Il Battistero, il Duomo e la Torre di Giotto a Firenze

Il Battistero, il Duomo e la Torre di Giotto a Firenze

Il Battistero, il Duomo e la Torre di Giotto a Firenze.
Una dei punti più belli per fotografare lo splendido complesso del Duomo di Firenze è questo appena dietro il Battistero.
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Il Battistero, il Duomo e la Torre di Giotto a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.
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The Baptistery, the Duomo and Giotto’s Tower in Florence – Le Baptistère, le Duomo et la Tour de Giotto à Florence – El Baptisterio, el Duomo y la Torre de Giotto en Florencia – O Batistério, o Duomo e a Torre de Giotto em Florença – Das Baptisterium, der Dom und der Turm von Giotto in Florenz – Baptistery, Duomo và Tháp Giotto ở Florence – 洗礼堂、大教堂和乔托塔在佛罗伦萨 – フィレンツェの洗礼堂、ドゥオーモ、ジョットの塔

La facciata di Santa Maria del Fiore a Firenze

La bella facciata di santa Maria del Fiore, Duomo di Firenze

La bella facciata di Santa Maria del Fiore, Duomo di Firenze.
Una delle chiese più famose del mondo è sicuramente il Duomo di Firenze.
Rappresenta, dal punto di vista religioso, il Rinascimento artistico ed incanta con la sua bellezza.
Alla sua costruzione hanno partecipato personalità come: Arnolfo di Cambio, Giotto, Francesco Talenti, Giovanni di Lapo Ghini e Brunelleschi e contiene opere di Giorgio Vasari e Federico Zuccari.
La facciata più moderna,in stile neogotico, è opera di Emilio de Fabris.

Have you ever been to Florence and visited the cathedral? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La bella facciata di santa Maria del Fiore, Duomo di Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

This is the official website of the church:

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.
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The beautiful facade of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence Cathedral – La belle façade de Santa Maria del Fiore, la cathédrale de Florence – La hermosa fachada de Santa Maria del Fiore, Catedral de Florencia – A bela fachada de Santa Maria del Fiore, Catedral de Florença – Die schöne Fassade von Santa Maria del Fiore, Kathedrale von Florenz – Mặt tiền tuyệt đẹp của Santa Maria del Fiore, Nhà thờ Florence – Santa Maria del Fiore,佛罗伦萨大教堂美丽的门面 – フィレンツェ大聖堂、サンタマリアデルフィオーレの美しいファサード

A glimpse of the Florence Cathedral from the alleys

Uno scorcio del Duomo di firenze dai vicoli attorno

A glimpse of the Duomo of Florence from the surrounding alleys.
Walking through the beautiful alleys of the historic center of the city at a certain point this glimpse of the Duomo opens up before me that obviously I could not help but photograph and share with you.

Have you ever been to Florence and visited the cathedral? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Uno scorcio del Duomo di firenze dai vicoli attorno

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.
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A glimpse of the Florence Cathedral from the surrounding alleys – Un aperçu de la cathédrale de Florence depuis les ruelles environnantes – Un vistazo a la Catedral de Florencia desde los callejones circundantes – Um vislumbre do Duomo de Florença das vielas circundantes – Ein Blick auf den Dom von Florenz aus den umliegenden Gassen – Nhìn thoáng qua Nhà thờ Florence từ những con hẻm xung quanh – 从周围的小巷瞥见佛罗伦萨大教堂 – 周辺の路地からフィレンツェのドゥオーモを垣間見る

The view of all of Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo

La vista su tutta Firenze da piazzale Michelangelo

The view of all of Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo.
There is no better place to see (and photograph) the splendid city of Florence than Piazzale Michelangelo.
From here you can see almost everything: the Duomo of Santa Maria del Fiore, Palazzo Vecchio, the Basilica of Santa Croce di Firenze and Ponte Vecchio.

Have you been to Florence and Piazzale Michelangelo? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La vista su tutta Firenze da piazzale Michelangelo

La vista su tutta Firenze da piazzale Michelangelo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence is the most famous observation point of the city panorama, reproduced in countless postcards and an obligatory destination for tourists visiting the city.
It was built in 1869 based on a design by the architect Giuseppe Poggi on a hill just south of the historic center, to complete the redevelopment work on the left bank of the Arno.
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The view across Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo – La vue sur Florence depuis la Piazzale Michelangelo – Der Blick über Florenz vom Piazzale Michelangelo – Khung cảnh khắp Florence từ Piazzale Michelangelo

Piazza di San Giovanni a Firenze con il Battistero e il Duomo

Piazza di San Giovanni a Firenze con il Battistero e il Duomo

Piazza di San Giovanni a Firenze con il Battistero e il Duomo.
Quando si arriva in questa piazza di Firenze, arrivando dalla stazione ferroviaria, ci si devono stropicciare gli occhi tanto è grande la bellezza artistica che ci si apre davanti.
In primo piano il Battistero di San Giovanni (da cui il nome alla piazza) e dietro il Duomo della città, Santa Maria del Fiore ed il campanile di Giotto che fa capolino da dietro il soffitto del battistero.

Sei già stato a Firenze? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Piazza di San Giovanni a Firenze con il Battistero e il Duomo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.

San Giovanni square in Florence with the Baptistery and the Duomo – La place appelée San Giovanni à Florence avec le baptistère et le Duomo – A praça chamada San Giovanni em Florença com o Batistério e o Duomo – Piazza San Giovanni à Florence avec le baptistère et le Duomo – Der Platz namens San Giovanni in Florenz mit dem Baptisterium und dem Dom – Quảng trường được gọi là San Giovanni ở Florence với Baptistery và Duomo – 佛罗伦萨的圣乔瓦尼广场,有洗礼堂和大教堂 – 洗礼堂とドゥオモのあるフィレンツェのサン・ジョヴァンニ広場

Giotto's Bell Tower of Florence Cathedral

La torre di Giotto del duomo di Firenze

Giotto's bell tower of the Florence Cathedral.
You can't go to Florence and not stop to see the cathedral (Santa Maria del Fiore) with its famous bell tower.
The colors of the entire work are a kaleidoscope of marble colors: white above all and then green and red.

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La torre di Giotto del duomo di Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

The Giotto influence is especially evident in the pictorial nature of the refined covering in white marble (from the quarries of Campiglia Marittima and Pietrasanta), green (serpentine from Prato) and red (Monsummano Terme, Siena, Stazzema), and above all in the grandiose figurative cycle that adorns the base of the bell tower.
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Giotto’s bell tower of the Florence cathedral – Giottos Glockenturm der Kathedrale von Florenz – Le clocher de Giotto de la cathédrale de Florence – Tháp chuông Giotto của nhà thờ chính tòa Florence

Florence Cathedral and Baptistery

Il Duomo di Firenze e il Battistero

The Cathedral of Florence and the Baptistery.
The Cathedral of Florence, called Santa Maria del Fiore, is certainly one of the most beautiful architectural works in the world.
The colors and grandeur (it is the third largest church in the world) make it one of the most famous monuments in Italy.
The polychrome marble facade, the Giotto tower and the Baptistery of San Giovanni... all together they are a spectacle.

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Il Duomo di Firenze e il Battistero

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

Of course there is also the official website of the Duomo:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.
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The Florence Cathedral and the Baptistery – La cathédrale de Florence et le baptistère – La Catedral de Florencia y el Baptisterio – A Catedral de Florença e o Batistério – Der Dom von Florenz und das Baptisterium – Nhà thờ Florence và Bí ẩn – 佛罗伦萨大教堂和洗礼堂 – フィレンツェ大聖堂と洗礼堂