Michelangelo's tomb in Santa Croce in Florence

La tomba di Michelangelo in Santa Croce a Firenze

Michelangelo's tomb in Santa Croce in Florence.
The city of Florence, rich in history and culture, holds within it a treasure of art and meaning: the tomb of Michelangelo Buonarroti located in the Basilica of Santa Croce. This sacred place, once the residence of illustrious figures such as Galileo Galilei and Niccolò Machiavelli, welcomes the great master of the Italian Renaissance with a solemnity and respect that are worthy of the greatness of his contribution to art and culture.
Michelangelo, born in 1475 and died in 1564, was one of the greatest artists in history. His influence extended through sculpture, painting and architecture, giving life to iconic works such as the statue of David and the Sistine Chapel. After his death, Florence dedicated a final resting place to him in the Basilica of Santa Croce, a place already consecrated for its many tombs of illustrious personalities.
Michelangelo's tomb was designed by Giorgio Vasari, another great artist and architect of the Italian Renaissance. The work, completed in 1578, combines architectural and sculptural elements in a fitting tribute to Michelangelo's greatness. The monument is located in the Buonarroti family chapel, located on the left side of the nave of the basilica.
Michelangelo's tomb is an eloquent example of Renaissance funerary art. At the center is an allegorical statue of Hope, flanked by statues representing Activity and Philosophy. The figure of Michelangelo, created by Vasari himself, is placed on a sarcophagus surmounted by a portrait of the deceased, executed by Daniele da Volterra. The whole is characterized by a sense of balance and harmony, typical of the Renaissance style.
Every element of Michelangelo's tomb is full of symbolism. Hope, with outstretched wings, suggests the immortality of art and the continuity of its influence over time. The lateral statues symbolize the duality of Michelangelo's life, between the creative fervor of the artist and the philosophical depth of his thought.

Michelangelo’s tomb in Santa Croce is a masterpiece that combines art and spirituality. Every detail, from the architectural design to the allegorical sculptures, tells the story of a man who shaped the aesthetics of the Renaissance. This sacred place is an essential stop for anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the artistic and cultural legacy of Florence, paying homage to one of the geniuses who made this city eternally legendary.
Do you know or have you visited this beautiful church in Florence? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La tomba di Michelangelo in Santa Croce a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website: santacroceopera.it.

To see all the photos of the basilica click here:

The most famous tomb is perhaps that of Michelangelo Buonarroti, between the first and second altars of the right nave, designed by Vasari after the remains of the great artist arrived in Florence from Rome (1564). Above the tomb, three sculptures represent the personifications of Painting (by Battista Lorenzi, also author of the artist's bust) (around 1568), Sculpture (by Valerio Cioli) and Architecture (reattributed to Battista Lorenzi, previously attributed to Giovanni Bandini), saddened by the death of the great master, but the entire tomb is a mixture of painting, sculpture and architecture. The frescoes that decorate it are by Giovan Battista Naldini.
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Michelangelo’s tomb in the church of Santa Croce in Florence – Le tombeau de Michel-Ange dans l’église de Santa Croce à Florence – La tumba de Miguel Ángel en la iglesia de Santa Croce en Florencia – Túmulo de Michelangelo na igreja de Santa Croce em Florença – Michelangelos Grab in der Kirche Santa Croce in Florenz – Mộ của Michelangelo tại nhà thờ Santa Croce ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨圣十字教堂内的米开朗基罗墓 – フィレンツェのサンタ・クローチェ教会にあるミケランジェロの墓

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The splendid city of Lucca, pearl of Tuscany

Il panorama sulla splendida città di Lucca, perla della Toscana

The view of the splendid city of Lucca, pearl of Tuscany.
I took this photo some time ago but I can only publish it now.
It is the view of the splendid Tuscan city taken from the tower of the city's cathedral.
You can see the various towers that dominate the historic center very well.

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Il panorama sulla splendida città di Lucca, perla della Toscana

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Famous for its historical monuments, it is one of the few provincial capitals to preserve the historic center, rich in ancient structures from various eras, completely surrounded by a sixteenth-century wall that is intact and almost unchanged over the centuries. It is a notable city of art in Italy.
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The city of Lucca seen from the bell tower of the Duomo – La ville de Lucca vue du clocher du Duomo – La ciudad de Lucca vista desde el campanario del Duomo – A cidade de Lucca vista do campanário do Duomo – Die Stadt Lucca vom Glockenturm des Doms aus gesehen – Thành phố Lucca nhìn từ tháp chuông Duomo – 从大教堂的钟楼看到的卢卡市 – ドゥオーモの鐘楼から見たルッカの街

The splendid Florence Cathedral in all its magnificence

Lo splendido Duomo di Firenze in tutta la sua magnificenza

The splendid Duomo of Florence in all its magnificence.
I still had a couple of beautiful photos to publish from the last trip I had made to the Tuscan capital.
And obviously they are of the symbolic monument of the city: the Duomo of Santa Maria in Fiore.
A less classic photo, the first, lateral and a more classic one, the second, also with the Baptistery.

Have you ever been to Florence and visited the cathedral? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Lo splendido Duomo di Firenze in tutta la sua magnificenza

Lo splendido Duomo di Firenze in tutta la sua magnificenza

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

This is the official website of the church: duomo.firenze.it.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.
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The splendid Duomo of Florence in all its magnificence – Le splendide Duomo de Florence dans toute sa splendeur – El espléndido Duomo de Florencia en toda su magnificencia – O esplêndido Duomo de Florença em toda a sua magnificência – Der prächtige Dom von Florenz in seiner ganzen Pracht – Duomo of Florence lộng lẫy trong tất cả sự tráng lệ của nó – 辉煌的佛罗伦萨大教堂 – 壮大なフィレンツェのドゥオーモ

The statue of San Martino on the facade of the cathedral of Lucca

La statua di San Martino sulla facciata del duomo di Lucca

The statue of San Martino on the facade of the cathedral of Lucca.
If you are planning a trip to Lucca you absolutely cannot miss a visit to its cathedral.
The church is dedicated to San Martino who is “immortalized” in the statue on the facade.
The iconic scene of the Saint sharing his cloak with a beggar.
I wanted to remind you that the cathedral of Lucca has been one of the most visited by pilgrims for centuries.

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La statua di San Martino sulla facciata del duomo di Lucca

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took of the Duomo click here:

This, if you like, is the official website of the cathedral: museocattedralelucca.it.

As a circitor, his task was to patrol at night and inspect guard posts, as well as to supervise the garrisons at night. During one of these patrols, the episode that changed his life occurred (and which is still the one most remembered and used in iconography today). In the harsh winter of 335, Martin met a half-naked beggar. Seeing him in pain, he cut his military cloak (the white chlamys of the imperial guard) in two and shared it with the beggar.
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The statue of San Martino on the facade of the cathedral of Lucca – La statue de San Martino sur la façade de la cathédrale de Lucca – La estatua de San Martino en la fachada de la catedral de Lucca – A estátua de San Martino na fachada da Catedral de Lucca – Die Statue von San Martino an der Fassade der Kathedrale von Lucca – Bức tượng San Martino trên mặt tiền của nhà thờ Lucca – 卢卡大教堂正面的圣马蒂诺雕像 – ルッカ大聖堂の正面にあるサン マルティーノ像

The city of Lucca seen from the bell tower of the Cathedral

La città di Lucca vista dal campanile del Duomo

The city of Lucca seen from the bell tower of the Cathedral.
On my last visit to the splendid Tuscan city of Lucca, now several months ago, I managed to climb to the top of the bell tower of the Cathedral and take several photos of the roofs and the various famous towers of the city.
In fact, you can clearly see the famous Guinigi Tower with the famous centuries-old holm oaks at the top.

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La città di Lucca vista dal campanile del Duomo

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Famous for its historical monuments, it is one of the few provincial capitals to preserve the historic center, rich in ancient structures from various eras, completely surrounded by a sixteenth-century wall that is intact and almost unchanged over the centuries. It is a notable city of art in Italy.
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The city of Lucca seen from the bell tower of the Duomo – La ville de Lucca vue du clocher du Duomo – La ciudad de Lucca vista desde el campanario del Duomo – A cidade de Lucca vista do campanário do Duomo – Die Stadt Lucca vom Glockenturm des Doms aus gesehen – Thành phố Lucca nhìn từ tháp chuông Duomo – 从大教堂的钟楼看到的卢卡市 – ドゥオーモの鐘楼から見たルッカの街

Il Battistero, il Duomo e la Torre di Giotto a Firenze

Il Battistero, il Duomo e la Torre di Giotto a Firenze

Il Battistero, il Duomo e la Torre di Giotto a Firenze.
Una dei punti più belli per fotografare lo splendido complesso del Duomo di Firenze è questo appena dietro il Battistero.
Non sembra anche a voi?

Sei già stato a Firenze? Lascia un commento cliccando here.

Il Battistero, il Duomo e la Torre di Giotto a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, commonly known as the Florence Cathedral, is the main church of Florence, the symbol of the city and one of the most famous in Italy; when it was completed in the fifteenth century, it was the largest church in the world, while today it is considered the third in Europe after St. Peter's in Rome and the Milan Cathedral. It stands on the foundations of the ancient cathedral of Florence, the church of Santa Reparata, in a part of the city that has hosted places of worship since Roman times.
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The Baptistery, the Duomo and Giotto’s Tower in Florence – Le Baptistère, le Duomo et la Tour de Giotto à Florence – El Baptisterio, el Duomo y la Torre de Giotto en Florencia – O Batistério, o Duomo e a Torre de Giotto em Florença – Das Baptisterium, der Dom und der Turm von Giotto in Florenz – Baptistery, Duomo và Tháp Giotto ở Florence – 洗礼堂、大教堂和乔托塔在佛罗伦萨 – フィレンツェの洗礼堂、ドゥオーモ、ジョットの塔

The apse of the church of Saints Giovanni and Reparata

L'abside della chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Reparata a Lucca

The apse of the church of Saints Giovanni and Reparata in Lucca.
I have only been to the Tuscan city of Lucca a few times but after the first one I was convinced to return because it is a beautiful town with many interesting places to visit.
As soon as I had the chance I went there for a weekend and I enjoyed it.
This is the apse of the beautiful and ancient church that is right in the same square as the Cathedral of Lucca and that I absolutely recommend you visit.

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L'abside della chiesa dei Santi Giovanni e Reparata a Lucca

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

Click here to see all the photos of Lucca.

This is the official website of the museum complex: museocattedralelucca.it.

The Santa Reparata complex was built in the 5th century on an area of ​​Roman settlement. Around the 6th century the complex took on a cemetery function but in the 8th century the church was functioning again. In the 9th century a crypt was opened where the relics of San Pantaleone, found in 1714, were placed.
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The apse of the church of Santi Giovanni e Reparata in Lucca – L’abside de l’église de Santi Giovanni e Reparata à Lucca – El ábside de la iglesia de Santi Giovanni e Reparata en Lucca – A abside da igreja de Santi Giovanni e Reparata em Lucca – Die Apsis der Kirche Santi Giovanni e Reparata in Lucca – Đỉnh của nhà thờ Santi Giovanni e Reparata ở Lucca – 卢卡 Santi Giovanni e Reparata 教堂的后殿 – ルッカのサンティジョヴァンニエレパラタ教会の後部

The Lodge of the Lanzi in the Signoria square in Florence

La Loggia dei Lanzi in piazza della Signoria a Firenze

The Loggia dei Lanzi in Piazza della Signoria in Florence.
Although its real name is Loggia della Signoria, like the square of the same name, I knew it as the Loggia dei Lanzi.
This structure, created before the Renaissance (and with a Gothic appearance), was built to house the many public assemblies of the Florentine Republic indoors.
Inside there are various works of great value, among which the Perseus by Benedetto Cellini stands out.

Do you know Florence? Have you already been there? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

La Loggia dei Lanzi in piazza della Signoria a Firenze

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took in the beautiful Tuscan town, click here:

The Loggia della Signoria is a historic monument in Florence, located in Piazza della Signoria to the right of Palazzo Vecchio and next to the Uffizi, which is attached to the back with a terrace right at the top of the loggia.
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The loggia dei Lanzi in the Piazza della Signoria in Florence – La loggia dei Lanzi en la Piazza della Signoria en Florencia – A loggia dei Lanzi na Piazza della Signoria em Florença – Die Loggia dei Lanzi auf der Piazza della Signoria in Florenz – Loggia dei Lanzi ở Piazza della Signoria ở Florence – 佛罗伦萨领主广场的凉廊 dei Lanzi – フィレンツェのシニョーリア広場にあるロッジアデイランツィ

The Cathedral square of Lucca seen from above

La piazza del Duomo di Lucca vista dall'alto

The Cathedral square of Lucca seen from above.
The splendid Cathedral of Lucca, called San Martino, and the Antelminelli and San Martino squares, photographed from the top of the bell tower of the church of Santi Giovanni e Reparata.

Have you ever been to Lucca?
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La piazza del Duomo di Lucca vista dall'alto

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 11-22.

To see all the photos I took of the Duomo click here:

The main façade, oriented towards the west, is supported by the portico-narthex opening onto the square by three large arches, one of which is narrower due to the proximity of the pre-existing bell tower. Guidetto and his collaborators created bas-reliefs with the martyrdom of Saint Regolo depicted in the lunette above the entrance to the right nave, a cycle of the months and stories of Saint Martin.
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The square of the Cathedral of Lucca seen from above – La place de la cathédrale de Lucca vue d’en haut – La plaza de la Catedral de Lucca vista desde arriba – A praça da Catedral de Lucca vista de cima – Der Platz der Kathedrale von Lucca von oben gesehen – Quảng trường Nhà thờ Lucca nhìn từ trên cao – 从上面看到的卢卡大教堂的广场 – 上から見たルッカ大聖堂の広場

Gramolazzo Lake in the province of Lucca

Il lago di Gramolazzo in provincia di Lucca

Gramolazzo Lake in the province of Lucca
Some time ago I went on a little trip to Lucca and, on the way back, I decided to take the road that passes behind the Apuan Alps between Garfagnana and Lunigiana.
I must admit that I have never been there and I was very surprised to see this environment which is truly Alpine.
At one point we came across this beautiful alpine lake which I discovered was artificial.

Have you ever seen this lake? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Il lago di Gramolazzo in provincia di Lucca

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here's where exactly the lake is located:

The lake of Gramolazzo in the province of Lucca – Le lac de Gramolazzo dans la province de Lucca – El lago de Gramolazzo en la provincia de Lucca – O lago de Gramolazzo na província de Lucca – Der See von Gramolazzo in der Provinz Lucca – Hồ Gramolazzo ở tỉnh Lucca – 卢卡省格拉莫拉佐湖 – ルッカ県のグラモラッツォ湖