The famous Clock Tower of the Trevi village

La celebre Torre dell'Orologio del borgo di Trevi

The famous Clock Tower of the village of Trevi.
In the heart of Trevi, a small Umbrian village, stands the majestic Clock Tower, a symbol of history and tradition that fascinates visitors and locals alike. This tower, located in the main square of the village, represents one of the most iconic landmarks of the city.
The Clock Tower of Trevi dates back to the Middle Ages and has undergone several modifications over the centuries. Originally built as a watchtower, it was later transformed into a civic tower with the addition of the clock in the 18th century. The structure is characterized by a solid stone base and a lighter upper part, where the mechanical clock is located.
The clock of the tower is a masterpiece of mechanical engineering. Its mechanism, still working, has been restored several times to ensure its precision and durability over time. Every hour, the sound of the bells resonates through the streets of the village, marking the rhythm of daily life and keeping alive a centuries-old tradition.
The square that overlooks the Clock Tower is a lively meeting point for the local community. Cultural events, markets and traditional festivals take place here, bringing the village to life throughout the year. The tower itself is often open to the public, allowing visitors to climb to the top for a breathtaking panoramic view of the Umbrian valley.
To visit the Trevi Clock Tower, you can join guided tours organized by the municipality or local associations. During the visit, you can learn more about the history of the tower, how its clock works and the traditions of the village. The tower is easily reached on foot from the center of Trevi, and the square offers numerous cafes and restaurants where you can relax after the visit.

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La celebre Torre dell'Orologio del borgo di Trevi

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:

Here's where the tower is located:

In the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance it had its best period, characterized by extraordinary trade that favored its economic prosperity (it was called "the dry port"), still testified today by the numerous buildings in the historic center, worthy of appearing in much larger cities, and the economic growth was accompanied by lively cultural and social activity. Already in 1469, to favor the circulation of money a Jewish banker was called, one of the few professions to which those men were authorized, and despite this he was persecuted and later one of the very first Monti di Pietà was erected, followed later by the Monte Frumentario and various other charitable and welfare institutions.
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The famous Clock Tower of the Trevi village – La célèbre Tour de l’Horloge du village de Trevi – La famosa Torre del Reloj del pueblo de Trevi – A famosa Torre do Relógio da aldeia de Trevi – Der berühmte Uhrturm des Dorfes Trevi – Tháp đồng hồ nổi tiếng của làng Trevi

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The statue dedicated to Giuseppe Mazzini in Chiavari

La statua dedicata a Giuseppe Mazzini a Chiavari

The statue dedicated to Giuseppe Mazzini in Chiavari.
I always try to photograph things from different perspectives so as not to always repeat the same shots.
As in this case for the statue of Mazzini in the square of the same name in Chiavari. From behind and from the side on an afternoon without a market.

Do you know this statue from Chiavari?
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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Here's where the statue is located:

Giuseppe Mazzini (Genoa, 22 June 1805 – Pisa, 10 March 1872) was an Italian patriot, politician, philosopher and journalist. A leading exponent of Risorgimento patriotism, his ideas and political action contributed decisively to the formation of the unified Italian State; the sentences he received in various Italian courts, however, forced him to remain in hiding until his death because he was a staunch supporter of the republican institution against the Savoy monarchy.
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The statue dedicated to Giuseppe Mazzini in Chiavari – La statue dédiée à Giuseppe Mazzini à Chiavari – La estatua dedicada a Giuseppe Mazzini en Chiavari – A estátua dedicada a Giuseppe Mazzini em Chiavari – Die Giuseppe Mazzini gewidmete Statue in Chiavari – Bức tượng dành riêng cho Giuseppe Mazzini ở Chiavari

The beautiful Piazza Mazzini in the centre of Chiavari

La bella piazza Mazzini nel centro di Chiavari

The beautiful Piazza Mazzini in the center of Chiavari.
One of the most beautiful and photographed squares in Chiavari. In the center, the statue dedicated to the patriot Giuseppe Mazzini with, in the background, the building of the former city court.

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La bella piazza Mazzini nel centro di Chiavari

La bella piazza Mazzini nel centro di Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here's where the square is located:

Giuseppe Mazzini (Genoa, 22 June 1805 – Pisa, 10 March 1872) was an Italian patriot, politician, philosopher and journalist. A leading exponent of Risorgimento patriotism, his ideas and political action contributed decisively to the formation of the unified Italian State; the sentences he received in various Italian courts, however, forced him to remain in hiding until his death because he was a staunch supporter of the republican institution against the Savoy monarchy.
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The beautiful square dedicated to Mazzini in the center of Chiavari – La belle place dédiée à Mazzini au centre de Chiavari – La hermosa plaza dedicada a Mazzini en el centro de Chiavari – A bela praça dedicada a Mazzini no centro de Chiavari – Der wunderschöne Mazzini gewidmete Platz im Zentrum von Chiavari – Quảng trường tuyệt đẹp dành riêng cho Mazzini ở trung tâm Chiavari

L’archivolto su piazza Mazzini da via dei Remolari

L'archivolto su piazza Mazzini da via dei Remolari

L’archivolto sulla piazza dedicata a Mazzini da via dei Remolari a Chiavari.
Una delle vie che ho “scoperto”, fotograficamente parlando, a Chiavari negli ultimi anni è via dei Remolari ed il bell’archivolto di Palazzo Torriglia che separa la via da piazza Mazzini.

Hai mai notato questa bel punto di Chiavari? Sai qualcosa di più sul palazzo? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

L'archivolto su piazza Mazzini da via dei Remolari

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Dove si trova l’archivolto:

Al piano terra c’era l’albergo della posta dove hanno dormito anche Garibaldi e Manzoni. In questo palazzo c’erano opere d’arte di Genova, di Napoli e Venezia.
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The archivolt on the square dedicated to Mazzini from via dei Remolari in Chiavari – L’archivolte de la place dédiée à Mazzini de via dei Remolari à Chiavari – La arquivolta de la plaza dedicada a Mazzini desde via dei Remolari en Chiavari – A arquivolta na praça dedicada a Mazzini da via dei Remolari em Chiavari – Die Archivolte auf dem Mazzini gewidmeten Platz in der Via dei Remolari in Chiavari – Kho lưu trữ trên quảng trường dành riêng cho Mazzini từ via dei Remolari ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里 (Chiavari) 雷莫拉里 (via dei Remolari) 广场上献给马志尼 (Mazzini) 的拱门 – キアーヴァリのレモラーリ通りからマッツィーニに捧げられた広場のアーキボルト

Un palazzo in piazza Mazzini a Chiavari

Un palazzo in piazza Mazzini a Chiavari

Un palazzo in piazza Mazzini a Chiavari.
Nel centro storico di Chiavari, c’è la bella piazza Mazzini circondata da splendidi palazzi.
Uno di questi, quello sopra la Farmacia Podestà, è il soggetto della foto di oggi.
Era in parziale ristrutturazione quando ho scattato.

Do you know the historic center of Chiavari? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Un palazzo in piazza Mazzini a Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Where is this palace located:

A palace in the square dedicated to Mazzini in Chiavari – Un palais sur la place dédiée à Mazzini à Chiavari – Un palacio en la plaza dedicada a Mazzini en Chiavari – Um palácio na praça dedicada a Mazzini em Chiavari – Ein Palast auf dem Mazzini gewidmeten Platz in Chiavari – Một cung điện ở quảng trường dành riêng cho Mazzini ở Chiavari

The statue of Giuseppe Mazzini in Chiavari

La statua dedicata a Giuseppe Mazzini nella omonima piazza di Chiavari

The statue dedicated to Giuseppe Mazzini in the square of the same name in Chiavari.
Walking through the historic center of Chiavari and along the famous Caruggio Dritto at a certain point the street opens onto this beautiful square in the center of which is the beautiful statue dedicated to one of the fathers of the Italian Risorgimento: Giuseppe Mazzini (whose family was originally from Chiavari).
With the beautiful Palazzo di Giustizia (formerly the courthouse) behind it, one of the classic photos of the coastal city.

Do you know this statue of Chiavari? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here's where the statue is located:

Giuseppe Mazzini (Genoa, 22 June 1805 – Pisa, 10 March 1872) was an Italian patriot, politician, philosopher and journalist. A leading exponent of Risorgimento patriotism, his ideas and political action contributed decisively to the formation of the unified Italian State; the sentences he received in various Italian courts, however, forced him to remain in hiding until his death because he was a staunch supporter of the republican institution against the Savoy monarchy.
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The statue dedicated to Giuseppe Mazzini in the square of the same name in Chiavari – La statue dédiée à Giuseppe Mazzini sur la place du même nom à Chiavari – La estatua dedicada a Giuseppe Mazzini en la plaza del mismo nombre en Chiavari – A estátua dedicada a Giuseppe Mazzini na praça de mesmo nome em Chiavari – Die Giuseppe Mazzini gewidmete Statue auf dem gleichnamigen Platz in Chiavari – Bức tượng dành riêng cho Giuseppe Mazzini tại quảng trường cùng tên ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里同名广场上的朱塞佩·马志尼雕像 – キアーヴァリの同名広場にあるジュゼッペ・マッツィーニに捧げられた像

Mazzini square and the former Courthouse in Chiavari

Uno scorcio di piazza Mazzini e dell'ex Tribunale nel centro di Chiavari

A glimpse of Mazzini square and the former Courthouse in the center of Chiavari.
Walking around Chiavari I always try to take photographs from new points of view. There are so many subjects, you just need to arm yourself with imagination…

Do you know the beautiful historic center of Chiavari? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Uno scorcio di piazza Mazzini e dell'ex Tribunale nel centro di Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here's where I took the photo from:

The Palace of Justice of Chiavari is a historic building in the city of Chiavari in the metropolitan city of Genoa. The building was erected in 1886 according to the design of the architect Giuseppe Partini. It was built on the site of the ancient “Cittadella” of the fifteenth century, built by the Republic of Genoa as a concentration of civil and military power, of which the crenellated tower of 1537 is still visible, today incorporated into the palace.
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A glimpse of Piazza Mazzini and the former Court in the center of Chiavari – Un aperçu de la Piazza Mazzini et de l’ancienne Cour au centre de Chiavari – Un vistazo a la Piazza Mazzini y al antiguo tribunal en el centro de Chiavari – Um vislumbre da Piazza Mazzini e do antigo Tribunal no centro de Chiavari – Ein Blick auf die Piazza Mazzini und den ehemaligen Hof im Zentrum von Chiavari – Một cái nhìn thoáng qua về Quảng trường Mazzini và Tòa án cũ ở trung tâm Chiavari – 基亚瓦里中心的马志尼广场和前法院一瞥 – キアーヴァリ中心部のマッツィーニ広場と旧法廷を垣間見る

Due passi a Chiavari di prima mattina ad ottobre

Due passi a Chiavari di prima mattina ad ottobre

Due passi a Chiavari di prima mattina ad ottobre.
Questa mattina ho dovuto fare una commissione a Chiavari di prima mattina e, una volta terminato, ho fatto un paio di passi nel sempre bell centro della città.
La fontana in piazza delle Carrozze, piazza Mazzini e piazza Roma.

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Due passi a Chiavari di prima mattina ad ottobre

Due passi a Chiavari di prima mattina ad ottobre

Due passi a Chiavari di prima mattina ad ottobre

Photo taken with iPhone SE.

A stroll in Chiavari in the early morning in October – Une promenade à Chiavari au petit matin d’octobre – Un paseo por Chiavari a primera hora de la mañana de octubre – Um passeio em Chiavari no início da manhã de outubro – Ein Spaziergang in Chiavari am frühen Morgen im Oktober – Đi dạo ở Chiavari vào sáng sớm tháng 10 – 十月清晨在基亚瓦里漫步 – 10月の早朝、キアーヴァリを散歩

L’archivolto di Palazzo Torriglia su via Remolari

L'archivolto di Palazzo Torriglia che apre via dei Tremolari a Chiavari

L’archivolto di Palazzo Torriglia che apre via Remolari a Chiavari.
Su piazza Mazzini, a Chiavari, si affacciano molti bei palazzi. Uno di questi è lo storico Palazzo Torriglia i cui archi (o forse sarebbe meglio dire gli archi che sostengono il grande terrazzo) creano un archivolto che è l’inizio della bella via Remolari.

Hai mai notato questa bel punto di Chiavari? Sai qualcosa di più sul palazzo? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

L'archivolto di Palazzo Torriglia che apre via dei Tremolari a Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Dove si trova l’archivolto:

Al piano terra c’era l’albergo della posta dove hanno dormito anche Garibaldi e Manzoni. In questo palazzo c’erano opere d’arte di Genova, di Napoli e Venezia.
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The archivolt of Palazzo Torriglia which opens via Remolar in Chiavari – L’archivolte du Palazzo Torriglia qui s’ouvre via Remolar à Chiavari – La arquivolta del Palacio Torriglia que abre via Remolar en Chiavari – A arquivolta do Palazzo Torriglia que se abre via Remolar em Chiavari – Die Archivolte des Palazzo Torriglia, die über Remolar in Chiavari mündet – Archivolt của Palazzo Torriglia mở ra qua Remolar ở Chiavari – 托里利亚宫 (Palazzo Torriglia) 的拱门位于基亚瓦里 (Chiavari) 的 Remolar – キアーヴァリのデイ・トレモラールを経由して開くパラッツォ・トッリーリアのアーキボルト

Lo storico Palazzo Torriglia in piazza Mazzini a Chiavari

Lo storico Palazzo Torriglia in piazza Mazzini a Chiavari

Lo storico Palazzo Torriglia in piazza Mazzini a Chiavari.
Quasi per caso, cercando altro, ho scoperto il nome di questo palazzo che si affaccia sulla bella piazza Mazzini.
Da quello che credo di aver capito il palazzo è composto dai due edifici più alti uniti da quello più basso con l’archivolto.

Hai mai visitato questa bella piazza di Chiavari? Sai qualcosa di più sul palazzo?
Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Lo storico Palazzo Torriglia in piazza Mazzini a Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Al piano terra c’era l’albergo della posta dove hanno dormito anche Garibaldi e Manzoni. In questo palazzo c’erano opere d’arte di Genova, di Napoli e Venezia.
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The historic Palazzo Torriglia in the square dedicated to Mazzini in Chiavari – Le Palazzo Torriglia historique sur la place dédiée à Mazzini à Chiavari – El histórico Palazzo Torriglia en la plaza dedicada a Mazzini en Chiavari – O histórico Palazzo Torriglia na praça dedicada a Mazzini em Chiavari – Der historische Palazzo Torriglia auf dem Mazzini gewidmeten Platz in Chiavari – Cung điện lịch sử Torriglia tại quảng trường dành riêng cho Mazzini ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里马志尼广场上历史悠久的托里利亚宫 – キアヴァリのマッツィーニに捧げられた広場にある歴史的なパラッツォ トリグリア