Mount Caucasus and the view of Liguria

Il Monte Caucaso e la splendida vista sulla Liguria di Levante

Mount Caucasus and the splendid view of Eastern Liguria.
Some time ago I walked the path that from Barbagelata reaches the top of Mount Caucasus.
On the top there is a beautiful refuge and a chapel and the view extends over almost the entire Eastern Ligurian Riviera.

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Il Monte Caucaso e la splendida vista sulla Liguria di Levante

Il Monte Caucaso e la splendida vista sulla Liguria di Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

This is the route I took:

To see all the photos I took along the trail click here:
foto gallery

And these are three nice videos I made that day, ascent, arrival and view:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

There are several paths that lead to the summit: among these, the path that starts from Scoglina and the steep path that goes up from Neirone. Another path starts from the village of Barbagelata, from where on New Year's Eve a torchlight procession is led on foot to the chapel dedicated to the Madonna located on the summit of the mountain.
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The distant view of Sestri Levante from Monte Caucaso – La vue lointaine de Sestri Levante depuis Monte Caucaso – La vista lejana de Sestri Levante desde el Monte Caucaso – A vista distante de Sestri Levante do Monte Cáucaso – Der Fernblick auf Sestri Levante vom Monte Caucaso – Khung cảnh xa xôi của Sestri Levante từ Monte Caucaso – 从高加索山看塞斯特里莱万特的远景 – モンテコーカソからのセストリレバンテの遠景

The crest of Mount Ramaceto seen from Mount Caucasus

La cresta del Monte Ramaceto vista dal Monte Caucaso

The crest of Mount Ramaceto seen from Mount Caucasus.
One of the next peaks I have to climb is Mount Ramaceto photographed here from the circular path that goes up to Mount Caucasus.
Just over 1300 meters high, it is one of the peaks that dominate the hinterland of Eastern Liguria and is part of the Alta Via dei Monti Liguri (AV).
Very beautiful!

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La cresta del Monte Ramaceto vista dal Monte Caucaso

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.

The crest of Mount Ramaceto seen from Mount Caucasus – La crête du mont Ramaceto vue du mont Caucase – La cresta del monte Ramaceto vista desde el monte Cáucaso – A crista do Monte Ramaceto visto do Monte Cáucaso – Der Kamm des Mount Ramaceto vom Kaukasus aus gesehen – Đỉnh của Núi Ramaceto nhìn từ Núi Caucasus – 从高加索山看到的拉马塞托山峰 – コーカサス山から見たラマセト山の頂上

One of the peaks of Mount Zatta on the Alta Via

Una delle cime del Monte Zatta sulla Alta Via dei monti liguri

One of the peaks of Mount Zatta on the Alta Via dei monti liguri.
the western peak of Mount Zatta, which is located at 1355 meters above sea level, offers a truly spectacular view.
It is one of the most beautiful paths I have ever walked and runs along a stretch of the Alta Via (AV) of the Ligurian mountains.

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Una delle cime del Monte Zatta sulla Alta Via dei monti liguri

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

I took several photos along the Monte Zatta path and if you want to see them go to this page:

To see in detail the path I took I invite you to go to

Here's where the top is:

The summit of the Zatta mountain massif consists of a long wavy ridge, crossed by an easy ridge path. On the outer edges of this ridge are the Zatta di Ponente mountain (1355 m) and the Prato Pinello mountain (1390 m). Between the two ends rises the main peak, the Zatta di Levante mountain (1404 m). The southern slope is steep and stony, while the northern slope, towards the Bocco pass, has a gentler slope and is covered by a large beech forest.
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One of the peaks of Monte Zatta on the Alta Via of the Ligurian mountains – L’un des sommets du Monte Zatta sur l’Alta Via des montagnes liguriennes – Uno de los picos del Monte Zatta en la Alta Vía de las montañas de Liguria – Um dos picos do Monte Zatta na Alta Via das montanhas da Ligúria – Einer der Gipfel des Monte Zatta auf der Alta Via der ligurischen Berge – Một trong những đỉnh của Monte Zatta trên Alta Via của dãy núi Ligurian – 利古里亚山脉阿尔塔大道上的蒙特扎塔峰之一 – リグリア山脈のアルタビアにあるモンテザッタの山頂の1つ

La cresta del Monte Zatta in Liguria

La cresta del Monte Zatta in Liguria

La cresta del Monte Zatta in Liguria.
Diverso tempo fa ho percorso un sentiero che al momento e’ uno dei più belli che abbia mai fatto.
Percorre un tratto della famosa Alta Via dei Monti Liguri (segnale AV) e parte dal Passo del Bocco per arrivare alle diverse cime del massiccio dello Zatta.
Cime che, come potete vedere dalla foto, sono collegate da una lunga e spettacolare cresta rocciosa che si percorre.

Sei mai stato su questo sentiero? Se hai domande oppure se vuoi farmi sapere la tua opinione su questo articolo lascia un commento cliccando here.

La cresta del Monte Zatta in Liguria

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

I took several photos along the Monte Zatta path and if you want to see them go to this page:

To see in detail the path I took I invite you to go to

The summit of the Zatta mountain massif consists of a long wavy ridge, crossed by an easy ridge path. On the outer edges of this ridge are the Zatta di Ponente mountain (1355 m) and the Prato Pinello mountain (1390 m). Between the two ends rises the main peak, the Zatta di Levante mountain (1404 m). The southern slope is steep and stony, while the northern slope, towards the Bocco pass, has a gentler slope and is covered by a large beech forest.
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The crest of Monte Zatta in Liguria – La crête du Monte Zatta en Ligurie – La cresta del Monte Zatta en Liguria – A crista do Monte Zatta na Ligúria – Der Kamm des Monte Zatta in Ligurien – Đỉnh của Monte Zatta ở Liguria – 利古里亚蒙特扎塔峰 – リグリアのモンテザッタの紋章

La vista dalla cima del Monte Treggin

La vista dalla cima del Monte Treggin

La vista dalla cima del Monte Treggin.
Dall’alto dei suoi ottocento e passa metri il Monte Treggin offre una vista spettacolare su Casarza Ligure e Sestri Levante.
Questa è proprio la vista dal punto più alto. Peccato che non era una giornata limpidissima ed il cielo era proprio nerissimo.

Hai mai fatto il sentiero che parte da Bargone e arriva alla cima del Treggin? Se hai domande oppure se vuoi farmi sapere la tua opinione su questo articolo lascia un commento cliccando here.

La vista dalla cima del Monte Treggin

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos I took along the trail click here:

The view from the top of Mount Treggin – Die Aussicht vom Gipfel des Mount Treggin – La vue depuis le sommet du mont Treggin – Quang cảnh từ đỉnh núi Treggin

La cima del Monte Treggin

La cima del Monte Treggin

La cima del Monte Treggin.
Uno dei monti più alti e da cui si vede la vista più bella su Sestri Levante è il Monte Treggin (870 metri).
Per arrivarvi ci sono diversi sentieri; tra tutti quelli possibili io ho deciso di fare quello che parte dal paese di bargone.
Giunti sulla cima c’è una bella cresta con un bel burrone sulla cui sommità che una croce.
Vista eccezionale!

Hai mai fatto il sentiero che parte da Bargone e arriva alla cima del Treggin?
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La cima del Monte Treggin

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

To see all the photos I took along the trail click here:

The top of Mount Treggin – Die Spitze des Berges Treggin – Đỉnh núi Treggin

Le montagne innevate alle spalle di Sestri Levante

Montagne innevate alle spalle di Sestri Levante

Montagne innevate alle spalle di Sestri Levante.
In questo inverno decisamente freddo molta neve è caduta e continua a tingere di bianco le montagne che sono alle spalle della mia cittadina.
Questa piccola catena montuosa (forse il monte Treggin?) è rimasta bianca nonostante da un paio di giorni non sia più nevicato e con il sole regalano una bellezza insolita alla mia Sestri e alla baia delle Favole.

Hai mai visto la neve da Sestri? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Montagne innevate alle spalle di Sestri Levante

Montagne innevate alle spalle di Sestri Levante

Montagne innevate alle spalle di Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

The snow-capped mountains behind Sestri Levante – Les montagnes enneigées derrière Sestri Levante – Las montañas nevadas detrás de Sestri Levante – As montanhas cobertas de neve atrás de Sestri Levante – Die schneebedeckten Berge hinter Sestri Levante – Những ngọn núi phủ tuyết phía sau Sestri Levante

The summit of Fansipan in Vietnam

Cima del Fansipan in Vietnam

Fansipan peak in Vietnam.
Phan Xi Pang in Sa Pa.
The Sa Pa region is the most famous in Vietnam for its naturalistic aspect. In this region there is also the highest peak not only in the state but in the whole Indochinese region: Phan Xi Pang (in English Fansipan).
It is a mountain over 3000 meters high and it is a spectacle.
From its summit, from which however there is little view because there is almost always fog, you dominate the whole region.
You can reach the top of Fansipan by cable car… that trip alone would be enough!
Then at the top, there are temples, statues of Buddha, and steep, steep stairways.

Do you know Vietnam?
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Cima del Fansipan in Vietnam

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

This is a time-lapse video I shot that day:

Click here to see all the photos I took there:
foto gallery

Here's where the mountain is located:

The summit of Fansipan in Vietnam – Le sommet du Fansipan au Vietnam – La cumbre de Fansipan en Vietnam – A cimeira do Fansipan no Vietname – Der Gipfel des Fansipan in Vietnam – Đỉnh Fanxipan ở Việt Nam

A steep staircase in Fansipan in Vietnam

Scalinata a Fansipan

A steep staircase in Fansipan, Vietnam.
This photo was taken from the top of the highest mountain in Vietnam and all of Indochina.
I've already posted a few photos here and there and I really liked this one.
At more than three thousand meters above sea level, Asia was really rarefied and it was hard to climb these stairs.
Luckily there was a rack railway to get almost to the top.

Have you ever been to Vietnam and would like to go?
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Scalinata a Fansipan

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

This is a time-lapse video I shot that day:

Click here to see all the photos I took there:
foto gallery

Here's where the mountain is located:

The stairway on the Fansipan mountain in Vietnam – L’escalier sur la montagne Fansipan au Vietnam – La escalera en la montaña Fansipan en Vietnam – A escada na montanha Fansipan no Vietnã – Die Treppe auf dem Fansipan-Berg in Vietnam – Cầu thang trên đỉnh Fansipan ở Việt Nam – 越南番西邦山上的楼梯 – ベトナムのファンシパン山の階段