liguria – Le centre du petit village de Mattarana en Ligurie – El centro del pequeño pueblo de Mattarana en Liguria – O centro da pequena aldeia de Mattarana, na Ligúria – Das Zentrum des kleinen Dorfes Mattarana in Ligurien – Trung tâm ngôi làng nhỏ Mattarana ở Liguria – 利古里亚马塔拉纳小村庄的中心 – リグーリア州マッタラーナの小さな村の中心部
Discovering the village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia. Nestled in the green hills of the province of La Spezia, the village of Mattarana is a hidden gem that enchants visitors with its rural charm and fascinating history. This small village, immersed in the beauty of Liguria, is a place that offers an authentic Italian experience. Today we will take you to discover Mattarana and its wonders. This village is not only rich in history, but is also surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty. The green hills that surround it offer countless opportunities for regenerating hikes and walks. The Vara stream flows nearby, providing a soothing soundtrack as you explore the surrounding countryside. If you want to explore the area further, Mattarana is a great starting point for excursions to the Cinque Terre, the Riviera Ligure di Levante and other fascinating destinations along the Ligurian coast.
In short, the village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia is a place that enchants visitors with its history, natural beauty and delicious cuisine. If you are looking for an authentic experience away from the crowds, Mattarana is the perfect place to explore.
Have you ever been to Mattarana? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.
To see all the photos I took in the village click here:
Here is where the village is located:
Discovering the village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia – À la découverte du village de Mattarana dans la province de La Spezia – Descubriendo el pueblo de Mattarana en la provincia de La Spezia – Descobrindo a aldeia de Mattarana na província de La Spezia – Entdecken Sie das Dorf Mattarana in der Provinz La Spezia – Khám phá ngôi làng Mattarana ở tỉnh La Spezia – 探索拉斯佩齐亚省的马塔拉纳村 – ラ・スペツィア県マッタラナ村を発見
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Incendio a Mattarana. Ieri pomeriggio decido di fare una gitarella in macchina con destinazione La Spezia (e più precisamente Lerici, dove non sono mai stato). Facendo il Bracco siamo stati turbati, per l’ennesima volta, da quell’ignobile spettacolo estivo che tanto male fa a tutti: un incendio. In località Mattarana ecco cosa appariva davanti ai nostri occhi:
Erano circa le tre del pomeriggio ma già si poteva vedere che il fronte era piuttosto sviluppato. Purtroppo al ritorno dalla gita, passando dall’autostrada, quel fumo così tragico non era scomparso ed anzi era ancora maggiore: