A Turkish Dish in Barcelona: Kofte Kebab

Un piatto turco a Barcellona: Kofte Kebab

A Turkish dish in Barcelona: Kofte Kebab.
When I’m in Barcelona, ​​I like to eat some Turkish food for a change. I normally go for the classic kebab dish, but last time I tried this dish.
In the vast universe of Middle Eastern cuisine, few dishes can match the unmistakable taste and enveloping aroma of Kofte Kebab. Originally from Turkey, this dish has spread throughout the world thanks to its simplicity, versatility and, above all, its incredible flavour.
Kofte Kebab is a classic of Turkish cuisine, with roots that go back centuries. “Kofte” comes from the Persian word “kufta,” meaning “minced” or “chopped,” while “kebab” is a Turkish word that refers to a dish cooked on a grill or skewer. This combination of ground ingredients and grilling makes Kofte Kebab a delicious and historically rich dish.
The basic recipe for Kofte Kebab calls for minced meat, traditionally lamb or beef, although chicken or turkey variations are also common. Key ingredients include onion, garlic, parsley and a combination of spices that can vary depending on personal taste and region. Common spices include cumin, black pepper, chili powder and sweet or smoked paprika.
Once the ingredients are mixed, the meat is shaped into small patties or elongated shapes, threaded onto skewers and then grilled until evenly browned and juicy inside. This open-fire cooking process gives Kofte Kebab its distinctive smoky, aromatic flavour that makes it so irresistible.
Like many traditional dishes, Kofte Kebab has numerous regional variations that reflect different culinary influences and local preferences. For example, in the Black Sea region of Turkey, it is common to add soaked and mashed stale bread to the meat mixture to give it a softer texture and a slightly different flavor. In contrast, in the southeastern region of Turkey, kofte are often served with spicy tomato sauce or yogurt.
Kofte Kebab is often served with fresh, colorful side dishes, such as tomato and cucumber salad, thinly sliced ​​red onions, fresh parsley leaves, and squeezed lemon. These accompaniments not only add a refreshing note to the meal, but also perfectly balance the rich, intense flavors of the kebab.
The dish can be served over a bed of pilaf rice or accompanied by freshly baked flat bread, such as the traditional “pide” or Turkish bread. Some Kofte Kebab lovers also like to add a generous helping of yogurt sauce, enriched with garlic and mint, for an extra touch of freshness and creaminess.

In conclusion, Kofte Kebab is much more than just a plate of grilled meat; it is a symbol of conviviality, tradition and culinary passion. Its simple yet delicious recipe and endless possibilities for customization make it a staple of Middle Eastern cuisine loved all over the world. Whether you enjoy it in an authentic Turkish restaurant or prepare it with your own hands in the kitchen, Kofte Kebab is definitely a culinary treasure to appreciate and enjoy.

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Un piatto turco a Barcellona: Kofte Kebab

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here's where the little restaurant is located:

A Turkish dish enjoyed in Barcelona: Kofte Kebab – Un plat turc apprécié à Barcelone : le Kofte Kebab – Un plato turco que se disfruta en Barcelona: Kofte Kebab – Um prato turco apreciado em Barcelona: Kofte Kebab – Ein türkisches Gericht, das man in Barcelona genießt: Kofte Kebab – Một món ăn Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ được thưởng thức ở Barcelona: Kofte Kebab

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Freshly made French fries, the recipe

Patatine fritte fatte fresche

Fresh French fries, the recipe.
French fries are the side dish par excellence and I challenge you to find anyone who doesn't like them.
I, obviously, like them a lot!
A few days ago, however, I no longer had any frozen ones (and yes, I admit that I use the ones from the supermarket) which are delicious and easy to use and I came up with the idea of ​​making them fresh.
Very easy obviously and still very good tasting.
All you need is some potatoes at home, preferably yellow-fleshed ones, clean them carefully under running water, peel them and cut them into sticks.
And then cook them in plenty of very hot (about 170°) seed oil.
A trick: cook them halfway the first time, drain them, and then after a few minutes finish cooking them a second time.
Add a little salt and that's it!

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Patatine fritte fatte fresche

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Freshly made French fries, the recipe – Frites fraîchement préparées, la recette – Patatas fritas recién hechas, la receta – Batatas fritas fresquinhas, a receita – Frisch zubereitete Pommes Frites, das Rezept – Công thức khoai tây chiên mới làm

Uruguayan Grilled Meat in Montevideo

Carne uruguaiana a Montevideo

Uruguayan grilled meat in Montevideo.
Another beautiful photo of a nice piece of grilled meat enjoyed, some time ago, in Montevideo.
At the famous Mercado del Puerto, a structure not far from where the cruise ships dock.
It must have been five hundred grams of meat… my mouth is watering again just looking at the photo.

Do you like grilled meat?
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Carne uruguaiana a Montevideo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

The grill was used for the first time by the Achaeans in Ancient Greece, around the 9th century BC, but some finds were found in the kingdom of Egypt. From the Achaeans onwards, the grill found a rapid expansion and development, transforming itself to make cooking food faster and more effective. Its first appearance in Italy is documented around the 10th century at Arminum (today's Rimini).
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

Uruguayan Grilled Meat in Montevideo – Viande uruguayenne grillée à Montevideo – Carne uruguaya a la parrilla en Montevideo – Carne uruguaia grelhada em Montevideu – Gegrilltes uruguayisches Fleisch in Montevideo – Thịt nướng Uruguay ở Montevideo

Tacos a Barbados

Tacos a Barbados

Tacos a Barbados.
Come vi ho gia’ scritto in precedenza ai Caraibi, esclusa la cucina creola, potete trovare infulenze culinarie di tutte le parti limitrofe.
Hamburger in prima battuta ma anche tacos e tortilla si trovano in quasi tutti i bar per turisti.
Piatti veloci e semplici da preparare ovviamente!

Tacos a Barbados

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Il taco tradizionale messicano utilizza tortilla di mais o di frumento morbide, unte nel sugo del ripieno e scaldate brevemente, mentre quelle comuni in altri paesi usano tortilla fritte al punto di essere croccanti (hard shell tacos), preparate industrialmente e vendute nei supermercati, spesso come parte di un pacchetto comprendente gli altri ingredienti necessari. I taco con le tortilla croccanti non vengono considerati come “messicani” in Messico, ma piuttosto un’invenzione tex-mex.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia.

Grilled Uruguayan Filet in Montevideo

Filetto uruguaiano

Grilled Uruguayan fillet steak in Montevideo.
A few weeks ago, I was on the Costa Fascinosa with cruises that left from Brazil and, every now and then, arrived in Montevideo, Uruguay.
In the capital, really close to the port, there is the Mercado: a former covered market that today hosts about ten grilled meat restaurants.
This is very close to what I consider paradise!
I had already been there a few years ago and I couldn't miss it.
As you can see from the photo, this was my lunch: a nice grilled fillet steak with chips.
In the next few days, and months, I will post more photos of other dishes ordered by my colleagues; all absolutely delicious and reasonably priced!

Do you like grilled meat?
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Filetto uruguaiano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Grilled Uruguayan Filet in Montevideo – Filet uruguayen grillé à Montevideo – Filete uruguayo a la parrilla en Montevideo – Filete Uruguaio Grelhado em Montevideu – Gegrilltes uruguayisches Filet in Montevideo – Phi lê Uruguay nướng ở Montevideo

Hamburger con formaggio e bacon

Hamburger con formaggio

Hamburger con formaggio e bacon.
L’hamburger con formaggio e, se possibile, anche con bacon è uno dei miei preferiti. Condito con abbondante ketchup e senape e accompagnato dalle patatine fritte.
A dire la verità non mi ricordo nemmeno dove l’ho preso questo. Ricordo solamente che era squisito!!!!

Hamburger con formaggio

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

Tradizionalmente il formaggio viene posto al di sopra dell’hamburger, ma il panino può includere molte varianti nella struttura, negli ingredienti e nella composizione. Il formaggio solitamente è a fette e viene posto al di sopra dell’hamburger poco prima che esso completi la cottura per consentire di sciogliersi.
I cheeseburger possono essere serviti con lattuga, pomodoro, cipolla, senape, maionese, ketchup o cetrioli. Nei fast food si possono trovare anche varianti con mozzarella o con formaggio Cheddar, Emmental o Gorgonzola.

A burger with cheese, bacon and french fries – Un hamburger avec du fromage et du bacon – Una hamburguesa con queso y tocino – Um hambúrguer com queijo e bacon – Ein Burger mit Käse, Speck und Pommes Frites – Bánh mì kẹp thịt với pho mát, thịt xông khói và khoai tây chiên – 一个汉堡配奶酪、培根和炸薯条 – チーズ、ベーコン、フライド ポテトのハンバーガー

Carpaccio di salmone

Carpaccio di salmone

Carpaccio di salmone.
Il carpaccio di salmone è un piatto decisamente semplice da preparare. Oltre ad un paio di elementi chiave, l’olio e il limone, ci si può sbizzarrire con i più svariati condimenti e aggiunte.
Questo l’ho assaggiato a Marsiglia, in Francia ed era costituito da due tagli di salmone differenti (che per la verità mi sembravano sempre lo stesso pezzo tagliato in maniera differente).
Contorni (che alla fine erano la parte più sostanziosa del piatto) patatine fritte ed insalata.

Carpaccio di salmone

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

Vi lascio il link ad una semplice e ben fatta ricetta dal sito il cucchiaio.it.

Tris di hamburger

Tris di Hamburger

Tris di hamburger.
Giovedì è la giornata degli hamburger all’Articiocca.
Ed eccovi uno splendido tris di hamburger:

Tris di Hamburger

Ketchup fatto in casa come anche il pane. Molto semplici perché erano per dei bambini.

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Souvlaki greci misti

Souvlaki greci misti

Souvlaki greci misti.
Uno degli street food più famosi in Grecia è il souvlaki, gli spiedini di carne cotti alla griglia.
In questa bella foto un cabaret di souvlaki misti (maiale, pollo e credo di salsiccia) accompagnati da molti contorni: cipolle, pomodori, patatine fritte, pane greco, limone e salsa allo yogurt. Ce n’è per tutti i gusti.

Souvlaki greci misti

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.