A dish of stewed clams enjoyed in Tenerife. Some time ago I went to the market of Our Lady of Africa in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and enjoyed this excellent dish of clams. Don't they make your mouth water?
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A dish of stewed clams enjoyed in Tenerife – Un plat de compote de palourdes apprécié à Tenerife – Un plato de almejas guisadas que se disfruta en Tenerife – Um prato de amêijoas cozidas apreciado em Tenerife – Ein Gericht aus geschmorten Muscheln, das man auf Teneriffa genießt – Món nghêu hầm được thưởng thức ở Tenerife
A fish stall at the market in Tenerife. A view that only made you want to try all the delicacies that the sea has to offer. Almost every type of seafood: mussels, clams, prawns, lobsters, scallops, octopus, scampi, fish, crabs, oysters, razor clams… We tasted: mussels, scallops, octopus and prawns; all washed down with a fresh local white wine.
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To see all the photos I took in Tenerife click here:
Here's where the market is located:
A fish stall at the Tenerife market – Un étal de poisson au marché de Tenerife – Un puesto de pescado en el mercado de Tenerife – Uma barraca de peixe no mercado de Tenerife – Ein Fischstand auf dem Markt von Teneriffa – Một quầy bán cá ở chợ Tenerife – 特内里费岛市场的鱼摊 – テネリフェ島市場の魚屋台
The tower of the facade of the market of Tenerife. For the first time since I have been sailing, last year I went to the market of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. As in almost all Spanish markets, in addition to being able to buy local products, you can also eat. With some colleagues we then took a seat in one of the many fishmongers that cook fresh fish and seafood for you that you choose directly from the counter. Exceptional!
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To see all the photos I took in Tenerife click here:
Here's where the market is located:
The facade tower of the Tenerife market – La tour de façade du marché de Tenerife – La torre de fachada del mercado de Tenerife – A torre da fachada do mercado de Tenerife – Der Fassadenturm des Teneriffa-Marktes – Tháp mặt tiền của chợ Tenerife – 特内里费岛市场的门面塔 – テネリフェ島市場のファサードタワー
Pesci sul banco al mercato di Palma. Queste sono le ultime foto che ho scattato, diverso tempo fa ormai, al mercato (mercado) di Palma di Maiorca. Pesci, che sembrano freschi, di tutti i tipi e, nella seconda foto, gamberi e scampi. Ce n’è per tutti i gusti!
Some fresh fish on a counter at the Palma market – Du poisson frais sur un comptoir du marché de Palma – Pescado fresco en un mostrador del mercado de Palma – Alguns peixes frescos em um balcão no mercado de Palma – Frischer Fisch auf einer Theke auf dem Markt von Palma – Một số cá tươi trên quầy ở chợ Palma – 帕尔马市场柜台上的一些鲜鱼 – パルマ市場のカウンターに並ぶ新鮮な魚
Palmito, or heart of palm, tasted in Montevideo. It's been a long time since I took this photo and I just hadn't managed to publish it yet. This is a South American food, the heart of a certain type of palm that is cut into pieces and preserved in oil or vinegar. I've eaten it several times in Brazil even though the photo was taken at the Mercado in Montevideo.
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Palmito or more commonly heart of palm is a type of food obtained from some types of palms, such as açaì, babaçu, juçara, chontaduro. These species of palms are grown mainly in South America, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay and Argentina, in swampy areas and along tropical rivers. Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Palmito, or heart of palm, enjoyed in Montevideo – Palmito, ou cœur de palmier, apprécié à Montevideo – Palmito, oder Palmenherz, genossen in Montevideo – Palmito, hay trái tim của cọ, được thưởng thức ở Montevideo
Mercato dell’Olivar a Palma di Maiorca. Da diverso tempo ormai ho queste fotografie scattate in uno dei mercati piu’ belli dell’isola di Palma. Me le ero tenute per inserirle poco alla volta ma ho deciso di pubblicarle tutte in una volta perche’ iniziano a diventare troppo vecchie. Prosciutti, spezie, pesce, carne, sushi, olive… e chi piu’ ne ha piu’ ne metta. C’era proprio di tutto in queto bel posto.
Uruguayan grilled meat in Montevideo. Another beautiful photo of a nice piece of grilled meat enjoyed, some time ago, in Montevideo. At the famous Mercado del Puerto, a structure not far from where the cruise ships dock. It must have been five hundred grams of meat… my mouth is watering again just looking at the photo.
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The grill was used for the first time by the Achaeans in Ancient Greece, around the 9th century BC, but some finds were found in the kingdom of Egypt. From the Achaeans onwards, the grill found a rapid expansion and development, transforming itself to make cooking food faster and more effective. Its first appearance in Italy is documented around the 10th century at Arminum (today's Rimini). Continue and learn more on Wikipedia
Uruguayan Grilled Meat in Montevideo – Viande uruguayenne grillée à Montevideo – Carne uruguaya a la parrilla en Montevideo – Carne uruguaia grelhada em Montevideu – Gegrilltes uruguayisches Fleisch in Montevideo – Thịt nướng Uruguay ở Montevideo
Mercado del Puerto a Montevideo. Tappa obbligata quando con la nave sei nella capitale uruguaiana e’ questo mercato coperto. A dire la verita’ ormai non e’ piu’ un vero mercato ma si e’ trasformato in un luogo pieno di ristoranti dove fanno la carne asada (alla griglia o parilla). A me, che piace tantissimo la carne, sembra di entrare in paradiso… Questa era la seconda volta che ci sono andato in vita mia. I prezzi sono giusti e la qualita’ molto alta! E si trova proprio a duecento metri dal porto, cosa volere di piu’?
Grilled Uruguayan fillet steak in Montevideo. A few weeks ago, I was on the Costa Fascinosa with cruises that left from Brazil and, every now and then, arrived in Montevideo, Uruguay. In the capital, really close to the port, there is the Mercado: a former covered market that today hosts about ten grilled meat restaurants. This is very close to what I consider paradise! I had already been there a few years ago and I couldn't miss it. As you can see from the photo, this was my lunch: a nice grilled fillet steak with chips. In the next few days, and months, I will post more photos of other dishes ordered by my colleagues; all absolutely delicious and reasonably priced!
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Grilled Uruguayan Filet in Montevideo – Filet uruguayen grillé à Montevideo – Filete uruguayo a la parrilla en Montevideo – Filete Uruguaio Grelhado em Montevideu – Gegrilltes uruguayisches Filet in Montevideo – Phi lê Uruguay nướng ở Montevideo
Banco di Jamon al Mercato de l’Olivar. Nei molto tipici mercati spagnoli, quasi sempre coperti, si trovano sempre banchi che vendono Jamon. Di solito se ne puo’ trovare di tutti i tipi (e prezzi ovviamente) e quasi sempre, oltre a poterlo mangiare in loco, lo si puo’ comodamente portare via in confezioni sottovuoto. Una delizia per il palato e, perche’ no, anche per la vista.
Ho anche trovato il sito ufficiale del mercato: mercatolivar.com.
Jamón ibérico (Iberian ham), or pata negra, or carna negra, is a type of ham from Iberian pigs, highly appreciated in Spanish and Portuguese cuisine, where it is considered a haute cuisine product. For its production, and to be able to boast this name, the meat must come from specimens resulting from a cross in which, from a genetic point of view, at least 50% of the Iberian breed participates. Continue on Wikipedia.