Dream Sea: Carlisle Bay in Barbados

Mare da sogno: Carlisle Bay nell'isola di Barbados

Dream sea: Carlisle Bay on the island of Barbados.
One of the most beautiful beaches I have visited in the Caribbean is definitely the beautiful Carlisle Bay on the island of Barbados.
I always have to combine beauty with proximity to the ship (because I don't always have time to go that far away) so this is one of my favorites.

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Mare da sogno: Carlisle Bay nell'isola di Barbados

Mare da sogno: Carlisle Bay nell'isola di Barbados

Mare da sogno: Carlisle Bay nell'isola di Barbados

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black.

Here are also a couple of videos recorded on this beautiful beach:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Here's where the bay is located:

Barbados is composed mainly of limestone. It is a tropical island, constantly beaten by equatorial winds. Parts of the interior of the island are covered with large sugar cane plantations. Barbados is one of the Lesser Antilles, located east of the main chain of islands, and the closest nations are Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
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Dream sea: Carlisle Bay on the island of Barbados – Mer de rêve : Carlisle Bay sur l’île de la Barbade – Mar de ensueño: Carlisle Bay en la isla de Barbados – Mar dos sonhos: Carlisle Bay, na ilha de Barbados – Traummeer: ​​Carlisle Bay auf der Insel Barbados – Biển mộng mơ: Vịnh Carlisle trên đảo Barbados – 梦想之海:巴巴多斯岛卡莱尔湾 – 夢の海:バルバドス島のカーライル湾

Dream Beaches: Accra Beach in Barbados

Spiagge da sogno: Accra Beach alle Barbados

Dream Beaches: Accra Beach in Barbados.
Accra Beach, located on the southwest coast of Barbados, is one of the most popular and beloved beaches on the island. Also known as Rockley Beach, this destination offers a perfect mix of golden sand, crystal clear waters and a range of amenities that make it attractive to locals and tourists alike.
Accra Beach is famous for its fine golden sand that stretches for miles along the coast. The calm, turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea make it ideal for swimming and snorkeling.
Water sports enthusiasts will find plenty of opportunities for entertainment. You can rent snorkeling equipment, kayaks or take a boat trip to explore the marine beauty.
The beach is not just a daytime spot; Accra Beach also offers a lively atmosphere during the evening. With restaurants and bars lining the shoreline, you can enjoy a romantic dinner or take in local events and live entertainment.
Accra Beach is located close to the Rockley district, known for its vibrant shopping and dining scene. This makes it an ideal base for exploring other parts of the island.
The beach is often bustling with local vendors offering handcrafted souvenirs and traditional foods. This adds to the authentic feel and makes visitors feel immersed in Barbadian culture.

Accra Beach in Barbados is a destination that combines natural beauty with modern amenities, creating a complete experience for all who visit. Whether you are looking for relaxation, adventure or a mix of both, this beach offers an idyllic retreat in the heart of the Caribbean.
Have you ever been to the Caribbean or would you like to go? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Spiagge da sogno: Accra Beach alle Barbados

Spiagge da sogno: Accra Beach alle Barbados

Spiagge da sogno: Accra Beach alle Barbados

Spiagge da sogno: Accra Beach alle Barbados

Photo taken with Gopro Hero 10 black.

And here are some videos recorded on the beach:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero 10 Black.

Here's where the beach is located:

The origin of the name “Barbados” is somewhat controversial. The Portuguese, on their way to Brazil or the Spanish, are credited with being the first Europeans to choose the name for the island.
The name Barbados is said to derive from the Portuguese term os barbados (the bearded ones), given to the island in 1536 by Portuguese explorer Pedro A. Campos because the long, hanging aerial roots of the bearded fig trees (Ficus citrifolia), native to the island, looked like “beards.” The name the Arawak natives gave to the island was Ichirouganaim.
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Dream beaches: Accra Beach in Bridgetown in Barbados – Plages de rêve : Accra Beach à Bridgetown à la Barbade – Playas de ensueño: Accra Beach en Bridgetown en Barbados – Praias dos sonhos: Accra Beach em Bridgetown em Barbados – Traumstrände: Accra Beach in Bridgetown auf Barbados – Những bãi biển trong mơ: Bãi biển Accra ở Bridgetown ở Barbados – 梦幻海滩:巴巴多斯布里奇敦的阿克拉海滩 – 夢のビーチ: バルバドスのブリッジタウンにあるアクラ ビーチ

The text of the post was written with the help of ChatGPT, a language model from OpenAI.

The beach of Cavi di Lavagna

La spiaggia di Cavi di Lavagna

The beach of Cavi di Lavagna.
The beautiful beach to the east of Lavagna photographed from the Rocche di Sant’Anna on a gloomy morning in March.
The sea that is interrupted, at more or less regular intervals, by the breakwaters of rocks installed to protect the coast from the erosion of the sea.

Have you ever walked the path that goes from Sestri Levante to Cavi di Lavagna passing through Sant’Anna? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La spiaggia di Cavi di Lavagna

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Cavi di Lavagna beach photographed from the Rocche di Sant’Anna – Plage de Cavi di Lavagna photographiée depuis les Rocche di Sant’Anna – Playa de Cavi di Lavagna fotografiada desde la Rocche di Sant’Anna – Praia de Cavi di Lavagna fotografada da Rocche di Sant’Anna – Strand von Cavi di Lavagna, fotografiert von der Rocche di Sant’Anna – Bãi biển Cavi di Lavagna được chụp từ Rocche di Sant’Anna – 从 Rocche di Sant’Anna 拍摄的 Cavi di Lavagna 海滩 – RocchediSant’Annaから撮影されたCavidiLavagnaビーチ

I Bagni Sempione a Sestri Levante

I Bagni Sempione a Sestri Levante

I Bagni Sempione a Sestri Levante.
Dalle nostre parti, quando ci si avvia verso la stagione autunnale, i bagni privati iniziano a smantellare le strutture principali per prepararsi all’inverno.
Questi sono i Bagni Sempione (here la recensione su TripAdvisor), tra i più rinomati a Sestri Levante, che, in una mattinata di inizio ottobre scorso, cominciavano a chiudere i battenti… pronti a ripartire la stagione prossima.

Conosci questa spiaggia? Aggiungi un tuo comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

I Bagni Sempione a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

The Sempione Baths in Sestri Levante – Die Sempione-Bäder in Sestri Levante – Nhà tắm Sempione ở Sestri Levante

Mare da sogno: Lambert Bay a Tortola

Mare da sogno: Lambert Bay a Tortola

Mare da sogno: Lambert Bay a Tortola.
Se cercate una spiaggia nell’isola di Tortola, tranquilla e spettacolare, allora dovete venire qui.
Vi ho già postato alcune foto di questo luogo spettacolo.
C’è anche un bel resort (anzi c’è solo quello) e per poter andare in spiaggia bisogna entrarvi (gratuitamente).
State attenti alle onde però perché ci hanno detto che il mare è sempre un poco mosso qui.

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Mare da sogno: Lambert Bay a Tortola

Mare da sogno: Lambert Bay a Tortola

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Se vi interessa farvi una idea dell’Hotel eccovelo: Wyndham Tortola.

Tortola è la maggiore e la più popolosa isola del territorio d’oltremare del Regno Unito delle Isole Vergini britanniche. Essa ospita il capoluogo del territorio, Road Town. La tradizione locale racconta che fu Cristoforo Colombo che nominò l’isola Tórtola, come l’uccello tortora in italiano. Nei fatti, Colombo nominò l’isola “Santa Ana”. Un colono olandese la chiamò Ter Tholen, come una località costiera dei Paesi Bassi.
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Ecco dove si trova Lamber Bay:

Dream sea: Lambert Bay in Tortola – Mer de rêve : Lambert Bay à Tortola – Mar de ensueño: Lambert Bay en Tortola – Mar dos sonhos: Lambert Bay em Tortola – Traummeer: ​​Lambert Bay in Tortola – Biển trong mơ: Vịnh Lambert ở Tortola – 梦想之海:托尔托拉岛的兰伯特湾 – 夢の海:トルトラのランバート湾

Mare da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Mare da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Mare da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada.
Una delle spiagge piu’ belle dell’isola di Grenada e forse di tutti i Caraibi.
Peccato solamente che nell’unico giorno in cui ci sono andato il cielo non era limpidissimo e di conseguenza le foto non rendono appieno la bellezza della spiaggia e del mare.

Sei mai stato ai Caraibi? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Mare da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Mare da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

The most popular beaches are located in the southwest of the island, where the airport is also located. In this area is Grand Anse Beach, a 3 km long beach considered one of the 10 most beautiful in the world.
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Dream Sea: Grand Anse in Grenada Island in the Caribbean – Mer de rêve : Grand Anse sur l’île de Grenade dans les Caraïbes – Mar de ensueño: Grand Anse en la isla de Granada en el Caribe – Mar de sonho: Grand Anse na ilha de Granada, nas Caraíbas – Traummeer: ​​Grand Anse auf der Insel Grenada in der Karibik – Biển mộng mơ: Grand Anse trên đảo Grenada ở Caribe

Dream Beaches: Vinh Nam Chong Bay in Vietnam

Spiagge da sogno: Vinh Nam Chong Bay in Vietnam

Dream beaches: Vinh Nam Chong Bay in Vietnam.
One of the most beautiful beaches I have photographed in this country, unfortunately without being able to visit it.
The beach is located along the road that connects the city of Da Nang with that of Hue. A panoramic road that climbs the mountain overlooking the Vietnamese city.
An exceptional view and this beach, with an adjoining five-star resort.

Have you ever been to Vietnam? Do you like this beach?
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Spiagge da sogno: Vinh Nam Chong Bay in Vietnam

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Tamron 16-300.

Da Nang (called Tourane during the French colonial period) is located on the western bank of the Hán River in central Vietnam. With 1,346,876 inhabitants (2016) it is the fourth largest city in the country.
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Dream beaches: Vinh Nam Chong Bay in Vietnam – Plages de rêve : Baie de Vinh Nam Chong au Vietnam – Playas de ensueño: la bahía de Vinh Nam Chong en Vietnam – Praias dos sonhos: Vinh Nam Chong Bay no Vietnã – Traumstrände: Vinh Nam Chong Bay in Vietnam – Những bãi biển trong mơ: Vinh Nam Chong Bay ở Việt Nam – 梦幻海滩:越南 Vinh Nam Chong 湾 – 夢のビーチ: ベトナムのビンナムチョン湾

Scala verso il mare ad Antigua

Scala verso il mare ad Antigua

Scala verso il mare ad Antigua.
Nella splendida spiaggia di Dickenson Bay, nella famosia isola dei Caraibi, c’e’ questo punto molto scenografico.
Non fa venire proprio voglia di scendere quel paio di gradini ed immergersi in quelle acque turchesi?
Ho fatto diverse foto ma lo ammetto, la qualita’ dei colori non mi soddisfa. Non sono stato in grado di replicare la bellezza del posto.

Viaggiate con la fantasia con me. Sei mai stato ai Caraibi o ci vorresti andare? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Questo invece un bel video della spiaggia:

Videos recorded with Gopro Hero5.

Stairway to the sea in Antigua – Escalier vers la mer à Antigua – Escalera al mar en Antigua – Escadaria para o mar em Antígua – Treppe zum Meer in Antigua – Nấc thang xuống biển ở Antigua – 通往安提瓜海的阶梯 – アンティグアの海への階段

Spiagge da sogno: Great Bay a St Maarten

Spiagge da sogno: Great Bay a St Maarten

Spiagge da sogno: Great Bay a St Maarten.
Una delle spiagge piu belle dei Caraibi e forse una delle più famose.
Diversi anni fa c’ero gia’ stato ma non ero riuscito a scattare delle foto cosi’ belle.
La spiaggia e’ veramente un sogno, spero ve ne rendiate conto dalla foto.

E tu, sei mai stato a St Maarten? Aggiungi un comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

Here's where the beach is located:

Sint Maarten è una nazione costitutiva del Regno dei Paesi Bassi che ne comprende altre tre: i Paesi Bassi e gli stati caraibici di Aruba e Curaçao. Il territorio è costituito dalla parte meridionale dell’isola di Saint Martin, situata nel sud del Mare Caraibico. Il capoluogo è Philipsburg. Sint Maarten confina a nord con Saint-Martin, una collettività d’oltremare dipendente dalla Francia, il cui territorio costituisce la parte settentrionale dell’isola.
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Dream beaches: Great Bay in Philipsburg on the island of Sint Maarten – Plages de rêve : Great Bay à Philipsburg sur l’île de Sint Maarten – Playas de ensueño: Great Bay en Philipsburg en la isla de Sint Maarten – Praias dos sonhos: Great Bay em Philipsburg, na ilha de Sint Maarten – Traumstrände: Great Bay in Philipsburg auf der Insel Sint Maarten – Những bãi biển trong mơ: Great Bay ở Philipsburg trên đảo Sint Maarten – 梦幻海滩:圣马丁岛菲利普斯堡的大湾 – 夢のビーチ: シント マールテン島のフィリップスバーグにあるグレート ベイ

Dream Beaches: Grand Anse in Grenada

Spiagge da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Dream beaches: Grand Anse in Grenada.
The island of Grenada also has a really nice little beach not far from the ship.
I honestly don't know if it's the most beautiful and famous on the island. I'll just say that it's really beautiful and, even if the day I was there wasn't one of the nicest (meteorologically speaking) it was definitely worth a nice swim.
The sand is very fine, the water (fresh) is quite transparent and there are several resorts (perhaps a little too many) that provide you with sunbeds and drinks.
Very touristy unfortunately!

Have you ever been to Grenada or the Caribbean?
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Spiagge da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Spiagge da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Spiagge da sogno: Grand Anse a Grenada

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

The most popular beaches are located in the southwest of the island, where the airport is also located. In this area is Grand Anse Beach, a 3 km long beach considered one of the 10 most beautiful in the world.
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Dream Beaches: Grand Anse in Grenada – Plages de rêve : Grand Anse à Grenade – Playas de ensueño: Grand Anse en Granada – Praias de sonho: Grand Anse em Granada – Traumstrände: Grand Anse in Grenada – Những bãi biển trong mơ: Grand Anse ở Grenada