The Giant Buddha Statue in Ngoc Hoa

La statua gigante di Buddha del monstero Ngoc Hoa nel Qui Nhon in Vietnam

The giant Buddha statue of the Ngoc Hoa monastery in Qui Nhon in Vietnam.
When I was in Vietnam last year with my wife we ​​went to the Qui Nhon region and, on an excursion, we visited the Ngoc Hoa monastery.
In this small spiritual center dominated this enormous statue of a golden Buddha.

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La statua gigante di Buddha del monastero Ngoc Hoa nel Qui Nhon in Vietnam

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here's where the statue is located:

A Buddha, also budda in Italian, is, according to Buddhism, a being who has reached the highest degree of enlightenment (bodhi). Buddha is the past participle of the Sanskrit budh, to become aware, to wake up. Buddha therefore means “awakened”, with reference to the passage of consciousness from the state of sleep (ὕπνος, hýpnos) to the state of full realization.
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The giant Buddha statue of Ngoc Hoa Monastery in Qui Nhon, Vietnam – La statue de Bouddha géant du monastère de Ngoc Hoa à Qui Nhon au Vietnam – La estatua gigante de Buda del monasterio de Ngoc Hoa en Qui Nhon en Vietnam – A estátua gigante de Buda do mosteiro Ngoc Hoa, em Qui Nhon, no Vietname – Die riesige Buddha-Statue des Klosters Ngoc Hoa in Qui Nhon in Vietnam – Tượng Phật khổng lồ của tu viện Ngọc Hòa ở Qui Nhon, Việt Nam

Il chiostro del monastero di San Gregorio Armeno a Napoli

Il chiostro del complesso religioso di San Gregorio Armeno a Napoli

Il chiostro del complesso religioso di San Gregorio Armeno a Napoli.
Lo splendido chiostro di questo monastero che sorge nell’omonimo vicolo nel centro storico partenopeo.
E’ stato una sorpresa visitare questo luogo.

Have you ever been to Naples and visited this monastery in the Neapolitan alleys? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il chiostro del complesso religioso di San Gregorio Armeno a Napoli

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

I took several photos in the complex, click here per vederle:

The church of San Gregorio Armeno (also popularly known as the church of Santa Patrizia) is a monumental church in Naples located in the street of the same name, between the major and lower decumanus of the old town. Together with the adjacent monastic complex, it is one of the oldest, largest and most important religious buildings in the city.
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The cloister of the religious complex of San Gregorio Armeno in Naples – Le cloître du complexe religieux de San Gregorio Armeno à Naples – El claustro del complejo religioso de San Gregorio Armeno en Nápoles – O claustro do complexo religioso de San Gregorio Armeno em Nápoles – Der Kreuzgang des religiösen Komplexes von San Gregorio Armeno in Neapel – Tu viện của khu phức hợp tôn giáo San Gregorio Armeno ở Naples – 那不勒斯圣格雷戈里奥阿尔梅诺宗教建筑群的修道院 – ナポリのサン・グレゴリオ・アルメーノの宗教施設の回廊

Walking from Valle Christi Monastery to Rapallo

Passeggiando dal monastero di Valle Christi a Rapallo

Walking from the Valle Christi monastery to Rapallo.
A stroll in the small park where the Valle Christi monastery (or at least its ruins) is located.
A few months ago I went, after a long time that I had been meaning to, to visit it and I was very impressed.
It exudes sacredness but also history and mystery.
I invite you to go and see it, it is very convenient by car.

Do you know this monastery? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Passeggiando dal monastero di Valle Christi a Rapallo

Passeggiando dal monastero di Valle Christi a Rapallo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

If you want to see all the photos I took at the monastery click here:

There is also the official website of the festival that is celebrated there annually:

The monastery of Santa Maria in Valle Christi was a Catholic place of worship located in the hamlet of San Massimo, in via San Massimo, in the municipality of Rapallo in the metropolitan city of Genoa. The former monastic complex from the thirteenth century is included in the list of Italian national monuments; it is one of the few surviving examples of Gothic architecture in the entire Ligurian territory.
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The Valle Christi monastery in Rapallo – Le monastère de Valle Christi à Rapallo – El monasterio de Valle Christi en Rapallo – O mosteiro de Valle Christi em Rapallo – Das Kloster Valle Christi in Rapallo – Tu viện Valle Christi ở Rapallo – 拉帕洛的 Valle Christi 修道院 – ラパロのヴァッレクリスティ修道院

The Valle Christi Monastery in Rapallo

Il monastero di Valle Christi a Rapallo

The Valle Christi Monastery in Rapallo
A magical place here on the Riviera that until now I had only seen in photos. And finally, a couple of weeks ago I went to see it too.
It is located in Rapallo behind the golf course and is very easy to reach by car (it is no more than five hundred meters from the motorway exit and there is a convenient free car park, I believe) and, if you pass by when it is open (there are times that I can't tell you, though), you can visit it freely.

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Il monastero di Valle Christi a Rapallo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

There is also the official website of the festival that is celebrated there annually:

If you want to see all the photos I took at the monastery click here:

The monastery of Santa Maria in Valle Christi was a Catholic place of worship located in the hamlet of San Massimo, in via San Massimo, in the municipality of Rapallo in the metropolitan city of Genoa. The former monastic complex from the thirteenth century is included in the list of Italian national monuments; it is one of the few surviving examples of Gothic architecture in the entire Ligurian territory.
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The Valle Christi monastery in Rapallo – Le monastère de Valle Christi à Rapallo – El monasterio de Valle Christi en Rapallo – O mosteiro de Valle Christi em Rapallo – Das Kloster Valle Christi in Rapallo – Tu viện Valle Christi ở Rapallo – 拉帕洛的 Valle Christi 修道院 – ラパロのヴァッレクリスティ修道院

The back of the Abbey of San Fruttuoso in Camogli

The back of the Abbey of San Fruttuoso di Camogli.
Another glimpse of San Fruttuoso di Camogli that I hadn't managed to publish since this summer.

Beautiful, isn't it? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.


The back of the Abbey of San Fruttuoso in Camogli – L’arrière de l’abbaye de San Fruttuoso à Camogli – La parte trasera de la Abadía de San Fruttuoso en Camogli – A parte de trás da Abadia de San Fruttuoso em Camogli – Die Rückseite der Abtei San Fruttuoso in Camogli – Mặt sau của Tu viện San Fruttuoso ở Camogli