Gli spaghetti alle vongole e bottarga

Gli spaghetti alle vongole e bottarga

Gli spaghetti alle vongole e bottarga.
A detta della mia ragazza quasi, fino ad ora, sono i migliori spaghetti alle vongole che lei abbia mangiato in Italia.
Con l’aggiunta di bottarga hanno ancora più gusto!
Li abbiamo gustati al ristorante Caffè del Porto di Santa Margherita Ligure (il sito

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Gli spaghetti alle vongole e bottarga

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Spaghetti with clams and bottarga – Spaghetti aux palourdes et poutargue – Espaguetis con almejas y botarga – Esparguete com amêijoas e bottarga – Spaghetti mit Venusmuscheln und Bottarga – Mỳ Ý với ngao và rau sam – 意大利面配蛤蜊和 bottarga – あさりとボッタルガのスパゲッティ

Spaghetti with cuttlefish ink

Spaghetti al nero di seppia

Spaghetti with squid ink.
A few months ago I explained to you (here) how to prepare squid ink sauce and in this post I want to show you how the dish came out with the pasta, precisely, seasoned with this sauce
These were excellent spaghetti and I hope that you like the photos I took and make you want to prepare it too, following my instructions.

Do you like pasta seasoned this way? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Spaghetti al nero di seppia

Spaghetti al nero di seppia

Spaghetti al nero di seppia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Spaghetti with cuttlefish ink – Spaghettis à l’encre de seiche – Espaguetis con tinta de sepia – Esparguete com tinta de choco – Spaghetti mit Tintenfischtinte – Mỳ Ý mực mực

Spaghetti with seafood, the recipe

Spaghetti con sugo di pomodorini, sgombro, pannocchie e gamberetti, la ricetta

Spaghetti with cherry tomato sauce, mackerel, corn on the cob and shrimp, the recipe.
Since I had some fish leftovers in the freezer, I decided to make a nice sauce with everything I had and some datterino tomatoes.

Ingredients (enough for two people):

– a couple of mackerel fillets
– a dozen cherry tomatoes
– a few prawns
– a couple of mantis shrimps
– extra virgin olive oil
– garlic
– chilli pepper
– salt
– spaghetti
– parsley


First prepare the fish; since it was all frozen the night before I put everything in the fridge to have everything ready for lunch. It's all very simple except for the mantis shrimp which have a simple technique to be cleaned (if you search online you will find many examples).

So let's get started!
Let's put some salted water on the stove to cook the spaghetti while we prepare the sauce.
In a nice pan we put plenty of oil, a crushed clove of garlic and the chili pepper.
When it starts to fry we add the cherry tomatoes that I previously washed and cut in half.
After a few minutes of cooking we add a little salt and remove the garlic and chili pepper.
In this preparation I added water or wine because enough water comes out of the cherry tomatoes.
After a good five minutes of cooking we add the mackerel (mashing it with a ladle); I let the mackerel cook for 5 minutes but perhaps it could be done in less time.
Now add the shrimp and, after a couple of minutes, the mantis shrimp.
Two minutes and turn off.
I don't like the cherry tomato balls so at this point I remove them, being careful to leave the pulp, possibly still attached, in the sauce.
If in the meantime you have already thrown in the pasta, now it will be almost ready; I always take it out a couple of minutes before it is ready to finish cooking it in the pan with the sauce.
In fact, I turn the heat back on under the pan with the sauce and add the spaghetti, also adding plenty of pasta cooking water.
After exactly two minutes the water has evaporated, leaving a thick and tasty cream.
And now everything is ready, sprinkle with parsley and plate!

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Here is the finished dish:

Spaghetti con sugo di pomodorini, sgombro, pannocchie e gamberetti, la ricetta

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Spaghetti with tomato sauce, mackerel, corn on the cob and shrimp, the recipe – Spaghetti mit Tomatensauce, Makrele, Maiskolben und Garnelen, das Rezept – Mỳ Ý sốt cà chua, cá thu, bắp ngô và tôm, công thức

Spaghetti al sugo di tonno

Spaghetti al sugo di tonno

Spaghetti al sugo di tonno.
Diverso tempo fa ormai mi sono preparato queso sughetto semplice con salsa di pomodoro e tonno fresco.
Semplice perché, in poco tempo di preparazione, si ottiene un piatto molto ma molto gustoso.
Ho comprato del tonno fresco a cubetti e ho fatto il sugo facendo prima la salsa.
Risultato ottimo davvero!

Spaghetti al sugo di tonno

Spaghetti al sugo di tonno

Spaghetti al sugo di tonno

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

A nice plate of spaghetti with octopus sauce

Spaghetti con il sugo di polpo

A nice plate of spaghetti with octopus sauce.
Some time ago I tried to prepare this dish and I must say that both the flavor and the photos came out really well, I think.
The sauce was really thick and tasty and the pasta used was exceptional.

For the recipe I refer you to article by Loris who wrote it a few weeks ago. For the spaghetti, which were given to me by a colleague, I leave you the pasta factory's website

Do you like this sauce? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Spaghetti con il sugo di polpo

Spaghetti con il sugo di polpo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Spaghetti with octopus sauce – Spaghetti sauce poulpe – Espaguetis con salsa de pulpo – Espaguete com molho de polvo – Spaghetti mit Tintenfischsauce – Mỳ Ý sốt bạch tuộc – 章鱼酱意大利面 – タコソースのスパゲッティ

Bun thit nuong: maiale grigliato con noodles

Bun thit nuong: maiale grigliato con noodles

Bun thit nuong: maiale grigliato con noodles.
Un piatto freddo veramente tipico del Vietnam con noodles di riso e carne di maiale.
Il piatto e’ moltosemplice e guarnito con qualche verdura in agrodolce e qualche arachide tostata.
Buono anche per i miei gusti e se fosse caldo sarebbe ancora meglio per me!
Non ricordo il luogo in cui ho assaggiato questa pietanza che, non essendo tipica di una regione in particolare, non mi fa ricordare dove ero.

Do you like Asian cuisine and Vietnamese in particular? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Bun thit nuong: maiale grigliato con noodles

Bun thit nuong: maiale grigliato con noodles

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Vietnamese cuisine seeks to combine fragrances, flavors and colors, based on the philosophy of the five elements. Many dishes contain the 5 basic flavors: spicy, sour, bitter, salty and sweet, which correspond to the five organs: gallbladder, small intestine, large intestine, stomach and urinary bladder.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

Bun thit nuong: grilled pork with noodles in Vietnam – Bun thit nuong : porc grillé avec des nouilles au Vietnam – Bun thit nuong: cerdo asado con fideos en Vietnam – Bun thit nuong: carne de porco grelhada com macarrão no Vietnã – Bun Thit Nuong: gegrilltes Schweinefleisch mit Nudeln in Vietnam – Bún thịt nướng: bún thịt nướng ở Việt Nam – Bun thit nuong:烤猪肉配面条 – Bun Thit nuong: 焼き豚と麺

Artistic Pesto Spaghetti at Home

Spaghetti al pesto artistici

Artistic spaghetti with pesto.
Perhaps the title may seem a little exaggerated but in my opinion this dish has something artistic about it.
One of the most classic dishes of Liguria, one of the most well-known (and imitated) in the world.
In this very soft shot, the freshly drained spaghetti are wrapped (cold, mind you) in this green sauce that will cover the surfaces in a few minutes.

There are so many posts on this site about Genoese pesto but I don't think I've mentioned one with artistic spaghetti al pesto. I'll link you to another nice article, written by Loris, on how to prepare this sauce. For what types of pasta to use, all you have to do is scroll down the page and consult the linked articles and you'll see that I suggest at least ten.

Do you want to have fresh Basilico Genovese Dop directly to your home throughout Italy? Check out this offer for you.

Do you like pesto alla genovese? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Spaghetti al pesto artistici

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron SP AF 90mm.

Artistic spaghetti with pesto at home – Spaghetti artistique au pesto à la maison – Artísticos espaguetis caseros al pesto – Espaguete caseiro artístico com pesto – Künstlerische Spaghetti mit Pesto zu Hause – Spaghetti nghệ thuật với pesto tại nhà – 艺术自制意大利面配香蒜酱 – ペストの芸術的な自家製スパゲッティ

Spaghetti with homemade Genoese pesto

Gli spaghetti al pesto a casa

Spaghetti with homemade Genoese pesto.
Finally home after four months away. Finally the favorite dishes that I missed so much, especially during the last difficult month, are back, especially in the last difficult month.
Even though I am in self-isolation and my parents manage to pass me food with some difficulty (they leave it outside the door to avoid contact), my favorite dishes are never missing.
Today spaghetti with pesto. Mom prepared the sauce, I did the rest (how hard it is to put the water on, you will say…)!

Do you want to have fresh Basilico Genovese Dop directly to your home throughout Italy? Check out this offer for you.

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Obviously they were excellent and I'll show them to you:

Gli spaghetti al pesto a casa

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

The basic ingredients of this typical Ligurian sauce are basil, garlic, olive oil, grated cheese and pine nuts. Now I want to describe some details about some of these ingredients, details that are accompanied by memories of my childhood and of my maternal grandparents, true
Continua e approfondisci la ricetta di Loris

Spaghetti with basil pesto, the most typical pasta dish of Liguria – Spaghetti au pesto de basilic, le plat de pâtes le plus typique de la Ligurie – Espaguetis con pesto de albahaca, el plato de pasta más típico de Liguria – Esparguete com pesto de manjericão, o prato de massa mais típico da Ligúria – Spaghetti mit Basilikumpesto, das typischste Nudelgericht Liguriens – Mỳ Ý với rau húng quế, món mỳ đặc trưng nhất của vùng Liguria – 意大利面配罗勒香蒜酱,利古里亚最典型的意大利面 – リグリアの最も典型的なパスタ料理、バジルペストのスパゲッティ

Spaghetti al pesto alla genovese

Spaghetti al pesto alla genovese

Spaghetti al pesto alla genovese.
La salsa ligure per eccellenza, una delle più famose al mondo, con degli spaghetti.
Non è il genere di pasta più famosa che si usa accompagnare (ancora più classiche sono le trenette, i corsetti, le trofie o i mandilli) ma sono altrettanto buoni.
Ho cercato di creare una foto un po’ particolare per questo piatto veramente eccezionale.

Do you want to have fresh Basilico Genovese Dop directly to your home throughout Italy? Check out this offer for you.

Ti piace il pesto alla genovese? Se hai domande oppure se vuoi farmi sapere la tua opinione su questo articolo lascia un commento cliccando here.

Spaghetti al pesto alla genovese

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Su Amazon si possono trovare diversi libri e ricette su questo piatto e ve ne propongo qualcuno: Pesto. Tradizione e futuro or Pesto & condimenti veloci. Vi suggerisco poi altri libri sulla cucina genovese in generale: La vera cucina genovese. Facile ed economica., La cucina dei genovesi. Storia e ricette or La vera cucina genovese: chicche di cucina 3.

Il pesto si ottiene pestando (mescolando a pressione) il basilico con il sale, i pinoli e l’aglio, il tutto condito con parmigiano, fiore sardo e olio extravergine di oliva. Si tratta quindi di una salsa a crudo, ovvero un composto nel quale gli ingredienti sono amalgamati a freddo, non cotti. Per questa caratteristica gli ingredienti non perdono le proprie caratteristiche organolettiche originarie.

Spaghetti with Genoese basil pesto – Spaghetti au pesto de basilic génois – Espaguetis con pesto de albahaca genovesa – Espaguete com pesto de manjericão genovês – Spaghetti mit genuesischem Basilikumpesto – Mỳ Ý với pesto húng quế Genova – 意大利面配热那亚罗勒香蒜酱 – ジェノババジルペストのスパゲッティ