Spiagge da sogno: Myrtos Beach in Grecia

Spiagge da sogno: Myrtos Beach in Grecia.
Dicono che sia una delle spiagge più belle del mondo; io non ne ho viste moltissime ma questa è sicuramente una delle più incantevoli.
Sabbia e sassolini bianchi, acqua azzurrissima e relax!
Si trova nell’isola di Cefalonia (Argostoli) in Grecia.

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myrtos beach

Dove si trova la spiaggia di Myrtos:

Myrtos is in the region of Pylaros, in the north-west of Kefalonia island, in the Ionian Sea of Greece. Myrtos beach lies between the feet of two mountains, Agia Dynati and Kalon Oros (901m). The surrounding sediment at the beach is generally made up of marble material, a metamorphosed limestone. The beach is made up of round, white cobblestones. The sediment gradually becomes smaller as you approach the shoreline. Because the slope angle has an abrupt drop near the edge of the shoreline, the wave energy is very high and causes the gradation trends from cobbles to pebbles along the beach.
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Dream beaches: Myrtos Beach in Greece – Des plages de rêve : la plage de Myrtos en Grèce – Playas de ensueño: la playa de Myrtos en Grecia – Praias de sonho: Praia de Myrtos na Grécia – Traumstrände: Myrtos Beach in Griechenland – Những bãi biển trong mơ: Bãi biển Myrtos ở Hy Lạp