The Sassi of Matera in Basilicata

I Sassi di Matera in Basilicata

The Sassi of Matera in Basilicata.
How much history you can breathe when you arrive in the narrow streets of the City of Sassi, Matera.
I was able to visit it thanks to the cruise excursion I took with my girlfriend a few weeks ago.
Truly such a beautiful place that I could not imagine.
These houses, built one on top of the other, are nothing more than the external part of real caves dug into the mountain.
This is the view you can enjoy from one of the most famous terraces: the Belvedere Luigi Guerricchio from which you can see the Sasso Barisano.

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I Sassi di Matera in Basilicata

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

I took a lot of photos in the streets of the town, click here to see them all:
foto gallery

The origins of Matera are very remote and this is evidenced by the discovery in the surrounding area of ​​some settlements without interruption since the Paleolithic age. In fact, in the caves scattered along the Gravine materane several objects dating back to that era have been found, testifying to the presence of groups of hunters.
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The famous Sassi of Matera in Basilicata – Les célèbres Sassi de Matera en Basilicate – Los famosos Sassi de Matera en Basilicata – O famoso Sassi de Matera em Basilicata – Die berühmten Sassi von Matera in Basilicata – Sassi of Matera nổi tiếng ở Basilicata – 巴西利卡塔著名的马泰拉 Sassi – バジリカータ州のマテーラの有名なサッシ

I sassi in Baia delle Favole

Sassi in Baia delle Favole

Sassi in Baia delle Favole.
Le mareggiate di quest’inverno hanno riempito la solitamente sabbiosa Baia delle Favole in una pietraia.
Più avanti nella stagione si provvederà a sistemare la spiaggia per la stagione estiva ma al momento il panorama è questo.
Non abbiate paura perché, se io mi ricordo bene, tutti gli inverni la situazione è la stessa.

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Sassi in Baia delle Favole

Sassi in Baia delle Favole

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

The stones in the Bay of Fables – Les pierres de la Baie des Fables – Las piedras de la Bahía de las Fábulas – As pedras na Baía das Fábulas – Die Steine ​​in der Bucht der Fabeln – Những viên đá trong Vịnh ngụ ngôn