The mosaic of the apse of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan

Il mosaico del catino absidale di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

The mosaic of the apse of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan.
The mosaic of the apse of the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan is one of the most important works of art in the city. Made around 1200, it is a notable example of medieval mosaic art in Italy.
The mosaic represents Christ Pantocrator, seated on a throne with an open book, surrounded by the symbols of the evangelists. On his sides are figures of saints, including Sant’Ambrogio, to whom the basilica is dedicated. The representation of Christ is typical of Byzantine iconography, with a solemn face and a blessing gesture.
The mosaic follows the Byzantine iconographic canons, with a strong emphasis on the majesty and sacredness of the figures represented. The colors are bright, with abundant use of gold to emphasize the divinity and importance of the sacred figures. The mosaic tiles are arranged to create an effect of light and depth, which gives life to the figures.

The mosaic is not only a work of art, but also a symbol of devotion and spirituality. It represents the continuity of the Christian faith throughout the centuries and the centrality of the figure of Christ in the religious life of the community.

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Il mosaico del catino absidale di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website of the church:

To see all the photos I took of the Basilica click here:

The mosaic that occupies the semi-domed apse of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio depicts the image of Christ enthroned, surrounded by Saints Gervasius and Protasius, on a gold background.
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The mosaic in the apse of the basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan – La mosaïque de l’abside de la basilique de Sant’Ambrogio à Milan – El mosaico en el ábside de la basílica de Sant’Ambrogio en Milán – O mosaico na abside da basílica de Sant’Ambrogio em Milão – Das Mosaik in der Apsis der Basilika Sant’Ambrogio in Mailand – Bức tranh khảm ở hậu cung của vương cung thánh đường Sant’Ambrogio ở Milan – 米兰圣安布罗焦大教堂后殿的马赛克 – ミラノのサンタンブロージョ大聖堂の後陣のモザイク

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The main altar of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan

L'altare maggiore della Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

The main altar of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan.
The splendid basilica of Milan, famous for its façade and cloister, is also very beautiful inside.
Behind it is the apse in golden mosaics and in the middle, protected by the ciborium, the splendid altar covered in gold and silver positioned right above the relics of Saints Gervasio and Protasio and of Ambrose himself.

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L'altare maggiore della Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website of the church:

To see all the photos I took of the Basilica click here:

The altar of Sant’Ambrogio is the main altar of the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan. The altar is the fulcrum of the renovation that the Frankish bishop Angilberto II carried out in Sant’Ambrogio. The ancient basilica, with its heritage of relics, is the place where the political and religious program that guides the reorganization of the city and the territory by the bishop, representative of the Carolingian power, is manifested.
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The main altar of the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan – Le maître-autel de la Basilique de Sant’Ambrogio à Milan – El altar mayor de la Basílica de Sant’Ambrogio en Milán – O altar principal da Basílica de Sant’Ambrogio em Milão – Der Hauptaltar der Basilika Sant’Ambrogio in Mailand – Bàn thờ chính của Vương cung thánh đường Sant’Ambrogio ở Milan – 米兰圣安布罗焦大教堂的主祭坛 – ミラノのサンタンブロージョ大聖堂の主祭壇

Un particolare di uno dei portali del Duomo di Milano

Un particole di uno dei portali del Duomo di Milano

Un particolare di uno dei portali del Duomo di Milano.
Uscendo dalla visita della Cattedrale sono rimasto affascinato dalla porta in bronzo (la scenda delle 5) che raffigura le opere di Sant’Ambrogio il patrono della città meneghina realizzata dallo scultore Giannino Castiglioni.

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Un particole di uno dei portali del Duomo di Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took on the roof and inside the Duomo click here:

La seconda porta da sinistra invece è opera di Giannino Castiglioni che la completò nel dicembre 1950 assolvendo al compito di commemorare l’opera religiosa e politica di Sant’Ambrogio nella Milano imperiale.
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A particle of one of the portals of the Milan Cathedral – Une particule de l’un des portails de la cathédrale de Milan – Una partícula de uno de los portales de la Catedral de Milán – Detalhe de um dos portais da Catedral de Milão – Ein Partikel eines der Portale des Mailänder Doms – Một phần của một trong những cánh cổng của Nhà thờ Milan – 米兰大教堂门户之一的粒子 – ミラノ大聖堂のポータルの1つの詳細

The famous facade of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan

La famosa facciata della Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

The famous facade of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio in Milan.
When I visited this splendid basilica, one of the symbols of Milan, I still remember the first verses of the homonymous poem by Giuseppe Giusti that I learned in middle school:

“Vostra Eccellenza, che mi sta in cagnesco
per que’ pochi scherzucci di dozzina,
e mi gabella per antitedesco
perché metto le birbe alla berlina,
o senta il caso avvenuto di fresco
a me che, girellando una mattina,
càpito in Sant’Ambrogio di Milano,
in quello vecchio, là, fuori di mano.”

The famous facade with the quadriportico.

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La famosa facciata della Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio a Milano

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website of the church:

To see all the photos I took of the Basilica click here:

The basilica has a broad, flattened gabled façade and is equipped with two overlapping loggias. The sides of the lower loggia, which is made up of three equally sized arches, join with the portico, which has slightly higher arches.
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The famous facade of the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio in Milan – La célèbre façade de la Basilique de Sant’Ambrogio à Milan – La famosa fachada de la Basílica de Sant’Ambrogio en Milán – A famosa fachada da Basílica de Sant’Ambrogio em Milão – Die berühmte Fassade der Basilika Sant’Ambrogio in Mailand – Mặt tiền nổi tiếng của Vương cung thánh đường Sant’Ambrogio ở Milan – 米兰圣安布罗焦大教堂著名的立面 – ミラノのサンタンブロージョ大聖堂の有名なファサード