A creuza in the seaside village of Genoa Nervi

Una creuza nel borgo marinaro di Genova Nervi

A creuza in the seaside village of Genoa Nervi.
The creuze are these beautiful little streets that start from the sea and go up the Ligurian villages.
They are almost always with rounded stones on the sides and red bricks in the central part.
This creuza, which toponically is called via Giovanni Caboto, starts from the small port of the beautiful Genoa Nervi.

Have you ever had the opportunity to visit Genova Nervi? What struck you most about this enchanting place?
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Una creuza nel borgo marinaro di Genova Nervi

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 28.

To see all the photos of Nervi click here:

Where is the creuza located:

A first urban settlement arose in the current area between the Roman bridge and the small port and already in the first decades of the Christian era a station for stopping and changing horses was mentioned in an area considered strategic and as a point of embarkation to and from goods going to and from the Bisagno and Fontanabuona valleys.
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A creuza in the seaside village of Genoa Nervi – Une creuza dans le village balnéaire de Gênes Nervi – Una creuza en el pueblo costero de Génova Nervi – Uma creuza na aldeia costeira de Génova Nervi – Eine Creuza im Küstenort Genua Nervi – Một creuza ở ngôi làng ven biển Genoa Nervi

Uno scorcio di Vico Sotto le Murette a Genova

Uno scorcio di Vico Sotto le Murette a Genova

Uno scorcio di Vico Sotto le Murette a Genova.
Mi piace moltissimo scoprire scorci del centro storico di Genova e, forse ancora di più, preparare i post cercando sulle mappe i nomi delle vie e la storia dei luoghi.
Questo punto si trova poco sotto alla famosa piazza di Campopisano e questa creuza è una di quelle che portano a quel luogo.

Hai mai visitato ed esplorato i vicoli di Genova? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Uno scorcio di Vico Sotto le Murette a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Here is the spot where I took these photos:

Il centro storico di Genova è il nucleo della città vecchia organizzato nel dedalo di vicoli (caruggi) di origine medievale che si sviluppa – da est ad ovest – dalla collina di Carignano alla stazione FS di Genova Piazza Principe, a ridosso di quello che era il Palazzo del Principe, residenza dell’ammiraglio Andrea Doria. Urbanisticamente la zona fa parte del Municipio I Centro-Est. È da notare comunque che l’attuale territorio comunale nasce dalla fusione, avvenuta a più riprese a partire dalla seconda metà del XIX secolo, della Genova storica con i comuni e le cittadine adiacenti (ora quartieri), alcuni dei quali dotati di propri centri storici più o meno antichi e urbanisticamente rivoluzionati negli anni.
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A glimpse of Vico Sotto le Murette in the historic center of Genoa – Un aperçu de Vico Sotto le Murette dans le centre historique de Gênes – Un vistazo a Vico Sotto le Murette en el centro histórico de Génova – Um vislumbre de Vico Sotto le Murette no centro histórico de Gênova – Ein Blick auf Vico Sotto le Murette im historischen Zentrum von Genua – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về Vico Sotto le Murette ở trung tâm lịch sử của Genoa – 热那亚历史中心 Vico Sotto le Murette 的一瞥 – ジェノヴァの歴史的中心部にあるヴィコ・ソット・ル・ムレットを垣間見る

The interior of the great Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna

L'interno della grande Basilica di San Petronio a Bologna

The interior of the great Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna.
One of the largest churches in Italy fascinates with its grandeur but also with its austerity.
The red color of the bricks dominates.
You cannot pass through Bologna and not visit this church.

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L'interno della grande Basilica di San Petronio a Bologna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Click here to see all the photos I took in San Petronio:

The basilica dedicated to San Petronio, patron saint of Bologna, of which he was bishop in the first half of the 5th century, raises its front on the Piazza Maggiore, the political and historical center of the city. The construction of this basilica began in 1390 based on a project by Antonio di Vincenzo, who died when the work had just begun. At the beginning of the 16th century, Arduino Arriguzzi designed a completion of colossal proportions and without equal in the entire world.
Continue and learn more on Basilicadisanpetronio.org

The interior of the great Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna – L’intérieur de la grande basilique San Petronio de Bologne – El interior de la gran Basílica de San Petronio en Bolonia – O interior da grande Basílica de San Petronio em Bolonha – Das Innere der großen Basilika San Petronio in Bologna – Nội thất của Vương cung thánh đường lớn San Petronio ở Bologna – 博洛尼亚圣彼得罗尼奥大教堂的内部 – ボローニャのサン ペトロニオ大聖堂の内部

A beautiful creuza of Boccadasse in Genoa

Una bella creuza nel piccolo borgo di Boccadasse a Genova

A beautiful creuza in the small village of Boccadasse in Genoa.
Last summer I often had to go back and forth to Genoa and when I could I stopped along the way to enjoy the beauties that my region (Liguria) has.
One of these is precisely the small village of Boccadasse, to the west of Genoa.
This is a typical Ligurian creuza, the small road that goes up from the sea to the village. Stones on the sides, to stop you slipping if it rains, and bricks in the center!

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Una bella creuza nel piccolo borgo di Boccadasse a Genova

Photo taken with Honor 20.

All the photos I took in the village, during different visits, are here:
foto gallery

Where is the village located:

Boccadasse (Boca d’azë or Bocadâze in Genoese) is an ancient seaside village in the city of Genoa, which is part of the Albaro district. In the current administrative division of the municipality of Genoa it is therefore included in the Municipio VIII – Medio Levante, which in addition to Albaro also includes the Foce and San Martino districts.
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A beautiful creuza in the small village of Boccadasse in Genoa – Une belle creuza dans le petit village de Boccadasse à Gênes – Una hermosa creuza en el pequeño pueblo de Boccadasse en Génova – Uma bela creuza na pequena aldeia de Boccadasse em Génova – Eine wunderschöne Creuza im kleinen Dorf Boccadasse in Genua – Một creuza tuyệt đẹp ở ngôi làng nhỏ Boccadasse ở Genoa – 热那亚博卡达斯小村庄的美丽克鲁扎 – ジェノヴァのボッカダッセの小さな村にある美しいクルーザ

Il sagrato di Santo Stefano a Lavagna

Il sagrato davanti alla Basilica di Santo Stefano a Lavagna

Il sagrato davanti alla Basilica di Santo Stefano a Lavagna.
Uno degli angoli della balla piazza, il sagrato, della chiesa più importante di Lavagna.
Le belle case colorate che ne delimitao i lati e la parte carrabile con i mattoni rossi.
Stupenda per me!

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Il sagrato davanti alla Basilica di Santo Stefano a Lavagna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Here is where the church is located:

The collegiate basilica of Santo Stefano is a Catholic place of worship in the municipality of Lavagna, in Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, in the metropolitan city of Genoa. The church is the seat of the parish of the same name of the vicariate of Chiavari-Lavagna of the diocese of Chiavari.
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The magnificent churchyard of the Basilica of Santo Stefano in Lavagna in Liguria – Le magnifique cimetière de la Basilique de Santo Stefano in Lavagna en Ligurie – El magnífico cementerio de la Basílica de Santo Stefano en Lavagna en Liguria – O magnífico adro da Basílica de Santo Stefano em Lavagna na Ligúria – Der prächtige Kirchhof der Basilika Santo Stefano in Lavagna in Ligurien – Nhà thờ tráng lệ của Vương cung thánh đường Santo Stefano ở Lavagna, Liguria – 利古里亚拉瓦尼亚圣斯特凡诺大教堂宏伟的墓地 – リグリアのラヴァーニャにあるサントステファノ大聖堂の壮大な教会の庭

The medieval cloister of the Seven Churches in Bologna

Il chiostro delle Sette Chiese a Bologna

The medieval cloister of the Seven Churches in Bologna.
The complex of the Basilica of Santo Stefano, commonly called the Seven Churches, is a cluster of various religious structures that have been built in that area of ​​the city over the centuries.
In this photo there is the beautiful medieval cloister with the beautiful columns that decorate the second floor.

Do you know Bologna? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il chiostro delle Sette Chiese a Bologna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

If you want to see all the photos I took in the city, click here:

This is the official website: santostefanobologna.it.

The Basilica of Santo Stefano (cîṡa ed San Stêven in Bolognese) is a complex of religious buildings in Bologna. It overlooks the square of the same name and is also known as the complex of the “Seven Churches”. It has the dignity of a minor basilica.
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The medieval cloister of the Sette Chiese in Bologna – Le cloître médiéval des Sette Chiese à Bologne – El claustro medieval del Sette Chiese en Bolonia – O claustro medieval do Sette Chiese em Bolonha – Der mittelalterliche Kreuzgang der Sette Chiese in Bologna – Tu viện thời trung cổ của Sette Chiese ở Bologna – 博洛尼亚 Sette Chiese 的中世纪修道院 – ボローニャのセッテ キエーゼの中世の回廊

Un particolare del Palazzo Re Enzo a Bologna

Un particolare del Palazzo Re Enzo a Bologna

Un particolare del Palazzo Re Enzo a Bologna.
Uno dei piu’ bei palazzi che dominano il centro di Bologna e’ palazzo Re Enzo.
La bellezza dei mattoni trova uno dei massimi esempi in questa costruzione.

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bologna? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Un particolare del Palazzo Re Enzo a Bologna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

If you want to see all the photos I took in the city, click here:

It was built between 1244 and 1246 at the behest of the podestà Filippo Ugoni as an extension of the municipal buildings of the Palazzo del Podestà (together with the Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo) and for this reason called Palatium Novum, but its historical events have always linked it to the figure of King Enzo of Sardinia.
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Here is where the palace is located:

The beautiful palace of King Enzo in Bologna – Le magnifique palais du roi Enzo à Bologne – El hermoso palacio del rey Enzo en Bolonia – O belo Palazzo Re Enzo em Bolonha – Der schöne Palast von König Enzo in Bologna – Cung điện tuyệt đẹp của Vua Enzo ở Bologna – 博洛尼亚美丽的雷恩佐宫 – ボローニャの美しいパラッツォレエンツォ

Una creuza di Portofino il famoso borgo ligure

Una creuza di Portofino il famoso borgo ligure

Una creuza di Portofino il famoso borgo ligure.
Per salire dal centro del borgo di Portofino, dalla celebre piazzetta per intenderci, al faro o anche solo alla chiesa di San Giorgio si percorre una bella creuza (la tipica stradina in salita ligure, spesso riconoscibile dal centro della carreggiata in mattoni).
Questo e’ appunto il primissimo tratto in salita.

Conosci e sei stato a visitare il famoso borgo di Portofino? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Una creuza di Portofino il famoso borgo ligure

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all (or many) of the photos I took in Portofino, click here:
foto gallery

Since the great influx of foreign guests – first British and then German – in the early twentieth century, Portofino’s economy has been closely linked to tourism. The local “Piazzetta” overlooked by public refreshment areas, shops, boutiques and other commercial activities was recognized in July 2012 as a Historic Place of Italy, the first and only certificate issued by the association of the same name, for its historical and cultural value.
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A typical alley of Portofino the famous Ligurian village – Une ruelle typique de Portofino le célèbre village ligure – Un callejón típico de Portofino, el famoso pueblo de Liguria – Um beco típico de Portofino a famosa vila da Ligúria – Eine typische Gasse von Portofino, dem berühmten ligurischen Dorf – Một con hẻm điển hình của Portofino, ngôi làng Ligurian nổi tiếng – 波托菲诺的典型别墅,著名的利古里亚村庄 – 有名なリグリアの村、ポルトフィーノの典型的な別荘

A creuza from the village of Tellaro in the province of La Spezia

Una creuza del Borgo di Tellaro in provincia di La Spezia

A creuza in the village of Tellaro in the province of La Spezia.
One of the many little streets that rise from the sea and climb into the village of Tellaro, one of the pearls of the Gulf of Poets and of Liguria as a whole.

Have you ever been to this village?
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Una creuza del Borgo di Tellaro in provincia di La Spezia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see the many photos I took in the seaside village of Tellaro click here:
foto gallery

Where is Tellaro located:

Tellaro is the easternmost hamlet of the municipality of Lerici, in the province of La Spezia. It has been reviewed as one of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
The town is a small seaside village, perched on a cliff overlooking the Gulf of La Spezia. A destination for many Italian and foreign artists, Mario Soldati found a home here during the long years of his old age.
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A creuza of the Borgo di Tellaro in the province of La Spezia – Une creuza du Borgo di Tellaro dans la province de La Spezia – Una creuza del Borgo di Tellaro en la provincia de La Spezia – A creuza do Borgo di Tellaro na província de La Spezia – Eine Creuza des Borgo di Tellaro in der Provinz La Spezia – Một bánh creuza của Borgo di Tellaro ở tỉnh La Spezia – 拉斯佩齐亚省 Borgo di Tellaro 的 creuza – ラ・スペツィア県のボルゴ・ディ・テラロのクルーザ

Il bel Palazzo Re Enzo a Bologna

Il bel Palazzo Re Enzo a Bologna

Il bel Palazzo Re Enzo a Bologna.
Uno dei palazzi più beli della zona centrale di Bologna esattamente in piazza del Nettuno, appena vicino al Duomo e a Piazza Maggiore.

Conosci o sei mai stato a Bologna? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Il bel Palazzo Re Enzo a Bologna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

If you want to see all the photos I took in the city, click here:

It was built between 1244 and 1246 at the behest of the podestà Filippo Ugoni as an extension of the municipal buildings of the Palazzo del Podestà (together with the Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo) and for this reason called Palatium Novum, but its historical events have always linked it to the figure of King Enzo of Sardinia.
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Here is where the palace is located:

The beautiful palace of King Enzo in Bologna – Le magnifique palais du roi Enzo à Bologne – El hermoso palacio del rey Enzo en Bolonia – O belo Palazzo Re Enzo em Bolonha – Der schöne Palast von König Enzo in Bologna – Cung điện tuyệt đẹp của Vua Enzo ở Bologna – 博洛尼亚美丽的雷恩佐宫 – ボローニャの美しいパラッツォレエンツォ