Pad Thai, the typical Thai salad

Pad Thai

Pad Thai, la insalata tipica thailandese.
Uno dei piatti tipici thailandesi e’ questa insalata stuzzicante con pollo e germogli di soia.
Ci sono diverse ricette ed ingredienti mixati e magari leggermente differenti da posto a posto. In questo caso, il piatto e’ stato mangiato a Phuket, c’erano: germogli di soia, pollo, uova, noodles e qualche verdura.
This is thearticle in which I explain how to prepare this dish.

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Pad Thai

Photo taken with Honor 10.

Pad Thai, phat thai or phad thai (Thai: ผัดไทย) is a Thai dish made of stir-fried rice noodles with various ingredients, such as egg, fish sauce, chili peppers, vegetables, bean sprouts, shrimp, and chicken or tofu. It is the most popular stir-fried noodle dish in Thailand and includes elements of both Thai and Chinese cuisine.
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Pad Thai, the typical Thai salad – Pad Thai, la salade thaï typique – Pad Thai, la típica ensalada tailandesa – Pad Thai, a típica salada tailandesa – Pad Thai, der typische thailändische Salat – Pad Thai, món salad đặc trưng của Thái Lan – Pad Thai,典型的泰式沙拉 – 典型的なタイのサラダ、パッドタイ

Eggs boiled in soy

Uova bollite

Eggs boiled in soy.
A classic, walking around the various Asian markets (here in Taiwan) is to see these cauldrons with eggs cooking. Obviously the strange thing is the color... due to the soy sauce. Actually I have read even worse: eggs cooked in lime and with an intense black color which, apparently, are a delicacy...

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Uova bollite

Eggs boiled in soy – Oeufs cuits au soja – Huevos cocidos en soja – Ovos cozidos em soja – In Soja gekochte Eier – Trứng luộc trong đậu nành

Tofu alla salsa di soia

Tofu alla salsa di soia

Tofu alla salsa di soia.
Nella incantevole città di Jiufen (famosa un tempo per la presenza di miniere d’oro), arroccata su una montagna, si trova questo mercatino famoso anche per questo piatto semplice: tofu cotto in salsa di soia e condito con salsa di soia.

Tofu alla salsa di soia

Tofu with soy sauce / Tofu mit Sojasauce / Đậu phụ sốt xì dầu

A good grilled squid

Calamaro alla griglia

A good grilled squid.
This is not the first image of a grilled squid that I have published but since it is one of the easiest dishes to find (and that I like) it is often part of my meal.
This one in particular was seasoned with a sweetish sauce (from what I can see here in Asia all the food is sweetish) I don't think soy because I would recognize it (maybe?!), but I would say it was good.

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Calamaro alla griglia

The squid (Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798), also known as the European squid or common squid, is a cephalopod mollusc of the Loliginidae family. The common name has the same etymology as “inkwell”, from the Greek kalamos (calamus), which from a pen case became an inkwell in the Middle Ages, thus alluding to the shape of the mollusc and the black defensive secretion it emits when threatened (similar to cuttlefish ink).
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A good grilled squid – Un bon calamar grillé – Un buen calamar a la plancha – Uma boa lula grelhada – Ein guter gegrillter Tintenfisch – Một con mực nướng ngon