La focaccia genovese pronta da gustare

La focaccia pronta da gustare

La focaccia genovese è una cosa che manca a tutti quando siamo lontani dalla Liguria.
Recentemente l’ho anche fatta a casa ma il risultato, per quanto non così male, era decisamente lontano da quella del panificio.
Che fare? Comperarla, come faccio io. Da noi ci sono molti panifici e in quasi tutti il livello è molto alto!

Questa nelle foto è quella, probabilmente attualmente la migliore di Sestri, del Panificio Vassallo!
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La focaccia pronta da gustare

La focaccia pronta da gustare

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

In ancient times, the Phoenicians and Greeks used cereal flours such as barley and rye that were mixed with water and cooked over a fire. This allowed them to be preserved for long periods of time. The focaccia was considered by the Romans to be such a valuable food that it was offered to the gods during their celebrations.
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Genoese focaccia ready to taste – Focaccia génoise prête à déguster – Focaccia genovesa lista para degustar – Focaccia genovesa pronta para provar – Genueser Focaccia zum Probieren – Focaccia Genova đã sẵn sàng để nếm thử

A grilled swordfish steak in Palermo

Pesce spada alla griglia

A grilled swordfish steak in Palermo.
One of the great grilled classics is the swordfish steak. Throughout Italy it can be found on almost every menu.
This one, in particular, with a side of French fries, I ate in Palermo at the restaurant Torquemada.
It wasn't bad also because it's not difficult to prepare and if the fish is good and fresh it's a delight.

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Pesce spada alla griglia

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-M 22.

It is present in tropical, subtropical and temperate zones of all oceans, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Sea of ​​Azov. It is a typical pelagic fish that in certain situations can approach the coasts. It mainly populates surface waters but can descend to 800 meters; it usually does not descend below the thermocline. It lives in waters between 18 and 22 °C (juveniles also in warmer waters) and in cold areas, it migrates south in autumn.
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A grilled swordfish steak in Palermo – Une tranche d’espadon grillé à Palerme – Una loncha de pez espada a la parrilla en Palermo – Uma fatia de espadarte grelhado em Palermo – Ein Stück gegrillter Schwertfisch in Palermo – Một lát cá kiếm nướng ở Palermo

A slice of salmon while it cooks on the grill

Trancio di salmone

A salmon steak while it's cooking on the grill.
Here's a nice photo of a salmon steak while it's on the grill cooking.
A really simple dish to prepare.
Just buy a couple of salmon steaks at the fishmonger's, infuse them for a moment with lemon, oil (and for me a little soy sauce), heat the grill, and put the steak on it to cook.
That's it.

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Here's the photo:

Trancio di salmone

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40.

Salmo salar (Linnaeus, 1758), known in Italian as Atlantic salmon or simply as salmon, is a freshwater and marine bony fish typical of the temperate and cold seas of the North Atlantic. S. salar is the only species of salmon naturally present in the Atlantic Ocean. In the eastern Atlantic it is found between the Bay of Biscay to the south and the Arctic Circle to the north including the White Sea, the Barents Sea and Iceland; along the American coasts it is found between Quebec and New England. It is also present in the Baltic Sea. It is also found along the southern coasts of Greenland. In the past it also went up the Spanish rivers where it became extinct. It has been introduced in Chile, Argentina, New Zealand and Australia. It is completely absent from the Mediterranean Sea and from Italian and southern European fresh waters.
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A slice of salmon while it cooks on the grill – Un pavé de saumon cuit sur le grill – Un filete de salmón cocinado a la parrilla. – Um bife de salmão a cozinhar na grelha – Ein Lachssteak, das auf dem Grill kocht – Một miếng cá hồi nướng trên vỉ nướng

Focaccia Genovese: a slice to start the meal

focaccia alla genovese

Focaccia alla Genovese: a slice to start the meal.
It often happens that when you buy bread you also get a strip or a slice of focaccia alla Genovese.
How to avoid it? In all our bakeries it is always on display. Most of the time it doesn't even have time to get home because it is swept away as soon as you leave the shop.

But could you resist this spectacle?
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focaccia alla genovese

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Canon EF 40.

Since it is a typical Ligurian dish, there are already many posts about it and many photos. If you scroll down the page you will find tons of them.

In ancient times, the Phoenicians and Greeks used cereal flours such as barley and rye that were mixed with water and cooked over a fire. This allowed them to be preserved for long periods of time. The focaccia was considered by the Romans to be such a valuable food that it was offered to the gods during their celebrations.
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Focaccia Genovese: a slice to start the meal – Focaccia génoise : une tranche pour commencer le repas – Focaccia genovesa: un trozo para empezar la comida – Focaccia genovesa: uma fatia para iniciar a refeição – Genueser Focaccia: ein Stück zum Auftakt der Mahlzeit – Genoese focaccia: một lát để bắt đầu bữa ăn

Pane e focaccia

Pane e focaccia

Pane e focaccia.
Dalle nostre parti, la Riviera ligure, in quasi tutti i locali si serve, durante l’aperitivo, pane e focaccia.
Le bruschette da noi si fanno generalmente con la focaccia.
Se poi ci troviamo in un locale (Tapullo) che fa della promozione sui prodotti tipici della Riviera servendoli per gli aperitivi siamo al top.
Tranci di focaccia, focaccia rotonde, pane fresco e, sullo sfondo, del bel polpettone di verdure.

Pane e focaccia

Photo taken with iPhone 6.

Slice of focaccia on a cutting board as a snack

Trancio di focaccia

Slice of focaccia on a cutting board as a snack.
A good slice of focaccia with Genoese oil is always a pleasure. It doesn't always have to be eaten at the bar, perhaps with a cappuccino.
It's also excellent as a snack.

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Trancio di focaccia

Photo taken with Canon 600D and lens Tamron 16-300.

It can be eaten for breakfast, as a “fast breaker” in the morning or as an aperitif-appetizer. It is traditionally accompanied with a small glass of white wine (or gianchetto in Ligurian). It is customary (not typically Genoese) to dip the focaccia in cappuccino or milk for breakfast.
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A slice of focaccia on a cutting board as a snack – Une tranche de focaccia sur une planche à découper comme collation – Una rebanada de focaccia en una tabla de cortar como refrigerio – Uma fatia de focaccia em uma tábua de corte como lanche – Eine Scheibe Focaccia auf einem Schneidebrett als Snack – Một lát focaccia trên thớt như một món ăn nhẹ – 切菜板上的一片佛卡夏作为零食 – まな板の上のフォカッチャのスライスをおやつとして