The magnificent Spoleto Cathedral and its churchyard

Il magnifico Duomo di Spoleto ed il suo sagrato

The magnificent Cathedral of Spoleto and its churchyard.
If you find yourself in Spoleto, you cannot miss a visit to the magnificent Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, also known as the Cathedral of Spoleto. This masterpiece of Romanesque architecture, built between 1151 and 1227, is the city's main place of worship and an Italian national monument.
The cathedral's façade is a real spectacle, with its central rose window and golden mosaics that sparkle in the sun. Inside, you can admire frescoes by Filippo Lippi, which tell the stories of the Virgin Mary, and works by Pinturicchio.
Every year, during the Festival dei Due Mondi, the cathedral becomes one of the most evocative places of the event, hosting concerts and shows that pay homage to its beauty and history.
Don't miss the opportunity to visit this extraordinary example of art and spirituality. The Cathedral of Spoleto awaits you for a journey through time and beauty!

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

Where is the cathedral located:

The cathedral was built between 1151 and 1227 on the site of a pre-existing building; it was part of the Vaita De Domo. It was consecrated by Pope Innocent III in 1198. Inside, in the apse, there is the valuable cycle of frescoes by Filippo Lippi Stories of the Virgin, painted in the last years of the artist's life, between May 1467 and September 1469.
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The magnificent Spoleto Cathedral and its churchyard – La magnifique cathédrale de Spolète et son cimetière – La magnífica catedral de Spoleto y su cementerio – A magnífica Catedral de Spoleto e o seu adro – Die prächtige Kathedrale von Spoleto und ihr Kirchhof – Nhà thờ Spoleto tráng lệ và sân nhà thờ của nó

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The bell tower of the Minor Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta

Il campanile della Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta di Camogli

The bell tower of the Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta in Camogli.
Some time ago, unfortunately due to unfortunate circumstances, I often traveled along the Via Aurelia from Sestri Levante to Genoa.
The road is long but truly wonderful: many curves, it's true, but an unparalleled view of the Ligurian Riviera di Levante.
In these shots, for example, you can see the beautiful church (and in particular the bell tower) that dominates the Bay of Camogli!
I hope an unusual perspective of the church.

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Il campanile della Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta di Camogli

Il campanile della Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta di Camogli

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Tamron 16-300.

Here I also leave you a couple of videos, which I made on another occasion, always in the small port of Camogli:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

To see all the photos I took in the village click here:

Here is where the church is located:

Basilica Minore di Santa Maria Assunta in the capital. Overlooking the small port below, the parish church of the village stands on what was the ancient settlement of the Island, appearing almost decentralized with respect to the nucleus of tall polychrome buildings.
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The bell tower of the Minor Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta in Camogli – Le clocher de la basilique mineure de Santa Maria Assunta à Camogli – El campanario de la Basílica Menor de Santa María Asunta en Camogli – A torre sineira da Basílica Menor de Santa Maria Assunta em Camogli – Der Glockenturm der Basilika Minor Santa Maria Assunta in Camogli – Tháp chuông của Tiểu Vương cung thánh đường Santa Maria Assunta ở Camogli – 卡莫利圣母升天小教堂的钟楼 – カモーリのサンタ・マリア・アスンタ小聖堂の鐘楼

La Cattedrale o Duomo Nuovo di Santa Maria Assunta a Brescia

La Cattedrale o Duomo Nuovo di Santa Maria Assunta a Brescia

La Cattedrale o Duomo Nuovo di Santa Maria Assunta a Brescia.
L’edificio religioso più importante della città lombarda.

Hai mai visitato Brescia? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

La Cattedrale o Duomo Nuovo di Santa Maria Assunta a Brescia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the city of Brescia click here:

Il Duomo nuovo, o più correttamente cattedrale estiva di Santa Maria Assunta, è la chiesa principale di Brescia, chiesa madre della diocesi omonima e monumento nazionale italiano. È situata in piazza Paolo VI, anche conosciuta come piazza del Duomo, e rientra nel contesto di due cattedrali adiacenti l’una all’altra, ossia al duomo vecchio. L’edificio di culto fu eretto tra il 1604 e il 1825 sull’area in cui sorgeva la basilica paleocristiana di San Pietro de Dom, risalente al V-VI secolo.
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The Cathedral or New Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Brescia – La cathédrale ou nouvelle cathédrale de Santa Maria Assunta à Brescia – La Catedral o Catedral Nueva de Santa Maria Assunta en Brescia – A Catedral ou Nova Catedral de Santa Maria Assunta em Brescia – Die Kathedrale oder Neue Kathedrale Santa Maria Assunta in Brescia – Nhà thờ hoặc Nhà thờ mới Santa Maria Assunta ở Brescia – 布雷西亚圣玛丽亚苏泰大教堂或新大教堂 – ブレシアのサンタ・マリア・アスンタ大聖堂または新大聖堂

The beautiful facade of the Parma Cathedral and its bell tower

La bella facciata del Duomo di Parma ed il suo campanile

The beautiful facade of the Cathedral of Parma and its bell tower.
The most important church of the ducal city of Parma.
It replaces the even older church destroyed by a fire around the year 1000.

Do you know the Parma Cathedral? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La bella facciata del Duomo di Parma ed il suo campanile

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

There is also the official website of the Duomo:

To see all the photos I took in the city click here:

The facade of the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta overlooks Piazza Duomo, on the opposite side to the Bishop's Palace. It is gabled, with a wall facing in squared stone blocks. The lower part is smooth, without decorations; here the three portals open: the two smaller lateral ones, the larger central one, each of which is slightly splayed and is surmounted by a lunette closed with glass windows.
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The beautiful facade of the Cathedral of Parma and its bell tower – La belle façade de la cathédrale de Parme et son clocher – La hermosa fachada de la Catedral de Parma y su campanario – A bela fachada da Catedral de Parma e sua torre sineira – Die schöne Fassade der Kathedrale von Parma und ihr Glockenturm – Mặt tiền tuyệt đẹp của Nhà thờ Parma và tháp chuông của nó – 帕尔马大教堂的美丽立面及其钟楼 – パルマ大聖堂とその鐘楼の美しいファサード

L’Ancona di Andrea della Robbia a La Spezia

L'Ancona di Andrea della Robbia a La Spezia

L’Ancona di Andrea della Robbia a La Spezia.
Una delle cose più belle, artisticamente parlando, che ho potuto vedere nella città di La Spezia (ovviamente ce ne saranno molte altre e anche di maggior pregio e che mi ripropongo di potervi descrivere in un’altra occasione) e’ questa bella terracotta invetriata che e’ conservata nella chiesa abbaziale di Santa Maria Assunta.
Raffigura la Incoronazione della Vergine tra Angeli, Santi e lo Spirito Santo.
Realizzata da Andrea della Robbia (nipote del piu famoso artista fiorentino Luca della Robbia).

Conosci la cittadina di La Spezia? Hai mai passeggiato visto questa chiesa?
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L'Ancona di Andrea della Robbia a La Spezia

Photo taken withCanon EOS M100 and lensCanon EF-M 11-22.

This is the page on the website of the

If you want to see all the photos I took in the church click here:

Nella sua parte superiore è collocata la figura della Vergine, contornata da una moltitudine di angeli, al cospetto del Signore in trono che la incorona. Al centro della scena lo Spirito Santo in forma di colomba. Nella parte inferiore sono figure di sei santi: tre francescani (S.Francesco, S.Bernardino e S.Antonio), San Giovanni Battista e Santa Maria Maddalena. A cornice della terracotta è posta una ghirlanda di frutta e foglie ad alto rilievo. Perduta per sempre è invece la predella inferiore (collocazione: navata sinistra).
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The glazed terracotta by Andrea della Robbia in La Spezia – La terre cuite vernissée d’Andrea della Robbia à La Spezia – La terracota vidriada de Andrea della Robbia en La Spezia – A terracota vitrificada de Andrea della Robbia em La Spezia – Die glasierte Terrakotta von Andrea della Robbia in La Spezia – Đất nung tráng men của Andrea della Robbia ở La Spezia – 安德里亞·德拉·羅比亞 (Andrea della Robbia) 在拉斯佩齊亞 (La Spezia) 的釉面陶土 – ラ・スペツィアのアンドレア・デッラ・ロッビアによる艶をかけられたテラコッタ

The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Montebruno

La chiesa del Santuario di Nostra Signora di Montebruno

The church of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Montebruno.
Returning from a beautiful walk in the woods of Mount Caucasus, my friends and I decided to take the long route and reach the Antola park and the famous road that connects Piacenza to Genoa.
It is here that we encountered the beautiful Sanctuary of the town of Montebruno (formerly the church of Santa Maria Assunta) which is separated from the village by the Trebbia river and the Doria Bridge.

Have you ever been to Montebruno? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La chiesa del Santuario di Nostra Signora di Montebruno

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

According to local tradition, in 1478, on the site where the sanctuary stands today, there was a miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary. The popular tale states that the Madonna appeared to a mute shepherd boy who, at the sight of the Lady, miraculously regained his speech and then announced the happy event to the people of Montebruno. The inhabitants who flocked to the site of the event found a wooden statue depicting the Virgin on the trunk of a beech tree; today the Marian effigy is placed on the main altar.
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the church of the Sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Montebruno – l’église du Sanctuaire de Notre-Dame de Montebruno – la iglesia del Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Montebruno – a igreja do Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Montebruno – die Kirche der Wallfahrtskirche Unserer Lieben Frau von Montebruno – nhà thờ Sanctuary of Our Lady of Montebruno – 蒙特布鲁诺圣母圣殿教堂 -モンテブルノの聖母の聖域の教会

The Church of Santa Maria Assunta in La Spezia

La facciata della chiesa abbaziale di Santa Maria Assunta a La Spezia

The facade of the abbey church of Santa Maria Assunta in La Spezia.
After the cathedral of Cristo Re, which took its place as pro-cathedral, this is certainly the most important church in the city of La Spezia.
The facade, even if I read that it has been rebuilt at least a couple of times, is very simple but at the same time decidedly very pretty.

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La facciata della chiesa abbaziale di Santa Maria Assunta a La Spezia

L'interno della chiesa abbaziale di Santa Maria Assunta a La Spezia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

If you want to see all the photos I took in the church click here:

This is the page on the website of the

The triptych of marble lunettes, placed on the facade, above the portals, are the work of the sculptor Angiolo Del Santo. The Porta della Misericordia is the central bronze portal of the church. After a long gestation it was inaugurated in 1999, it is the work of the sculptor from La Spezia Guglielmo Carro and is composed of eight bas-relief panels depicting the seven works of mercy and Pope John Paul II in prayer.
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The facade of the abbey church of Santa Maria Assunta in La Spezia – La façade de l’église abbatiale de Santa Maria Assunta à La Spezia – La fachada de la iglesia abacial de Santa Maria Assunta en La Spezia – A fachada da igreja da abadia de Santa Maria Assunta em La Spezia – Die Fassade der Abteikirche Santa Maria Assunta in La Spezia – Mặt tiền của nhà thờ tu viện Santa Maria Assunta ở La Spezia – 聖瑪麗亞阿松塔修道院教堂的門面在拉斯佩齊亞 – ラ・スペツィアのサンタ・マリア・アスンタ修道院教会のファサード

La facciata del Duomo di Napoli

La facciata del Duomo di Napoli

La facciata del Duomo di Napoli.
Nella mia ultima gita nella città partenopea volevamo visitare il bel Duomo, il cui nome ufficiale è cattedrale metropolitana di Santa Maria Assunta.
Più che altro volevamo visitare e vedere il Tesoro di San Gennaro e l’ampolla del sangue.
Purtroppo c’era talmente tanta gente che non siamo riusciti a farlo ma abbiamo dovuto fare un semplice giro all’interno della chiesa e delle cappelle annesse ma non nella reale cappella.
Questa comunque è la facciata, in stile neogotico, dal colore chiarissimo.

Sei mai stato a Napoli? E se sì hai visitato il suo duomo? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La facciata del Duomo di Napoli

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Per vedere tutte le foto che ho scattato nel duomo sono here:

The Cathedral of Naples, whose official name is the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, is a monumental basilica as well as a cathedral and seat of the archdiocese of the city of Naples. The cathedral stands along the eastern side of the street of the same name, in a small square surrounded by porticoes, and incorporates, as side chapels, two other religious buildings that arose independently of the cathedral: the Basilica of Santa Restituta, which houses the oldest baptistery in the West, that of San Giovanni in Fonte, and the Royal Chapel of the Treasure of San Gennaro, which preserves the relics of the patron saint of the city.
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The facade of the Cathedral of Naples – La fachada de la Catedral de Nápoles – A fachada da Catedral de Nápoles – La façade de la cathédrale de Naples – Die Fassade der Kathedrale von Neapel – Mặt tiền của Nhà thờ Naples

The Basilica of Carignano in Genoa

La Basilica di Carignano a Genova

The Basilica of Carignano in Genoa.
The splendid Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta in Carignano is one of the largest churches in Genoa.
Built by the Sauli family, perhaps in competition with the Fieschi in the second half of the 16th century, it is still one of the most beloved by the Genoese and is located on a hill overlooking the port and the city.

Do you know this Genoese church?
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La Basilica di Carignano a Genova

La Basilica di Carignano a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

The church, which stands out with its harmonious mass at the top of the Carignano hill, is one of the most famous Genoese works by Galeazzo Alessi and one of the greatest examples of Renaissance architecture in the city. The sculptures by Pierre Puget and Filippo Parodi contained within it are among the greatest masterpieces of the Genoese Baroque.
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The church of Carignano in Genoa – L’église de Carignano à Gênes – La iglesia de Carignano en Génova – A igreja de Carignano em Génova – Die Kirche von Carignano in Genua – Nhà thờ Carignano ở Genoa – Carignano 教堂在热那亚 – ジェノヴァのカリニャーノ教会

La spiaggia di Camogli il primo giorno d’estate

La spiaggia di Camogli il primo giorno d'estate

La spiaggia di Camogli il primo giorno d’estate.
Quest’anno l’estate è iniziata in sordina con il maledetto virus che ancora influenza le abitudini di tutti: turisti e locali.
Era una domenica pomeriggio e con gli amici siamo andati a fare un giretto nella bellissima Camogli.
Questa è la famosa spiaggia con la Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in fondo.
Gran bella foto che è veramente uno dei classici della mia Liguria (assieme al porticciolo di Vernazza ed alla Baia delle Favole a Sestri Levante).

Do you know the village of Camogli? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La spiaggia di Camogli il primo giorno d'estate

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

If you want to see all the photos taken in the beautiful Riviera town click here:
foto gallery

Here I also leave you a video, which I made on another occasion, always in the small port of Camogli:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero5.

E anche questi:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

The most significant architectural aspect of the town is the presence of colored buildings overlooking the beach. The colors and the lighter horizontal lines (called string courses) served the sailors of Camogli to more easily recognize their home among the various floors of the buildings in the village and return there after fishing.
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Camogli beach on the first day of summer – Plage de Camogli le premier jour de l’été – Playa de Camogli el primer día de verano – Praia de Camogli no primeiro dia de verão – Strand von Camogli am ersten Sommertag – Bãi biển Camogli ngày đầu hè – 夏季第一天的卡莫利海滩 – 夏の初日のカモグリビーチ