The buildings on Piazza Santa Brigida in Genoa

I palazzi che si affacciano su piazza Santa Brigida a Genova

The buildings overlooking Piazza Santa Brigida in Genoa.
One of the most beautiful squares in Genoa, famous for hosting the old “truogoli” (public wash houses), but whose buildings are very beautiful.
I especially like, in addition to the colors of the facades, the series of laces (I'm not sure if that's what they're called) that separate the ground floor from the first floor.

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I palazzi che si affacciano su piazza Santa Brigida a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

In the centre of a small square that opens up into the maze of alleys between Via Balbi and Via Prè, surrounded by tall buildings, which were restored in the mid-1980s, are the “truogoli di Santa Brigida”, with an elegant metal roof, one of the few survivors of the numerous public wash houses that existed until the 1960s in every corner of the city.
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The palaces overlooking piazza Santa Brigida in Genoa – Les palais surplombant la piazza Santa Brigida à Gênes – Los palacios con vistas a la piazza Santa Brigida en Génova – Os palácios com vista para a Piazza Santa Brigida em Génova – Die Paläste mit Blick auf die Piazza Santa Brigida in Genua – Các cung điện nhìn ra quảng trường Santa Brigida ở Genoa – 俯瞰热那亚圣布里吉达广场的宫殿 – ジェノヴァのサンタブリジダ広場を見下ろす宮殿

The troughs of Santa Brigida in Genoa

I truogoli di Santa Brigida a Genova

The troughs of Santa Brigida in Genoa.
The troughs, the ancient public wash houses, which still remain in this beautiful little square between via Pre and via Balbi.
It is impossible not to visit it if you have to go to university (the humanities ones) in Genoa.

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I truogoli di Santa Brigida a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

In the centre of a small square that opens up into the maze of alleys between Via Balbi and Via Prè, surrounded by tall buildings, which were restored in the mid-1980s, are the “truogoli di Santa Brigida”, with an elegant metal roof, one of the few survivors of the numerous public wash houses that existed until the 1960s in every corner of the city.
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The troughs of Santa Brigida in Genoa – Les auges de Santa Brigida à Gênes – Los abrevaderos de Santa Brigida en Génova – Os cochos de Santa Brigida em Génova – Die Tröge von Santa Brigida in Genua – Các máng của Santa Brigida ở Genoa – 热那亚圣布里吉达的低谷 – ジェノヴァのサンタブリジダの谷

The troughs of Santa Brigida square in Genoa

La piazza dei Truogoli di Santa Brigida a Genova

The Santa Brigida trough square in Genoa.
When you get off at the Genova Principe train station and walk down via Balbi, you can't help but notice this much-photographed glimpse: in this little square, in fact, there remains one of the public wash houses that were once present throughout Genoa.
Furthermore, the little square is very well kept and the houses all around are splendid.

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La piazza dei Truogoli di Santa Brigida a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

In the centre of a small square that opens up into the maze of alleys between Via Balbi and Via Prè, surrounded by tall buildings, which were restored in the mid-1980s, are the “truogoli di Santa Brigida”, with an elegant metal roof, one of the few survivors of the numerous public wash houses that existed until the 1960s in every corner of the city.
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The square of the Troughs of Santa Brigida in Genoa – La place des Auges de Santa Brigida à Gênes – La plaza de los abrevaderos de Santa Brigida en Génova – A praça das Calhas de Santa Brigida em Gênova – Der Platz der Tröge von Santa Brigida in Genua – La place des Auges de Santa Brigida à Gênes – Quảng trường Máng Santa Brigida ở Genoa – 热那亚圣布里吉达槽广场 – ジェノヴァのサンタ・ブリジダの谷の広場

The Museum-Theatre of the Commenda di Pre in Genoa

Il Museoteatro della Commenda di Pre a Genova

The Museoteatro della Commenda di Pre in Genoa.
Walking from Principe station to the Porto Antico there are at least three streets you can take: Via Balbi, Via Pre or Via Antonio Gramsci.
Walking along the latter, which is the street under the Sopraelevata, you can breathe in the sea air and the air of the alleys without actually crossing either one or the other.
More or less at the beginning of the route you find yourself in front of this beautiful building, which is now a museum, which was once a convent, a hospital and even a maritime station.

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Il Museoteatro della Commenda di Pre a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

This is the official website of the Museo; questo instead it is the nice post of the Genoa Tourism website.

Here is where the building is located:

The complex consists of two Romanesque-style churches, one on top of the other, which constitute the bulk of the architectural body, and a three-storey building, the commenda, or rather the convent and the hospice (rooms on the ground floor), which fulfilled the dual function of maritime station on the routes to the Holy Land and hospital (ospitaletto), initially for pilgrims and later for the sick and the indigent of the city.
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The Museum-theater of the Commenda di Pre in Genoa in Liguria – Le Musée-théâtre de la Commenda di Pre à Gênes en Ligurie – El Museo-Teatro de la Commenda di Pre en Génova en Liguria – O Museu-teatro da Commenda di Pre em Gênova na Ligúria – Das Museumstheater der Commenda di Pre in Genua in Ligurien – Bảo tàng-nhà hát của Commenda di Pre ở Genoa thuộc Liguria – 利古里亚热那亚的 Commenda di Pre 博物馆剧院 – リグーリア州ジェノヴァの Commenda di Pre の博物館劇場

Piazza Sant’Elena a Genova

Piazza Sant'Elena a Genova

Piazza Sant’Elena a Genova.
Il fronte a mare del centro storico di Genova, quello che per intenderci si affaccia su via Antonio Gramsci, regala scorci splendidi.
Da queste piazzette ci si infila nei vicoli veri e propri (da qui, ad esempio, si va a via Pre) ed erano le vie di accesso al porto.
In questa piazzetta poi c’era un famoso mercatino chiamato Shangai.

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Piazza Sant'Elena a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here's where the square is located:

Piazza Sant’Elena, qui c’era un tempo il famoso mercatino di Shangai, nato nel secondo dopoguerra.
Bancarelle di souvenir e di abiti che venivano dagli Stati Uniti.
Le nuove generazioni non l’hanno mai veduto ma tutti gli altri genovesi si ricordano bene di quel mercatino sempre affollato di gente.
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The Sant’Elena square in Genoa – La place Sant’Elena à Gênes – La plaza de Sant’Elena en Génova – A praça Sant’Elena em Génova – Der Sant’Elena-Platz in Genua – Quảng trường Sant’Elena ở Genoa – 热那亚的圣埃莱娜广场 – ジェノヴァのサンエレナ広場