The Church of San Giovanni Battista in Mattarana

La facciata della chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Mattarana

The facade of the church of San Giovanni Battista in Mattarana.
A small village, in the province of La Spezia, with its simple but beautiful church dedicated to San Giovanni.

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La facciata della chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Mattarana

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:

Here is where the church is located:

The facade of the church of San Giovanni Battista in Mattarana – La façade de l’église de San Giovanni Battista à Mattarana – La fachada de la iglesia de San Giovanni Battista en Mattarana – A fachada da igreja de San Giovanni Battista em Mattarana – Die Fassade der Kirche San Giovanni Battista in Mattarana – Mặt tiền nhà thờ San Giovanni Battista ở Mattarana

The Baptistery of the Cathedral of Bergamo

Il Battistero della Cattedrale di Bergamo

The Baptistery of the Cathedral of Bergamo.
In the heart of the upper city of Bergamo, surrounded by ancient walls and narrow cobbled streets, stands the imposing Cathedral of Sant’Alessandro, one of the most important testimonies of sacred art in Lombardy. Among its most precious gems stands out the Baptistery, a structure of great artistic and historical importance that enchants visitors with its beauty and intrinsic spirituality.
The Baptistery of the Cathedral of Bergamo, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, dates back to the medieval period, with some parts dating back to the 9th century. Its architecture reflects the Romanesque style, with subsequent Gothic and Renaissance influences, testimony to the different historical periods that have shaped the city over the centuries.
The external structure of the Baptistery is characterized by a simple but elegant façade, adorned with blind arches, pilasters and a portal decorated with sacred sculptures. Inside, medieval frescoes and Renaissance architectural elements create an atmosphere of sacredness and contemplation.
One of the most precious treasures of the Baptistery are the frescoes that adorn its walls, dating back mainly to the 13th and 14th centuries. These works of sacred art, created by anonymous artists of the time, narrate biblical stories and scenes from the life of St. John the Baptist, giving life to the faith and devotion of the faithful.
Among the most famous frescoes is the cycle of the life of St. John the Baptist, which includes episodes such as his miraculous birth, his ministry in the desert and his martyrdom. The vivid representations and the skillful use of color give them a timeless charm, taking visitors on a spiritual journey through the history of Christianity.
The Baptistery is a place of great spiritual importance for the faithful of Bergamo and for visitors seeking reflection and contemplation. It is here that many Christians receive the sacrament of baptism, a rite of initiation into the Christian faith that symbolizes spiritual rebirth and communion with God.
In addition to its liturgical function, the Baptistery also represents a symbol of the continuity of the Christian faith throughout the centuries. Generations of believers who have come and gone have left their mark on this sacred place, helping to preserve its beauty and historical importance for future generations.
The Baptistery of Bergamo Cathedral is open to visitors who wish to admire its artistic beauty and experience a moment of spirituality. Tourists can take part in guided tours organized by the local diocese or explore the Baptistery on their own, allowing themselves to be enchanted by its works of art and its evocative atmosphere.

In conclusion, the Baptistery of the Cathedral of Bergamo represents a masterpiece of sacred art and a place of profound spiritual significance. With its fascinating architecture, its breathtaking decorations and its thousand-year history, it continues to inspire and uplift those who visit it, offering them a unique experience of beauty and contemplation.

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Il Battistero della Cattedrale di Bergamo

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

This is the official website of the Cathedral:

To see all the photos I took in Bergamo, click here:

Where is the baptistery located:

The Baptistery of Bergamo is the building intended for the baptismal rite, built in the 14th century by Giovanni da Campione, and preserved since 1900 in the Piazza del Duomo of Bergamo, in front of the Basilica of Sant’Alessandro. Since the 10th century in Bergamo there were several churches, among these one dedicated to San Vincenzo, the episcopal residence, established by Bishop Adalberto and the church of Santa Maria Vetus intended to be the baptismal church.
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The Baptistery of the Cathedral of Bergamo – Le Baptistère de la Cathédrale de Bergame – El Baptisterio de la Catedral de Bérgamo – O Batistério da Catedral de Bérgamo – Das Baptisterium der Kathedrale von Bergamo – Nhà rửa tội của Nhà thờ Bergamo

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The pebbles in the churchyard of the church of Mattarana

I risseu del sagrato della chiesa di Mattarana

The pebbles in the churchyard of the church of Mattarana.
I always really like risseu, that particular decorative art that consists of placing river or sea pebbles (almost always black and white) to create a design.
In this case it is the decoration of the churchyard of the church of San Giovanni Battista in the small village of Mattarana in the province of La Spezia.

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I risseu del sagrato della chiesa di Mattarana

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:

Here is where the churchyard is located:

The brawls in the churchyard of Mattarana – Les bagarres dans le cimetière de Mattarana – Las peleas en el cementerio de Mattarana – As brigas no cemitério de Mattarana – Die Schlägereien auf dem Kirchhof von Mattarana – Những cuộc ẩu đả trong sân nhà thờ Mattarana – 马塔拉纳教堂墓地的斗殴事件 – マッタラナの教会の庭で乱闘

Hexadactyly in a painting in Genoa

La esadattilia in un dipinto in Santa Maria in Castello a Genova

Hexadactyly in a painting in Santa Maria in Castello in Genoa.
Do you know what hexadactyly is? To tell the truth, you can understand that it has something to do with six (hex) and fingers (dactyly) but I didn't know, before doing some research, that there was some mystery about it hidden in pictorial art.
The photo in this post is a detail of a painting, the Annunciation by Giovanni Mazone preserved in Santa Maria in Castello, in which one of the characters (in the left part of the left part of the polyptych depicting Saint John the Baptist and the apostle James the Greater) one of the Saints has feet with six toes.
I discovered that in art it is customary to add a finger to saintly and excellent characters (and I remember that at the time, during the visit to the church, the guide had explained it) but digging I discovered that it is not always like this and there is a sort of mystery in these depictions (here is a starting point for further study).

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La esadattilia in un dipinto in Santa Maria in Castello a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

This is the official website of the church:

To see all the photos I took in Santa Maria in Castello and its cloisters, click here:

The polyptych of the Annunciation was executed in 1470 for the chapel of the same name in the church of Santa Maria di Castello in Genoa. The elaborate gilded wooden frame was executed by Mazone himself with the clear intent of reviving the elements of Gothic architecture. The compositions of the predella represent four episodes of the life of Mary: the Marriage of the Madonna and her meeting with Elizabeth; the birth of Jesus; the adoration of the Magi; the flight into Egypt and the purification of the B. V. Annunziata.
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Hexadactyly in a painting in Santa Maria in Castello in Genoa – Hexadactylie dans un tableau de Santa Maria in Castello à Gênes – Hexadactilia en un cuadro de Santa Maria in Castello en Génova – Hexadactilia em uma pintura em Santa Maria in Castello em Gênova – Hexadaktylie in einem Gemälde in Santa Maria in Castello in Genua – Hexadactyly trong một bức tranh ở Santa Maria ở Castello ở Genoa – 热那亚城堡圣玛丽亚一幅画中的六角形 – ジェノヴァのサンタ・マリア・イン・カステッロの絵画に描かれた六指鳥

The Colleoni Chapel in the Cathedral Square in Bergamo Alta

La Cappella Colleoni in piazza Duomo a Bergamo Alta

The Colleoni Chapel in Piazza Duomo in Bergamo Alta.
For the first time in my life I visited the upper part of the city of Bergamo.
Honestly, even though it was almost evening, I was amazed by the beauty of the village; I say village because the upper part, perched on a hill and surrounded by walls, seems more like a village than a city.
This is one of the main squares of the city: Piazza del Duomo.

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La Cappella Colleoni in piazza Duomo a Bergamo Alta

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

If you want to see some more photos of the square click here:
foto gallery

The Colleoni Chapel is a Renaissance church built by order of Bartolomeo Colleoni as his mausoleum, designed by Giovanni Antonio Amadeo and dedicated to Saint John the Baptist. It is located in the Piazza del Duomo in Bergamo Alta, adjacent to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.
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The Colleoni Chapel in the cathedral square in Bergamo Alta – La chapelle Colleoni sur la place de la cathédrale de Bergame Alta – La Capilla Colleoni en la plaza de la catedral de Bérgamo Alta – A Capela Colleoni na praça da catedral em Bergamo Alta – Die Colleoni-Kapelle auf dem Domplatz in Bergamo Alta – Nhà nguyện Colleoni ở quảng trường nhà thờ lớn ở Bergamo Alta – 贝加莫阿尔塔大教堂广场的科莱奥尼礼拜堂 – ベルガモ アルタの大聖堂広場にあるコレオーニ礼拝堂

Le foto del presepe 2021 della chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Chiavari

Le foto del presepe della chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Chiavari

Le foto del presepe 2021 della chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Chiavari.
Nel centro di Chiavari, un presepe semplice ma molto bello.

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Le foto del presepe della chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Chiavari

Photo taken with Honor 20.

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Prospiciente l’omonima piazza, nel cuore del centro storico, fu fondata nel 1181 per volere di Bardo Fieschi, arciprete di Lavagna. Fu restaurata nel 1462, all’epoca ancora sede delle funzioni civili, e completamente ricostruita tra il 1624 e il 1631 su disegno di Andrea Vannone e Bartolomeo Rossi.
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Photos of the nativity scene in the church of San Giovanni Battista in Chiavari – Photos de la crèche de l’église San Giovanni Battista de Chiavari – Fotos del belén en la iglesia de San Giovanni Battista en Chiavari – Fotos der Weihnachtskrippe in der Kirche San Giovanni Battista in Chiavari – Những hình ảnh về cảnh Chúa giáng sinh trong nhà thờ San Giovanni Battista ở Chiavari

L’interno della chiesa di San Giovanni a Chiavari

L'interno della chiesa di San Giovanni a Chiavari

L’interno della chiesa di San Giovanni a Chiavari.
Una delle chiese più belle ed importanti di Chiavari e che conserva il miracoloso Cristo Nero.
“Non Surrexit Major” è inciso in alto della più ampia frase “Inter natos mulierum, non surrexit major Johanne Baptista” tradotto più o meno in: “non sorgerà tra i nati di donne uno più grande di Giovanni il Battista”.
Il Santo più rappresentato della iconografia Cristiana.

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

La chiesa di San Giovanni Battista è un luogo di culto cattolico situato nel comune di Chiavari, in piazza San Giovanni Battista, nella città metropolitana di Genova. La chiesa, santuario del Cristo Nero, è sede della parrocchia omonima del vicariato di Chiavari-Lavagna della diocesi di Chiavari.
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Here is where the church is located:

The interior of the church of San Giovanni in Chiavari – L’intérieur de l’église de San Giovanni in Chiavari – El interior de la iglesia de San Giovanni in Chiavari – O interior da igreja de San Giovanni in Chiavari – Das Innere der Kirche San Giovanni in Chiavari – Nội thất của nhà thờ San Giovanni ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里圣乔瓦尼教堂的内部 – サン・ジョヴァンニ・イン・キャヴァリ教会の内部

Il Cristo Nero in San Giovanni a Chiavari

Il Cristo Nero in San Giovanni

Il Cristo Nero in San Giovanni a Chiavari.
Ve lo avevo promesso un paio di settimane fa di entrare nella splendida chiesa di Chiavari di Saint John the Baptist e di fotografare lo splendido e famoso Cristo Nero.
E’ una statua lignea del 1600 che, sopravvissuta ad un incendio ma annerita dalle fiamme, nonostante i tentativi di restauro e rimozione della fuliggine, continuò a rimanere scuro inspiegabilmente.
Un’altra leggenda della tradizione dice che liberò i chiavaresi dal colera.
Insomma: una reliquia molto importante per la città tigullina.

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Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

E’ estate e il pericolo del colera dall’Asia sta già facendo i suoi danni. Antonio Maria Gianelli, arciprete di Chiavari, ha intensificato la preghiera e il 25 agosto prepara una grande e pubblica processione di penitenza con il Crocifisso Nero: quel giorno, dice la storia, partecipano oltre 7mila persone.
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The statue of the Black Christ in the church of San Giovanni in Chiavari – La statue du Christ noir dans l’église de San Giovanni in Chiavari – La estatua del Cristo Negro en la iglesia de San Giovanni in Chiavari – A estátua do Cristo Negro na igreja de San Giovanni in Chiavari – Die Statue des Schwarzen Christus in der Kirche San Giovanni in Chiavari – Tượng Chúa Kitô đen trong nhà thờ San Giovanni ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里圣乔瓦尼教堂的黑基督雕像 – キアーヴァリのサンジョバンニ教会にある黒人キリストの像

The Church of San Giovanni Battista in Chiavari

La chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Chiavari

The church of San Giovanni Battista in Chiavari.
The religious building in the centre of Chiavari built at the end of 1100 and which houses the crucifix of the Black Christ, very famous in the city.
The simple façade in an equally simple churchyard surrounded by the splendid little streets with the typical porticoes of Chiavari.

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La chiesa di San Giovanni Battista a Chiavari

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here is where the church is located:

The Black Christ is a wooden crucifix kept in the parish church of San Giovanni Battista. It is considered miraculous.
It comes from the church of the Disciplinanti, destroyed by fire in 1600. Only the crucifix was saved from the fire, which, according to pious tradition, remained black since it was impossible to clean it.
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The church of San Giovanni Battista in Chiavari – L’église de San Giovanni Battista à Chiavari – La iglesia de San Juan Bautista en Chiavari – A igreja de San Giovanni Battista em Chiavari – Die Kirche San Giovanni Battista in Chiavari – Nhà thờ San Giovanni Battista ở Chiavari – 基亚瓦里的圣乔瓦尼巴蒂斯塔教堂 – キアヴァリのサン ジョヴァンニ バッティスタ教会