The Chapel of Frescoes in San Domenico Maggiore

Esplorando la Cappella degli Affreschi in San Domenico Maggiore a Napoli

Exploring the Fresco Chapel in San Domenico Maggiore in Naples.
Welcome to Naples, a city steeped in history, art and spirituality. Today I take you to discover a true hidden gem, the Fresco Chapel of San Domenico Maggiore, a place that enchants the senses and nourishes the soul.
Upon entering the Fresco Chapel, you will be immediately enveloped in the magnificence of Renaissance art. The frescoes that adorn the walls of this chapel are a tribute to the mastery of the artists of the time. Every detail has been painted with care and precision, creating a visual symphony of colors and stories.
This sacred place is dedicated to San Domenico, the founder of the Dominican Order. The chapel is steeped in spirituality and devotion, with frescoes that narrate the life and teachings of the saint. It is a perfect place for reflection and prayer, where you can connect with your spirituality in an environment of extraordinary beauty.
The Cappella degli Affreschi is also a window into the history of Naples. The frescoes reveal details of daily life and culture of the Italian Renaissance. Each painting is a testimony to the past, a history lesson that unfolds before your eyes.
It is important to remember that the preservation of this artistic heritage requires constant care and restoration. Thanks to the efforts of scholars and restorers, we can still admire these extraordinary works of art today.
The Cappella degli Affreschi is a beloved subject for photographers and art enthusiasts. Every angle offers a new perspective to capture with the camera, and each fresco is an inexhaustible source of artistic inspiration.

If you find yourself in Naples, don’t let this hidden gem pass you by. The Cappella degli Affreschi di San Domenico Maggiore is a place where art, history and spirituality come together in an extraordinary experience that will leave you speechless.

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Esplorando la Cappella degli Affreschi in San Domenico Maggiore a Napoli

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in Naples, that weekend but also on other trips, click here:

The Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore is a monumental church in Naples located in a nearly central position with respect to the lower decumanus, in the square of the same name. The basilica, a typical example of Gothic-Angevin architecture, together with its adjacent convent, constitutes one of the most important religious complexes in the city, both from a historical, artistic and cultural point of view.
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Exploring the Chapel of Frescoes in San Domenico Maggiore in Naples – Explorer la chapelle des fresques de San Domenico Maggiore à Naples – Explorando a Capela dos Afrescos em San Domenico Maggiore em Nápoles – Erkundung der Freskenkapelle in San Domenico Maggiore in Neapel – Khám phá Nhà nguyện bích họa ở San Domenico Maggiore ở Naples – 探索那不勒斯圣多梅尼科马焦雷的壁画教堂 – ナポリのサン・ドメニコ・マッジョーレにあるフレスコ画の礼拝堂を探索する

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San Domenico Square in Naples

Piazza San Domenico Maggiore a Napoli

Piazza San Domenico in Naples.
One of the most central and busiest squares in the historic center of Naples.
In front is the Obelisk (or Spire) of San Domenico, just behind the back of the apse of the church of the same name and on the right a glimpse of the beautiful Palazzo Saluzzo Corigliano.

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Piazza San Domenico Maggiore a Napoli

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in Naples, that weekend but also on other trips, click here:

Piazza San Domenico is one of the most important squares in Naples. It is located along the lower decumanus of the city, a short distance from Piazza del Gesù Nuovo. Being in the heart of the historic center of Naples, the square is a crossroads of two important streets of the city: Spaccanapoli (the lower east-west decumanus) and via Mezzocannone (a hinge that cuts south-north).
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The San Domenico Maggiore square in Naples – la place San Domenico Maggiore à Naples – la plaza San Domenico Maggiore en Nápoles – Praça San Domenico em Nápoles – der Platz San Domenico Maggiore in Neapel – quảng trường San Domenico Maggiore ở Naples – 那不勒斯的圣多梅尼科马焦雷广场 – ナポリのサンドメニコ広場

The interior of the Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore

L'interno della chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore a Napoli

The interior of the Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples.
Wandering through the alleys of Naples I came across this beautiful Basilica which is also one of the most important in the Neapolitan city.
This is its interior with the central nave.

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L'interno della chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore a Napoli

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in Naples, that weekend but also on other trips, click here:

The Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore is a monumental church in Naples located in a nearly central position with respect to the lower decumanus, in the square of the same name. The basilica, a typical example of Gothic-Angevin architecture, together with its adjacent convent, constitutes one of the most important religious complexes in the city, both from a historical, artistic and cultural point of view.
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The interior of the church of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples – L’intérieur de l’église de San Domenico Maggiore à Naples – El interior de la iglesia de San Domenico Maggiore en Nápoles – O interior da Basílica de San Domenico Maggiore em Nápoles – Das Innere der Kirche San Domenico Maggiore in Neapel – Nội thất của nhà thờ San Domenico Maggiore ở Naples – 那不勒斯圣多梅尼科马焦雷大教堂的内部 – ナポリのサンドメニコマッジョーレ大聖堂の内部

Il Cappellone del Crocifisso in San Domenico Maggiore

Il Cappellone del Crocifisso della chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore a Napoli

Il Cappellone del Crocifisso della chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore a Napoli.
Una delle cappelle più grandi, belle ed importanti all’interno della chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore costruita dalla famiglia Carafa una antica e nobile famiglia napoletana.

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Il Cappellone del Crocifisso della chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore a Napoli

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in Naples, that weekend but also on other trips, click here:

Il cappellone del Crocifisso (o Carafa) è una cappella rinascimentale della chiesa di San Domenico Maggiore di Napoli, tra le più grandi e importanti del complesso religioso, considerata di fatto pantheon di sepolture della famiglia Carafa per via del cospicuo numero di monumenti funebri dedicati a esponenti del casato napoletano.
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The chapel of the Crucifix of the church of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples – La chapelle du Crucifix de l’église de San Domenico Maggiore à Naples – La capilla del Crucifijo de la iglesia de San Domenico Maggiore en Nápoles – Die Kapelle des Kruzifixes der Kirche San Domenico Maggiore in Neapel – Nhà nguyện Thánh giá của nhà thờ San Domenico Maggiore ở Naples