Ravioli with ragù from the Ou Grumallu farmhouse

I ravioli al ragù dell'Agriturismo Ou Grumallu

Ravioli with ragù from the Ou Grumallu farmhouse.
As the most attentive readers will know, I really love ravioli with ragù, the Ligurian ones with a mixed filling of meat and vegetables, seasoned, when possible, with the typical tuccu (the touch, the Genoese meat ragù).
These are the excellent ravioli with ragù from the Ou Grumallu farmhouse in Case Soprane, in the municipality of Ne.

Go see my article with my personal ranking of the restaurants where I ate the best ravioli al ragù in the Province of Genoa di Levante.

What are the best ravioli with ragù for you? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Where is the restaurant located:

Ligurian cuisine is made up of dishes from the culinary tradition of Liguria, a region that uses ingredients linked both to local production (such as preboggion, a mixture of wild herbs) and to imports from areas with which Ligurians have had frequent contact over the centuries (such as Sardinian pecorino, one of the ingredients of pesto).
A poor cuisine, typical of country people, mountaineers and sailors, made of simple, common and cheap foods, which has however become expensive, refined and full of ancient glories.
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Ravioli with ragù from the Ou Grumallu farmhouse – Les raviolis à la sauce à la viande de la ferme Ou Grumallu – Los ravioles con salsa de carne de la masía Ou Grumallu – O ravioli com molho de carne da quinta Ou Grumallu – Die Ravioli mit Fleischsauce vom Bauernhof Ou Grumallu – Ravioli với nước sốt thịt từ Agriturismo Ou Grumallu

The ravioli with ragù from the Marchin restaurant in Borgonovo

I ravioli al ragù della trattoria Marchin a Borgonovo

Ravioli with ragù from the Marchin restaurant in Borgonovo.
It's been a while since I posted a nice photo of a plate of ravioli with sauce from my area.
These are the excellent ravioli with ragù from the Marchin restaurant in Borgonovo.

Go see my article with my personal ranking of the restaurants where I ate the best ravioli al ragù in the Province of Genoa di Levante.

What are the best ravioli with ragù for you? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Where is the restaurant located:

Ligurian cuisine is made up of dishes from the culinary tradition of Liguria, a region that uses ingredients linked both to local production (such as preboggion, a mixture of wild herbs) and to imports from areas with which Ligurians have had frequent contact over the centuries (such as Sardinian pecorino, one of the ingredients of pesto).
A poor cuisine, typical of country people, mountaineers and sailors, made of simple, common and cheap foods, which has however become expensive, refined and full of ancient glories.
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Ravioli with meat sauce from the Marchin restaurant in Borgonovo – Raviolis à la sauce à la viande du restaurant Marchin à Borgonovo – Ravioles con salsa de carne del restaurante Marchin en Borgonovo – Ravioli com molho de carne do restaurante Marchin em Borgonovo – Ravioli mit Fleischsauce vom Restaurant Marchin in Borgonovo – Ravioli với sốt thịt từ nhà hàng Marchin ở Borgonovo

I ravioli al ragù dell’Antica Locanda Luigina a Mattarana

I ravioli al ragù dell'Antica Locanda Luigina a Mattarana

I ravioli al ragù dell’Antica Locanda Luigina a Mattarana.
Diversi mesi fa, ormai, sono stato a mangiare una domenica a pranzo alla Antica Locanda Luigina (trattoria, ristorante, albergo) consigliatami da qualche amico.
Ovviamente il mio scopo era assaggiare i ravioli al ragù, il miopiatto preferito!
Devo dire che i ravioli erano buoni (come del resto anche tutti gli altri piatti) e saporiti. Entrano nella mia classifica ma non sul podio.

Go see my article with my personal ranking of the restaurants where I ate the best ravioli al ragù in the Province of Genoa di Levante.

Have you ever eaten ravioli here? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Ligurian cuisine is made up of dishes from the culinary tradition of Liguria, a region that uses ingredients linked both to local production (such as preboggion, a mixture of wild herbs) and to imports from areas with which Ligurians have had frequent contact over the centuries (such as Sardinian pecorino, one of the ingredients of pesto).
A poor cuisine, typical of country people, mountaineers and sailors, made of simple, common and cheap foods, which has however become expensive, refined and full of ancient glories.
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Ecco dove si trova la locanda:

The ravioli with ragù from the Antica Locanda Luigina in Mattarana – Les raviolis au ragù de l’Antica Locanda Luigina à Mattarana – Los ravioles con ragú de la Antica Locanda Luigina de Mattarana – O ravióli com ragù da Antica Locanda Luigina em Mattarana – Die Ravioli mit Ragù von der Antica Locanda Luigina in Mattarana – Món ravioli với ragù từ Antica Locanda Luigina ở Mattarana – 马塔拉纳 Antica Locanda Luigina 的馄饨配肉酱 – マッタラナのアンティカ ロカンダ ルイジーナのラグー入りラビオリ

I ravioli al ragù della trattoria La Tagliola a Carpenissone

I ravioli al ragù della trattoria La Tagliola a Carpenissone

I ravioli al ragù della trattoria La Tagliola a Carpenissone.
Qualche tempo fa, su invito di diversi amici, sono stato ad assaggiare (o meglio a ri-assaggiare dopo molti anni) i ravioli della trattoria La Tagliola a Carpenissone, nel comune di San Colombano Certenoli.
Devo dire che erano molto buoni e gustosi! Purtroppo il mio pranzo è stato disturbato da alcuni problemi personali che non mi hanno consentito di apprezzare al meglio il piatto principale (i ravioli). La trattoria non si piazza quindi sul podio dei miei favoriti ma forse il mio giudizio avrà bisogno di essere riformulato in un’altra visita!

Go see my article with my personal ranking of the restaurants where I ate the best ravioli al ragù in the Province of Genoa di Levante.

Have you ever eaten ravioli here? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Non avendo trovato un sito ufficiale vi mando alla pagina su TripAdvisor.

Where is the restaurant located:

Ligurian cuisine is made up of dishes from the culinary tradition of Liguria, a region that uses ingredients linked both to local production (such as preboggion, a mixture of wild herbs) and to imports from areas with which Ligurians have had frequent contact over the centuries (such as Sardinian pecorino, one of the ingredients of pesto).
A poor cuisine, typical of country people, mountaineers and sailors, made of simple, common and cheap foods, which has however become expensive, refined and full of ancient glories.
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The ravioli, the stuffed pasta with meat sauce from the La Tagliola restaurant in Carpenissone – Les raviolis, les pâtes farcies à la sauce à la viande du restaurant La Tagliola à Carpenissone – Los raviolis, la pasta rellena con salsa de carne del restaurante La Tagliola en Carpenissone – O ravióli, macarrão recheado com molho de carne do restaurante La Tagliola em Carpenissone – Die Ravioli, die gefüllten Nudeln mit Fleischsoße vom Restaurant La Tagliola in Carpenissone – Ravioli, món mì ống nhồi sốt thịt của nhà hàng La Tagliola ở Carpenissone – 馄饨,来自卡尔佩尼松 La Tagliola 餐厅的肉酱意大利面 – ラビオリ、カルペニッソーネのラ タリオラ レストランのミートソースを詰めたパスタ

I ravioli al ragù dell’Albergo Ristorante la Veranda

I ravioli al ragù dell'Albergo Ristorante la Veranda a Tavarone

I ravioli al ragù dell’Albergo Ristorante la Veranda a Tavarone.
Qulche settimana fa, su invito di un visitatore, sono stato ad assaggiare i ravioli al ragù (in genovese i raieu au tuccu) a Tavarone, un piccolo paese in Val di Vara (nell’entroterra di Sestri Levante e Casarza Ligure).
Ho scoperto dei ravioli proprio buoni tanto che li metto al terzo posto della mia speciale classifica dei ravioli!
Assolutamente da non perdere!
Solo un suggerimento: prenotate perchè gli orari ed i posti sono limitati!

Go see my article with my personal ranking of the restaurants where I ate the best ravioli al ragù in the Province of Genoa di Levante.

Have you ever eaten ravioli here? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Questo è il sito ufficiale del ristorante: albergolaveranda.it.

Where is it located:

Ligurian cuisine is made up of dishes from the culinary tradition of Liguria, a region that uses ingredients linked both to local production (such as preboggion, a mixture of wild herbs) and to imports from areas with which Ligurians have had frequent contact over the centuries (such as Sardinian pecorino, one of the ingredients of pesto).
A poor cuisine, typical of country people, mountaineers and sailors, made of simple, common and cheap foods, which has however become expensive, refined and full of ancient glories.
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The pasta ravioli with meat sauce of the Albergo Ristorante la Veranda in Tavarone – Les raviolis de pâtes avec sauce à la viande de l’Albergo Ristorante la Veranda à Tavarone – >Los raviolis de pasta con salsa de carne del Albergo Ristorante la Veranda en Tavarone – O ravióli de massa com molho de carne do Albergo Ristorante la Veranda em Tavarone – Die Pasta-Ravioli mit Fleischsoße vom Albergo Ristorante la Veranda in Tavarone – Ravioli mì ống với nước sốt thịt của Albergo Ristorante la Veranda ở Tavarone – 塔瓦罗内 Albergo Ristorante la Veranda 的肉酱意面馄饨 – タヴァローネのアルベルゴ リストランテ ラ ベランダのパスタ ラビオリ ミートソース添え

Ravioli with ragù from Cantarana Restaurant in Sesta Godano

I ravioli al ragù del Ristorante Cantarana a Sesta Godano

Ravioli with ragù from the Cantarana Restaurant in Sesta Godano.
A few months ago, on the suggestion of friends, I went to try the ravioli in Sesta Godano (in the province of La Spezia) from the Albergo Ristorante Cantarana.
I have to say that they were truly delicious, nice and plump and abundant and the sauce (the tuccu) was equally delicious.
Absolutely a restaurant to go to again!

Go see my article with my personal ranking of the restaurants where I ate the best ravioli al ragù in the Province of Genoa di Levante.

Have you ever eaten ravioli here? Add your own comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

Photo taken with Honor 20.

Ligurian cuisine is made up of dishes from the culinary tradition of Liguria, a region that uses ingredients linked both to local production (such as preboggion, a mixture of wild herbs) and to imports from areas with which Ligurians have had frequent contact over the centuries (such as Sardinian pecorino, one of the ingredients of pesto).
A poor cuisine, typical of country people, mountaineers and sailors, made of simple, common and cheap foods, which has however become expensive, refined and full of ancient glories.
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Ravioli with meat sauce from the Cantarana restaurant in Sesta Godano – Raviolis à la sauce à la viande du restaurant Cantarana à Sesta Godano – Ravioli con salsa de carne del restaurante Cantarana de Sesta Godano – Ravioli com molho de carne do restaurante Cantarana em Sesta Godano – Ravioli mit Fleischsauce vom Restaurant Cantarana in Sesta Godano – Ravioli sốt thịt từ nhà hàng Cantarana ở Sesta Godano – 肉酱馄饨,来自 Sesta Godano 的 Cantarana 餐厅 – セスタ ゴダーノのカンタラーナ レストランのラビオリ ミートソース添え

The best ravioli with ragù in Eastern Liguria

Ravioli al ragù alla ligure

The best ravioli (raieu) with ragú (au tuccu) in Eastern Liguria.

For some time now I have been trying to keep track and rank what I think are the best ravioli with ragù (the real one is called tuccu from the Genoese tocco, a piece, from the piece of meat cooked for a long time that we use to make the ragù) of the trattorias in my area. By “my area” I mean the eastern part of the Province of Genoa and the relative hinterland (since I live in Sestri Levante).
I'll say it right away: tocco is not always used as a condiment, sometimes it is the classic but equally tasty meat ragù.
Mine is not intended to be a competition but just a way to let you all know the best places, in my opinion, to go and eat this excellent dish.
I hope no one feels offended (de gustibus non disputandis est) also because, wherever I have been, I have come away satisfied!

Obviously these are the places I have visited and for this reason I ask you to suggest new ones. I promise I will try them when I am home and then I will write a post about them.
Leave me your opinion on my ranking or write to me in a comment What are your favorites and which ones should I try?

My ranking:

(updated August 28, 2023):

  1. place: Ü Pellegrin a Romaggi -> il post
  2. place: Marchin a Borgonovo -> il post
  3. place: La Veranda a Tavarone -> il post
  • Out of Ranking: i ravioli fatti in casa da mia mamma -> il post
The others:

The following are all good but they don't enter my personal podium (I have to try a couple again because they were really good and maybe I could change the ranking after a second tasting) and I'll list them in strict alphabetical order:

No longer in the rankings:

I have been to the following a long time ago and they are either closed or I cannot find information to understand if they are still open:

Out of ranking because it's not "in my area":
That I plan to visit (suggested in comments):
  • O Matte a Borzonasca
  • Da Rosa a Sussisa
  • La Loggia a Camogli
  • Pagliettini a Comeglio
  • Prevetto a S. Stefano d’Aveto
  • I Nonni a Villanoce
  • Taverna nel Bosco a Rovegno
  • Paretin a Cabanne
  • A Pria de l’Orto a Ne
  • La Brinca a Ne
  • Villa Casaggiori a Sestri Levante
  • La Beppa a Graveglia
  • Toni il Profeta a Carasco

The best ravioli with ragù in Eastern Liguria

The best ravioli with meat sauce in eastern Liguria – Les meilleurs raviolis avec sauce à la viande de la Ligurie orientale – Los mejores raviolis con salsa de carne en el este de Liguria – O melhor ravioli com molho de carne no leste da Ligúria – Die besten Ravioli mit Fleischsauce in Ostligurien – Bánh ravioli sốt thịt ngon nhất tại Đông Liguria – 东利古里亚最好的肉酱馄饨 – 東リグーリア州で最高のミートソースのラビオリ

I ravioli al tocco di Raviolhouse a Genova

I ravioli al tocco genovese del ristorante Raviolhouse a Genova

I ravioli al tocco genovese del ristorante Raviolhouse a Genova.
Dal momento che ieri, in almeno metà delle case della Liguria, si sono mangiati i ravioli al sugo ho deciso di pubblicare queste foto di un piatto fatto in un ristorante genovese che già dal nome fa capire tutto: Raviolhouse!
Solo ravioli nel menù (e poco altro) in tutte le salse.
Questi erano i ravioli classici, quelli ripieni di carne e non quello liguri di verdure e ricotta, conditi con il ragù alla genovese (il famoso “tuccu“)

Go see my article with my personal ranking of the restaurants where I ate the best ravioli al ragù in the Province of Genoa di Levante.

Have you ever eaten ravioli here? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

I ravioli al tocco genovese del ristorante Raviolhouse a Genova

I ravioli al tocco genovese del ristorante Raviolhouse a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Ravioli with Genoese meat sauce (called ‘tocco’) from the Raviolhouse restaurant in Genoa – Raviolis à la sauce à la viande génoise (appelée ‘tocco’) du restaurant Raviolhouse à Gênes – Ravioli con salsa de carne genovesa (llamada ‘tocco’) del restaurante Raviolhouse en Génova – Ravioli com molho de carne genovês (chamado ‘tocco’) do restaurante Raviolhouse em Gênova – Ravioli mit genuesischer Fleischsoße (Tocco genannt) aus dem Restaurant Raviolhouse in Genua – Ravioli với nước sốt thịt Genova (được gọi là ‘tocco’) từ nhà hàng Raviolhouse ở Genoa – 来自热那亚 Raviolhouse 餐厅的热那亚肉酱馄饨(称为“tocco”) – ジェノバのラビオルハウス レストランのジェノバ ミートソース (「トッコ」と呼ばれる) のラビオリ

The genoese meat sauce of my home, the recipe

ravioli al ragu di Marchin

The genoese meat sauce of my home, the recipe
Today I will briefly explain the recipe for Genoese meat ragù as I know how to prepare it.

In plenty of olive oil, fry chopped onion with a clove of garlic.
Add a nice piece of beef and a medium sausage and brown everything well.
Moisten with red wine and, once dried, add a few pieces of dried mushrooms and some pureed tomatoes.
Cook slowly for an hour.
Remove the meat, chop it, and put it back in the sauce to cook for another hour.

At this point the sauce is ready!

How do you prepare it at home? Add a comment or go to the bottom of the site to read what other visitors have written.

I leave you with an image of a nice plate of ravioli seasoned with meat sauce (not the tocco though):

ravioli al ragu di Marchin

The typical Ligurian meat ragu prepared at my home, the recipe – Le ragoût de viande typique de la Ligurie préparé chez moi, la recette – El ragú de carne típico de Liguria preparado en mi casa, la receta – O típico ragu de carne da Ligúria preparado em minha casa, a receita – Das typisch ligurische Fleischragout, bei mir zu Hause zubereitet, das Rezept – Món ragu thịt đặc trưng của vùng Liguria được chế biến tại nhà tôi, công thức

Ragù alla ligure con involtini, la ricetta

Ragù alla ligure con involtini

Ragù alla ligure con involtini, la ricetta.
Oggi desidero descrivervi il ragù alla ligure, il “tuccu”, come viene fatto da sempre in casa mia.
Non so se corrisponde esattamente ai canoni della cucina ligure ma è veramente ottimo.

Ingredienti per una bella pentola di sugo

Un bel pezzo di matama’ di manzo di circa 300/350 grammi è un paio di salsicce; una cipolla media tritata; olio d’oliva extra vergine abbondante; mezzo bicchiere di vino rosso, alcuni pezzetti di porcini secchi; una lattina di pomodori pelati e poco concentrato; alloro e rosmarino.
Per gli involtini: fettine di vitellone nel magro di spalla; cipolla tritata assieme a prezzemolo, pane grattato e salsiccia. Tagliare le fettine e batterle leggermente fino a far loro raggiungere le dimensionI di  cIrca 10 cm x 15 (ma non fate i geometri), racchiudere nel loro interno il battuto degli ingredienti appena descritti, e chiudere bene la carne con una stuzzicadenti.


Soffriggete la cipolla nell’olio aggiungete la carne e le salsicce facendole rosolare a fuoco vivace e poi gli involtini. Una volte che la carne sarà ben rosolata, bagnate con il vino, fate evaporare ed aggiungete i funghi secchi, gli aromi, i pomodori pelati passati ed il concentrato. Abbassate il fuoco e controllate il sale tenendo conto che la salsiccia è salata. Fate cuocere a fuoco basso per circa un’ora e poi tritate due terzi della carne e aggiungetela, continuando la cottura per un’altra oretta. 
A casa nostra con il ragù condiamo la pasta e nei giorni successivi serviamo gli involtini con poco sugo e riso pilaf. Questo tipo di accompagnamento degli involtini non è tipico ligure ma è stato introdotto in casa nostra da mia moglie Emma, che è un’ottima cuoca ma che ogni tanto inserisce nei suoi piatti piccoli ricordi della cucina delle sua originip Svizzere e che che ormai fanno parte delle nostre abitudini.
Provare per credere. Se non sapete, in altra occasione vi descriverò il riso pilaf, o pilaff o pilaw…

Ragù alla ligure con involtini

Ligurian meat sauce with rolls, the recipe – Sauce à la viande ligure avec petits pains, la recette – Salsa de carne de Liguria con panecillos, la receta – Molho de carne da Ligúria com pãezinhos, a receita – Ligurische Fleischsauce mit Brötchen, das Rezept – Nước sốt thịt Ligurian với cuộn, công thức – 利古里亚肉酱卷,食谱 – リグーリア風ミートソースロール添え、レシピ