Spaghetti with garlic and oil, the recipe

Spaghetti aglio e olio, la ricetta

Spaghetti aglio e olio, the recipe.
Spaghetti aglio e olio are a classic of Italian cuisine, simple but full of flavor. This version without chili pepper is perfect for those who prefer a more delicate but still delicious flavor.


– 320 g of spaghetti;
– 4 cloves of garlic;
– 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil;
– Salt to taste;
– Chopped fresh parsley.


First, peel the garlic cloves and slice them thinly.
In a large pot, bring plenty of salted water to a boil. Cook the spaghetti al dente according to the package directions.
While the pasta is cooking, heat the extra virgin olive oil in a large skillet over medium-low heat. Add the sliced ​​garlic and brown slowly, without burning it, for about 2-3 minutes.
Drain the spaghetti a couple of minutes in advance, reserving a cup of the cooking water. Add the spaghetti to the pan with the oil and garlic, stirring well to flavor it and release some of the starch. If necessary, add a little cooking water to better mix everything together and to form the "famous" creamy sauce.
Distribute the spaghetti among the plates, garnishing with a little chopped fresh parsley, if desired. Serve immediately.

Tips: For a more intense flavor, you can lightly crush the garlic cloves before slicing them; use a high-quality extra virgin olive oil to get the best possible flavor; always save a little of the pasta cooking water to help blend the sauce.

Spaghetti aglio e olio is a versatile and quick recipe, ideal for a simple but tasty dinner. Try this version without chili pepper for a light and aromatic dish, perfect for any occasion.
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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Spaghetti with garlic and oil, the recipe – Spaghetti à l’ail et à l’huile, la recette – Espaguetis con ajo y aceite, la receta – Esparguete com alho e azeite, a receita – Spaghetti mit Knoblauch und Öl, das Rezept – Spaghetti mit Knoblauch und Öl, das Rezept

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns, the recipe

Spaghetti con pomodorini e gamberoni, la ricetta

Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns, the recipe.
Some time ago I had the pleasure of enjoying a good plate of pasta with cherry tomatoes and prawns on the ship.
Since I had the photos back at hand, I decided to write to you how to prepare them at home (with a little help from AI). The preparation is really simple, I assure you.


– 350g spaghetti;
– 300g cherry tomatoes;
– 250g shelled prawns;
– 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped;
– Extra virgin olive oil;
– Salt and black pepper to taste;
– Chili pepper (optional, according to taste);
– Fresh parsley, finely chopped;


Cook the spaghetti in plenty of salted water according to the packet instructions until al dente. Drain and reserve a little of the cooking water.
In a large frying pan, heat a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and, if you like, chilli pepper for a spicy kick.
Add the halved cherry tomatoes to the pan and cook for about 5-7 minutes until they start to release their juices and become soft.
Add the peeled prawns to the pan and cook for a further 3-5 minutes or until the prawns are pink and cooked through.
Season with salt and pepper to taste. If the sauce is too dry, you can add a little of the spaghetti cooking water.
Add the cooked spaghetti to the pan and mix well, making sure they are well seasoned with the sauce.
Serve the spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns on individual plates, garnishing with a drizzle of fresh extra virgin olive oil and chopped parsley.

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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and prawns, the recipe – Spaghetti aux tomates cerises et crevettes, la recette – Espaguetis con tomates cherry y gambas, la receta – Espaguete com tomate cereja e camarão, a receita – Spaghetti mit Kirschtomaten und Garnelen, das Rezept – Công thức làm mì spaghetti với cà chua bi và tôm – 意大利面配樱桃番茄和大虾,食谱 – チェリートマトとエビのスパゲッティ、レシピ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Spaghetti with lobster sauce, the recipe

Gli spaghetti al sugo di astice, la ricetta

Spaghetti with lobster sauce, the recipe.
Every now and then, on the ship, I am lucky enough to enjoy a plate of pasta seasoned with lobster sauce (or crawfish, depending on what's on the menu).
Making the sauce at home is not particularly difficult either, but as with everything, it also takes a little talent.
Here I propose a simple recipe that ChatGPT helped me write.


– 400 g spaghetti;
– 1 whole lobster (or already cleaned and halved);
– a few fresh cherry tomatoes;
– 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped;
– Red chilli pepper (to taste, for a spicy touch);
– Fresh parsley, chopped;
– Extra virgin olive oil;
– Salt and black pepper to taste.


Lobster preparation:
If you are using a whole lobster, cook it in a pot of boiling salted water for about 8-10 minutes until it turns red. Drain the lobster and let it cool slightly. Then crack the shell and scoop out the meat. Cut the lobster meat into smaller pieces, leaving a few larger pieces for decoration at the end.
Sauce preparation:
In a large frying pan, heat a little olive oil over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and chili pepper (if desired) and fry until the garlic turns golden.
Add the halved fresh cherry tomatoes. Cook over medium-low heat for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add the previously prepared lobster meat and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste. If the sauce seems too thick, you can add a little of the pasta cooking water to thin it out.

Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti in plenty of salted water according to the package instructions. Drain the pasta al dente and reserve a cup of the cooking water.
Add the spaghetti to the lobster sauce in the pan, mix well and sauté for a minute, adding a little cooking water if necessary to combine everything.
Add the chopped fresh parsley and mix.

Serve the spaghetti with lobster sauce garnished with larger pieces of lobster and a drizzle of fresh olive oil.
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Photo taken with Honor 20.

Contrary to popular belief, the lobster and the crawfish are only loosely related, belonging to two distinct infraorders of the same suborder. By comparison, these two species are as closely related as humans are to tarsiers.
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Spaghetti with lobster sauce, the recipe – Spaghetti à la sauce au homard, la recette – Espaguetis con salsa de bogavante, la receta – Espaguete com molho de lagosta, a receita – Spaghetti mit Hummersauce, das Rezept – Công thức mì spaghetti sốt tôm hùm – 龙虾酱意大利面,食谱 – ロブスターソースのスパゲッティ、レシピ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

Una gustosa zuppetta di mare dal tocco asiatico

Una gustosa zuppetta di mare dal tocco asiatico

Una gustosa zuppetta di mare dal tocco asiatico.
Per assecondare i gusti di mia moglie, ogni tanto, cerco di prepararle (o farle preparare) qualche piatto dal tocco orientale.
Come questa zuppa ai frutti di mare con noodles.
Aglio, peperoncino e zenzero per ricordare i gusti asiatici.

Ti piace la cucina asiatica? Aggiungi un tuo comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

A tasty seafood soup with an Asian touch – Une savoureuse soupe de fruits de mer avec une touche asiatique – Una sabrosa sopa de mariscos con un toque asiático – Uma saborosa sopa de frutos do mar com toque asiático – Eine leckere Meeresfrüchtesuppe mit asiatischer Note – Súp hải sản thơm ngon mang đậm hương vị châu Á – 具有亚洲风味的美味海鲜汤 – アジアンテイストの美味しいシーフードスープ

Ravioli di pesce al sugo di sgombro

Ravioli di pesce al sugo di sgombro

Ravioli di pesce al sugo di sgombro.
Se al primo posto nei miei gusti dei sughi di pesce fatti in casa c’è quello con il polpo, al secondo c’è sicuramente il sugo di sgombro (la cui recipe vi ho già raccontato in altro post).
In questo caso poi il sugo, molto fine e delizioso, condisce degli ottimi ravioli fatti anch’essi con del buon ripieno di pesce.
Una leccornia di casa mia.

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Ravioli di pesce al sugo di sgombro

Ravioli di pesce al sugo di sgombro

Ravioli di pesce al sugo di sgombro

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Fish ravioli with mackerel sauce – Raviolis de poisson sauce maquereau – Ravioli de pescado con salsa de caballa – Ravióli de peixe com molho de cavala – Fischravioli mit Makrelensoße – Bánh bao cá thu sốt – 鲭鱼酱鱼馄饨 – 魚のラビオリ 鯖ソース添え

Spaghetti with seafood, the recipe

Spaghetti con sugo di pomodorini, sgombro, pannocchie e gamberetti, la ricetta

Spaghetti with cherry tomato sauce, mackerel, corn on the cob and shrimp, the recipe.
Since I had some fish leftovers in the freezer, I decided to make a nice sauce with everything I had and some datterino tomatoes.

Ingredients (enough for two people):

– a couple of mackerel fillets
– a dozen cherry tomatoes
– a few prawns
– a couple of mantis shrimps
– extra virgin olive oil
– garlic
– chilli pepper
– salt
– spaghetti
– parsley


First prepare the fish; since it was all frozen the night before I put everything in the fridge to have everything ready for lunch. It's all very simple except for the mantis shrimp which have a simple technique to be cleaned (if you search online you will find many examples).

So let's get started!
Let's put some salted water on the stove to cook the spaghetti while we prepare the sauce.
In a nice pan we put plenty of oil, a crushed clove of garlic and the chili pepper.
When it starts to fry we add the cherry tomatoes that I previously washed and cut in half.
After a few minutes of cooking we add a little salt and remove the garlic and chili pepper.
In this preparation I added water or wine because enough water comes out of the cherry tomatoes.
After a good five minutes of cooking we add the mackerel (mashing it with a ladle); I let the mackerel cook for 5 minutes but perhaps it could be done in less time.
Now add the shrimp and, after a couple of minutes, the mantis shrimp.
Two minutes and turn off.
I don't like the cherry tomato balls so at this point I remove them, being careful to leave the pulp, possibly still attached, in the sauce.
If in the meantime you have already thrown in the pasta, now it will be almost ready; I always take it out a couple of minutes before it is ready to finish cooking it in the pan with the sauce.
In fact, I turn the heat back on under the pan with the sauce and add the spaghetti, also adding plenty of pasta cooking water.
After exactly two minutes the water has evaporated, leaving a thick and tasty cream.
And now everything is ready, sprinkle with parsley and plate!

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Here is the finished dish:

Spaghetti con sugo di pomodorini, sgombro, pannocchie e gamberetti, la ricetta

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Spaghetti with tomato sauce, mackerel, corn on the cob and shrimp, the recipe – Spaghetti mit Tomatensauce, Makrele, Maiskolben und Garnelen, das Rezept – Mỳ Ý sốt cà chua, cá thu, bắp ngô và tôm, công thức

A fresh cuttlefish salad

Insalata di seppie

Cuttlefish salad.
A nice and tasty summer dish, simple and simple: a seafood salad with, as the protagonist, a nice cuttlefish.
A lightly boiled cuttlefish seasoned only with a few olives, oil, salt and lemon and a sprinkling of parsley.
And the dish is finished!
Very good!

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Insalata di seppie

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

The species of the Sepiidae family have a tropical-temperate distribution, with an unusual biogeographic pattern: they are in fact present on both the western coasts of the Pacific and the eastern coasts of the Atlantic, as well as in the Mediterranean basin, but are absent on both coastal sides of the Americas.
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A good cuttlefish salad – Une bonne salade de seiche – Una buena ensalada de sepia – Uma boa salada de choco – Ein guter Tintenfischsalat – Một món gỏi mực – 一份不错的墨鱼沙拉 – 良いイカのサラダ

Insalata di polpo alla ligure

Insalata di polpo alla ligure

Insalata di polpo alla ligure.
Per cucinare il polpo ci sono veramente molte maniere differenti.
Qui in Liguria lo si prepara, preferibilmente, come una insalata con patate bollite e olive taggiasche.
Un poco di olio di oliva evo, un poco di sale e una spolverata di prezzemolo.
La preparazione è molto semplice e vi rimando alla ricetta che Loris ha pubblicato (here).

Insalata di polpo alla ligure

Insalata di polpo alla ligure

Insalata di polpo alla ligure

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Ligurian-style octopus salad – Salade de poulpe à la ligurienne – Ensalada de pulpo a la ligur – Salada de polvo à Ligúria – Tintenfischsalat nach ligurischer Art – Salad bạch tuộc kiểu Ligurian – 利古里亚式章鱼沙拉 – リグリアン風タコサラダ

Pasta aglio e olio preparata a casa

Pasta aglio e olio

Pasta aglio e olio preparata a casa.
Da poco tempo questo tipo di pasta, tra le più semplici da preparare, è diventata una delle mie preferite.
Anche se la più classica è con l’aggiunta di peperoncino io la preferisco così, non piccante (anche se un pochino “hot” la sopporto), anche perché a casa non ho peperoncini…
Devo ammettere poi, e i veri amanti di questa preparazione mi odieranno, che ho aggiunto un poco di formaggio grattugiato alla fine che però ho evitato di mettere nella foto.
Altri ingredienti che normalmente si mettono sono prezzemolo e acciuga che però io non amo né, in questo momento, ho in casa!
A voi piace? Piccante oppure no? Con formaggio grattugiato oppure no?
Scrivetemelo lei commenti cliccando here!

Pasta aglio e olio

Pasta aglio e olio

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Gli spaghetti aglio e olio (spaghetti aglio e uoglie) sono un piatto tipico della cucina napoletana, facente parte della schiera di ricette cosiddette della cucina piccina partenopea.
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Octopus salad with potatoes, the recipe

insalata di polpo bollito

Boiled octopus salad with Ligurian potatoes, the recipe.
It's a simple boiled octopus salad.
This morning I found a couple of local octopuses and prepared them for my son Luca.
I boiled plenty of water to which I added salt and vinegar. Then I curled up the octopuses by holding them by the head and dipping them up and down in the boiling water. I left them to cook for half an hour and then left them to cool in their water.
Separately I boiled some excellent mountain potatoes from my friend Enrico Segarini and added them to the sliced ​​octopus.
I then seasoned it with some excellent local oil from my friend Paolino Muzio of San Bernardo (a town in the municipality of Sestri Levante known for the quality of its olives), lemon juice from my garden and a sprinkling of parsley.

insalata di polpo bollito

Photo taken with Samsung Galaxi.

This is the boiled octopus before being seasoned:

polpo bollito

Photo taken with Samsung Galaxi.

Octopus salad with potatoes, the recipe – Salade de poulpe aux pommes de terre, la recette – Ensalada de pulpo con patatas, la receta – Salada de polvo com batata, a receita – Oktopussalat mit Kartoffeln, das Rezept – Công thức salad bạch tuộc với khoai tây