The central street called XX Settembre in Genoa

La centrale via XX Settembre a Genova

The central Via XX Settembre in Genoa.
Via XX Settembre is one of the main arteries of Genoa, combining history, culture and modernity in one vibrant street. Located in the heart of the city, this street is a point of reference for both residents and tourists.
Via XX Settembre takes its name from the date of 20 September 1870, the day on which Rome was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy, marking the end of the Papal States. The street was designed in the late 19th century as part of a plan to modernize the city. Along its route, you can admire historic buildings and architecture that tell the story of Genoa.
One of the most famous points of interest on Via XX Settembre is the Mercato Orientale, inaugurated in 1899. Located in the ancient cloister of the convent attached to the Church of the Consolazione, the market is a lively place where you can find fresh products, local specialties and an authentic atmosphere. Recently, the market has been renovated with the addition of a food market offering tastings, cooking classes and cultural events.
Via XX Settembre is also an ideal destination for shopping. Here you can find fashion boutiques, craft shops and department stores. The street is lined with elegant porticos that offer shelter during rainy days and create a pleasant environment for strolling.
Along Via XX Settembre, you can admire numerous historical buildings and monuments. Among them, the Ponte Monumentale stands out, an imposing neoclassical bridge that crosses the street, offering a panoramic view of the city. The facades of the buildings are decorated with architectural details that reflect the elegance and history of Genoa.
Via XX Settembre is also a meeting place for the Genoese. The cafes and restaurants along the street are perfect for a relaxing break, while the squares and open spaces offer a welcoming environment to socialize and enjoy city life.
The central Via XX Settembre in Genoa is much more than just a street. It is a symbol of the city’s history and culture, a place where past and present meet in perfect harmony. Whether you are a resident or a visitor, a walk along this street will offer you an unforgettable experience, full of discoveries and emotions.

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La centrale via XX Settembre a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

The power station via XX Settembre in Genoa – La via centrale XX Settembre à Gênes – La central vía XX Settembre en Génova – A via central XX Settembre em Génova – Die zentrale Via XX Settembre in Genua – Trung tâm qua XX Settembre ở Genoa

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

The cycle path on Via XX Settembre in Sestri

La pista ciclabile di via XX Settembre a Sestri Levante

The cycle path of via XX Settembre in Sestri Levante.
The road that goes from the roundabout of Piazza Sant’Antonio to the seafront promenade is called via XX Settembre.
On the side that runs alongside the gardens dedicated to Mariele Ventre there is this sidewalk which is at the same time a cycle path almost completely immersed in greenery.

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La pista ciclabile di via XX Settembre a Sestri Levante

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 28.

Here's where I took the photo from:

The cycle path on Via XX Settembre in Sestri Levante – La piste cyclable de la via XX Settembre à Sestri Levante – El carril bici de via XX Settembre en Sestri Levante – A ciclovia da via XX Settembre em Sestri Levante – Der Radweg der Via XX Settembre in Sestri Levante – Đường vòng qua XX Settembre ở Sestri Levante

A palace designed by Raffaele Croce in Genoa

Un palazzo progettato da Raffaele Croce a Genova

A palace designed by Raffaele Croce in Genoa.
I have seen (and I think photographed) this palace located in via XX Settembre, just a short distance from the Ponte Monumentale, several times but by searching and searching I managed to discover that it was designed in 1909 by Raffaele Croce.
I really like its style and colors!

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Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here is where the palace is located:

A palace designed by Raffaele Croce in Genoa – Un palais conçu par Raffaele Croce à Gênes – Un palacio diseñado por Raffaele Croce en Génova – Um palácio projetado por Raffaele Croce em Génova – Ein von Raffaele Croce entworfener Palast in Genua – Một cung điện được thiết kế bởi Raffaele Croce ở Genoa

The palace built by Benvenuto Pesce Maineri

Il palazzo costruito da Benvenuto Pesce Maineri in via XX Settembre

The building built by Benvenuto Pesce Maineri in via XX Settembre.
At number 26 of via XX Settembre in Genoa there is this beautiful building that I have already photographed other times but of which only today I discover something.
It was built by the urban planner Benvenuto Pesce Manieri, exponent of Art Nouveau and eclecticism.

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Il palazzo costruito da Benvenuto Pesce Maineri in via XX Settembre

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Where exactly is the palace located:

Number 26, characterised by a more mature and less academic style, has sea water as its main theme: spiral seaweed-shaped motifs that are repeated on the façade and as a constituent element of the antheris, leviathans that become finishing touches to the arches and uprights of the internal railings, dolphins and mythological motifs.
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The building built by Benvenuto Pesce Maineri in via XX Settembre – Le palais construit par Benvenuto Pesce Maineri dans la via XX Settembre – El palacio construido por Benvenuto Pesce Maineri en via XX Settembre – O palácio construído por Benvenuto Pesce Maineri na via XX Settembre – Der von Benvenuto Pesce Maineri in der Via XX Settembre erbaute Palast – Cung điện được xây dựng bởi Benvenuto Pesce Maineri qua XX Settembre –

The porticoes and the motto of Genoa in via XX

I portici ed il motto di Genova in via XX Settembre

The porticos and motto of Genoa in Via XX Settembre.
Via XX Settembre is one of the main arteries of Genoa, famous for its elegant and decorated porticos. These porticos, which extend along a large part of the street, are characterized by mosaic floors and richly decorated ceilings, with elements ranging from neo-Gothic to Art Nouveau style.
An interesting detail is the motto found under one of the neo-Gothic porticos, near the Zara exit. The motto reads: “As the Griffin seizes these, so Genoa tears to pieces its enemies”. This motto, accompanied by a griffin seizing an eagle and a fox, dates back to the ancient Republic of Genoa. The eagle represents imperial authority, while the fox symbolizes Pisa, one of Genoa's main rivals.

Have you ever walked under these porticos? Is there any detail that particularly struck you?
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Photo taken with Honor 20.

The porticoes and the motto of Genoa in via XX Settembre – Les arcades et la devise de Gênes dans la via XX Settembre – Los soportales y el lema de Génova en via XX Settembre – As arcadas e o lema de Gênova na via XX Settembre – Die Arkaden und das Motto von Genua in der Via XX Settembre – Các mái vòm và phương châm của Genoa qua XX Settembre

The text of the post was written with the help of Copilot, a virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence.

The beautiful via Fieschi in the modern heart of Genoa

La bella via Fieschi nel cuore moderno di Genova

The beautiful Via Fieschi in the modern heart of Genoa.
Travelling along Via XX Settembre, the modern heart of the Superba, several important streets branch off: one of these is Via Fieschi which, after the initial part, goes up to the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta in Carignano.

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La bella via Fieschi nel cuore moderno di Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here is the spot where I took this photo:

The Fieschi family was one of the major Genoese families. Of ancient origin – they took their name from the founder Ugo Fliscus – they were descendants of the counts of Lavagna who had begun to enlarge their fiefdoms within the Marca Obertenga in the 11th century. Originally from the Levante hinterland, the Fieschi had their feudal center in the Tigullio area, the Fontanabuona valley and the hinterland up to the Aveto valley. Here was the center of their power and where in fact the Basilica dei Fieschi was erected in Cogorno in the mid-13th century.
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The beautiful Via Fieschi in the modern heart of Genoa – La belle via Fieschi dans le cœur moderne de Gênes – La hermosa vía Fieschi en el corazón moderno de Génova – A bela via Fieschi no coração moderno de Gênova – Die wunderschöne Via Fieschi im modernen Herzen Genuas – Vẻ đẹp qua Fieschi ở trung tâm hiện đại của Genoa

Un bel palazzo nel centro storico di Lavagna

Un bel palazzo nel centro storico di Lavagna

Un bel palazzo nel centro storico di Lavagna.
Il centro della cittadina di Lavagna non è molto esteso ma recchiude diversi angoli e scorci molto belli.
Come questo bel palazzo, in via XX Settembre, che mi affascina molto!

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Un bel palazzo nel centro storico di Lavagna

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Ecco dove si trova esattamente questo palazzo:

A beautiful building in the historic center of Lavagna – Une belle bâtisse dans le centre historique de Lavagna – Un hermoso edificio en el centro histórico de Lavagna – Um belo edifício no centro histórico de Lavagna – Ein wunderschönes Gebäude im historischen Zentrum von Lavagna – Một tòa nhà đẹp ở trung tâm lịch sử của Lavagna

Il portico di via Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi

Il portico di via Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi a Genova

Il portico di via Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi a Genova.
Tutte le volte che percorro la splendida via XX Settembre a Genova cammino sempre con il naso all’insù per godermi le splendide architetture che la abbelliscono.
Oltre ai portici ed ai palazzi eleganti ci sono anche diversi punti in cui le strade laterali sono coperte, all”incrocio, con la continuazione dei portici.
Non so nemmeno come chiamare queste strutture: terrazze, archivolti, portici?
Questa è quella da cui parte via Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi e che si congiunge a piazza Dante.

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Il portico di via Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS RP and lens Canon RF 24-50.

Here's where the exact point is:

Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi (Genova, 6 gennaio 1871 – Genova, 3 agosto 1919) è stato un poeta italiano. È stato un precursore della poesia ligure del Novecento che va da Camillo Sbarbaro a Eugenio Montale, ma nella sua formazione s’incrociano anche residui carducciani e inquietudini decadenti che rinviano a Pascoli, a D’Annunzio e ai simbolisti francesi. Nelle sue composizioni migliori s’avverte un teso lirismo che si placa a tratti in eleganti movenze elegiache o in dense evocazioni del paesaggio ligure.
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The portico at the beginning of the street dedicated to Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi in Genoa – Le portique au début de la rue dédiée à Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi à Gênes – El pórtico al comienzo de la calle dedicada a Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi en Génova – O pórtico no início da rua dedicada a Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi em Gênova – Der Portikus am Anfang der Straße, die Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi in Genua gewidmet ist – Mái cổng ở đầu đường dành riêng cho Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi ở Genoa

The final part of via Fieschi in Genoa

La parte finale di via Fieschi a Genova

The final part of via Fieschi in Genoa.
Some time ago I went for a walk, with friends, in one of the parts of Genoa that I have never seen well.
This is in fact via Fieschi, the straight uphill road that from via XX Settembre goes up to the Church of Carignano that you can see there at the end.

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La parte finale di via Fieschi a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here's where the street is located on the map:

The final part of via Fieschi in Genoa – La dernière partie de la via Fieschi à Gênes – La parte final de vía Fieschi en Génova – A parte final da via Fieschi em Gênova – Der letzte Teil der Via Fieschi in Genua – Phần cuối cùng của thông qua Fieschi ở Genoa – via Fieschi 在热那亚的最后一部分 – ジェノヴァのヴィア フィエスキの最終部分

The square of the Abbey of Santo Stefano in Genoa

Piazza della Abbazia di Santo Stefano a Genova

The square of the Abbey of Santo Stefano in Genoa.
This church is in the heart of industrious Genoa; right in the center above via XX Settembre.
I'm copying and pasting a post from a few months ago because the photo was taken in mid-November.
It is enough, at the height of the Ponte Monumentale, to climb a few steps and you arrive on this terrace with the splendid church on one side and the beautiful noble buildings of via Venti on the other.

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Piazza della Abbazia di Santo Stefano a Genova

Photo taken with Canon EOS M100 and lens Canon EF-S 10-18.

Here is where the church is located:

The church of Santo Stefano (or abbey of Santo Stefano) is one of the most famous Christian places of worship in Genoa, and its parish community is part of the Vicariate of Carignano – Foce of the archdiocese of Genoa. Situated on a hill overlooking the central Via XX Settembre, it was one of the most significant examples of Romanesque architecture in the Ligurian capital. Christopher Columbus was baptized in this church and it is believed that the young Balilla was also baptized.
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The square of the Abbey of Santo Stefano in Genoa – La place de l’abbaye de Santo Stefano à Gênes – La plaza de la Abadía de Santo Stefano en Génova – A praça da Abadia de Santo Stefano em Génova – Der Platz der Abtei Santo Stefano in Genua – Quảng trường Tu viện Santo Stefano ở Genoa