The Bay of Silence of Sestri Levante from the drone

Baia del Silenzio dal drone

The Bay of Silence in Sestri Levante seen from the drone.
A perspective of the Bay of Sestri Levante that is a little unusual for me.
These are the first shots I take with my new drone from the center of my town and I still have to get the hang of it a little.

But I have to say that this photo came out really well, don't you think so too? Add a comment comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Baia del Silenzio dal drone.

Photo taken with the drone DJI Mavic Mini.

This is a video, again made with the drone at the same time as the photo, with in particular the Torre dei Doganieri and the bell tower of the church of San Pietro in Vincoli with its base in Piazzetta Dina Bellotti:

Video made with drone DJI Mavic Mini.

The Bay of Silence of Sestri Levante seen from the drone – La baie du silence de Sestri Levante vue du drone – La Bahía del Silencio de Sestri Levante vista desde el dron – A Baía do Silêncio de Sestri Levante vista do drone – Die Bucht der Stille von Sestri Levante von der Drohne aus gesehen – Vịnh Im lặng của Sestri Levante nhìn từ máy bay không người lái – 从无人机上看到的塞斯特里莱万特寂静湾 – ドローンから見たセストリ・レバンテの静寂の湾

Piazzetta Dina Bellotti con le palme

Piazzetta Dina Bellotti con le palme

Piazzetta Dina Bellotti con le palme.
La splendida piazzetta, fulcro del centro storico di Sestri Levante, ancora con le palme.
La foto l’ho scattata diverso tempo ormai e, se non sbaglio, le palme qui riprese sono state tagliate come moltissime del nostro territorio.
Purtroppo il punteruolo rosso ha cambiato l’aspetto della nostra cittadina.
Unica cosa positiva è che adesso si potrà rivedere la Torre dei Doganieri in tutto il suo splendore.

Se hai domande oppure se vuoi farmi sapere la tua opinione su questo articolo lascia un commento cliccando here.

Piazzetta Dina Bellotti con le palme

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S10.

Dove si trova Piazzetta Dina Bellotti con le palme:

Dina Bellotti Square in Sestri Levante

Piazzetta Dina Bellotti a Sestri Levante

Dina Bellotti square in Sestri Levante.
The small square that is located behind the Sestrese alley, between Vico del Bottone and Vico Macelli.
I decided to make a new post both because I took this beautiful wide-angle shot of the entire square and because I was recently looking online for where this square was and couldn't find it.
This open space was dedicated to the painter who loved spending her holidays in our town.
The square is, for those who have never seen it, splendid; the splendid Torre dei Doganieri, often home to exhibitions; a little further behind one of the vine houses; and even further behind the start of the path to Mandrella.

Do you know this little square? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Piazzetta Dina Bellotti a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Where is this square located:

Bernardina Bianca Bellotti known as Dina Bellotti (Alessandria, October 2, 1912 – Rome, August 29, 2003) was an Italian painter. In 1938 she exhibited her works for the first time at the Venice Biennale, an exhibition that she would attend twice more in 1940 and 1942. Her most recurring subjects were landscapes, figures and especially portraits of children. Already in those years the young painter used to spend the summer periods with her family in Sestri Levante.
Continue and learn more on Wikipedia

The square called Dina Bellotti in Sestri Levante – La place Dina Bellotti à Sestri Levante – La plaza llamada Dina Bellotti en Sestri Levante – A praça chamada Dina Bellotti em Sestri Levante – Der Platz namens Dina Bellotti in Sestri Levante – Quảng trường có tên Dina Bellotti ở Sestri Levante – Sestri Levante 的 Dina Bellotti 广场 – セストリ・レバンテのディーナ・ベッロッティ広場

La torre dei Doganieri a Sestri Levante

Torre dei Doganieri

La torre dei Doganieri a Sestri Levante.
Un particolare luogo di Sestri Levante visibile solamente entrando in quella stretta e buia creuza del carruggio che appunto porta alla torre. Da vedere anche perché spesso è utilizzata per mostre locali. Ci dovrebbe già essere una foto, non in hdr però!

Torre dei Doganieri

Where is the tower located: